Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 284 Sabbat: Ancient Town

"It is the devil who deceives people's minds and makes illusions become reality."

——Lake Tandi

Xia Ren found himself standing on a coastal path, with a vast ocean full of charm in the distance, and the cold and damp wind blew on his face, like a knife.

He could tell that the direction he was facing was the east, because the dim sunset had sunk into half of the sea, casting a large golden light. The waves were constantly beating on the rocks under his feet, and little stars could not wait to emerge, lighting up the entire area. The sky adds a bit of mystery.

But Xia Ren clearly remembered that the last scene was still night. He and Mu Susu worked together to trick the security guard into opening the door of the mental hospital and escape while wearing a nurse's uniform. How could he be here in the blink of an eye?

"What a beautiful sight."

A voice praised.

The person who spoke was not Xia Ren, but another person, and the voice came from the side.

Xia Ren turned around and saw a young man in his twenties, whose face still looked a little immature. He was wearing a down jacket on his upper body and a pair of jeans on his lower body. The trousers were frayed, and he was dressed simply.

Judging from the first impression alone, this guy has no money.

As soon as he saw the other person's face, all the memories that had been previously inaccessible due to mental illness emerged in Xia Ren's mind.

First of all, today is December 25, 1007, in the New Era, which is longer than the last time, a full 99 years different from reality.

The identity of the young man next to him is that he is the owner of his body, Bill Corleone's prospective son-in-law, named Yu Chen, and the wedding has been scheduled for next May.

The reason why they chose to come to this place was because their prospective son-in-law was invited by the family to participate in an ancient ceremony.

——When Bill first heard about the fact that his son-in-law had a family, he was as uneasy as the waves crashing on the rocks next to him, because in his long-standing impression, Yu Chen was just a poor boy whose parents had already He is dead, has no family property, and does not have a good job. Even if he agrees to marry his daughter to him, he will only lose his mind for a while.

In particular, the person who sent the invitation was dressed in a butler's attire and drove a luxury car that even Bill had never seen before. He respectfully handed the invitation to Yu Chen's hand.

Bill clearly saw that when the butler raised his hand, he inadvertently revealed the Rolex on his wrist.

He later checked and found out that the Rolex was worth 1.2 million alliance coins.

His poor son-in-law suddenly transformed and was about to fly into the sky. Bill didn't say anything, but he was actually happy for Yu Chen in his heart.

But then he had a new worry, that is, the future life of his son-in-law and daughter. Yu Chen's character was of course nothing to say. Bill had tested it himself. What he was worried about was whether the family behind the other party would have any strange rules.

Bill thought about it and decided to take advantage of the opportunity of the ceremony to come with his son-in-law to see what his family was like. Originally, his daughter was going to come with him, but unfortunately, she was the day before departure. , got a severe cold and could not participate in this trip.

Therefore, Bill could only embark on this journey with his son-in-law.

They took a seven-hour flight from Nanzhou to Xizhou, took another train, and took three buses before finally arriving at this... desolate place in front of them.

This path is too narrow and uneven in places, so they can only leave their temporarily rented vehicle at the intersection outside and walk here.

Xia Ren's thought at this time was that the old guy Bill and his son-in-law must have been deceived. Which family's important ceremony would be held in such a place where transportation is inconvenient.

Yu Chen didn't notice anything unusual about his father-in-law. He was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery in front of him and said, "It's amazing. I have never been here before, but I can often dream about this place. It turns out that this place really exists."

Based on Bill's original character, Xia Ren chose the most likely reaction at this time.

——He then snorted.

"Hurry up and move forward. If you continue to enjoy the scenery here, when it gets completely dark, we will both freeze to death on the beach."

Xia Ren said, tightening his collar.

"Sorry father-in-law, I'm a little excited."

Yu Chen laughed awkwardly and said, "But we should be there soon, if my dream is accurate."

Xia Ren's face suddenly felt a little cold. Xia Ren stretched out his hand and touched it. There was a little water on his fingertips.

He raised his head and saw tiny snowflakes starting to float in the gray sky, and they were getting bigger and bigger.

"Hell, the sun hasn't set yet over there."

Xia Ren and Yu Chen couldn't help but speed up their pace.

The further we go, the steeper the road becomes, and snowflakes are sparsely sprinkled on the road, adding to the anxiety.

There was a lingering haze in Xia Ren's heart, and uneasiness gradually enveloped his heart, as if he was constantly approaching danger.

Regardless of the reason for the previous scene change, he still remembered the main purpose of entering the ancient dream.

To catch a glimpse of the Old Ones, to put it bluntly, is to seek death.

So even though my body was already experiencing some discomfort, it only strengthened my determination to move forward.

Walking on the rugged terrain was very tiring, especially since they hadn't eaten since noon. Xia Ren gradually felt unable to do what he wanted, and a few drops of sweat broke out on his forehead.

After all, Yu Chen is young and has stronger physical strength, so he doesn't show any signs of fatigue yet.

He was walking in front to open the way. Suddenly, Xia Ren heard his call: "Father-in-law, we are here!"

Across a steep slope in front, you can see where the Yuchen family lives.

It is a stretch of ancient buildings - rusty weather vanes, spires, houses, chimneys, piers, bridges, weeping willows and cemeteries. The streets are continuous like a maze. These buildings are like children's building blocks. They are piled together haphazardly, leaving a not-so-wide main road in the middle. Along this road, the whole town is full of quaint atmosphere, like faded dark brown dry snake skin, extending all the way up from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. .

There is a church sitting on the top of the mountain. Time seems to have left no trace on it. It looks as clean as new. It must be that a lot of energy has been spent on maintaining it.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and soon a layer of snow fell on their shoulders. Although they could see clearly with their eyes, they were actually still quite far away from the town.

Bill was about to turn around to remind him, but saw that his father-in-law was even more anxious than him.

"Let's hurry up."

Xia Ren couldn't wait.

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