Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 393 Look under the bed

When Guo Licheng got off work that night, the female roommate had already moved into the second bedroom.

Only then did he remember that he was living in a shared apartment.

Guo Licheng's first thought was not to focus on the appearance and figure of this new female roommate, but what to do with his own doll?

If you just walk over and say, "I'm sorry, my doll is under your bed. I still need to use it, can you please open it?" and then carry the doll to your room in front of the other party...

Guo Licheng thought for a while and felt that if he really did this, his new roommate would probably run away overnight, and then the landlord would come to his door tomorrow.

He doesn't want to move out of the place where he has lived for three years. Moreover, the price of renting a house outside is now completely different from what it was three years ago.

So he decided to wait until the roommate left and secretly took the baby out.

But things went wrong. Although the new roommate looked good, he didn't seem to have a job. He basically didn't go out every day. He only ordered takeout for meals, and even sanitary napkins had to be delivered. After a week like this, Guo Licheng was already planning to give up. .

Anyway, it seems that this roommate is not a tidy person. Just a few days after arriving, the room has been messed up by her. Guo Licheng can't stand it anymore. He has to tidy up every day to keep the living room normal.

As for the second bedroom where her roommate lived, Guo Licheng took a look at it while she was opening the door. It was even more messy. He couldn't even clean the room, let alone clean the bed.

Anyway, the silicone doll is not a real person, and it will not break if left there. Guo Licheng simply pretends that he has never bought it.

During the break, he saw the landlord come several times, always saying that the room was too dirty, look under the bed, look under the bed.

Guo Licheng was also worried that his doll would be discovered.

But the roommate still sat on the sofa alone and ignored the landlord.

Guo Licheng breathed a sigh of relief, smiled awkwardly at the landlord, or chatted for a few words, thinking that collecting rent is not easy now, and he can meet anyone.

Of course, it’s best if your roommate doesn’t clean under the bed.

But Guo Licheng found that every time after chatting with the landlord, his roommate would look at him strangely.

The days passed like this, and soon it had been half a month since the new roommate moved in. The two of them met more often, and gradually they had some communication. They were not as unfamiliar as they were at first. Guo Licheng usually met her in the living room after get off work, and also We can chat for a few words.

The landlord came more frequently, and the most repeated phrase was:

"Look under the bed."

"Look under the bed."

But the roommate routine turned a deaf ear to her.

This is a dispute between the landlord and his roommate. Although Guo Licheng sees it, he can't get in the way. It's not good to offend anyone, so he just pretends he doesn't see it. He just admires the landlord's good temper. He can't bear it for a little rent. .

And Guo Licheng's roommate's attitude was actually something he was happy to see. After all, if he didn't clean under the bed, his baby would be safe.

Once after get off work, his roommate complained to him that there was always a vague smell when he went to bed at night. Guo Licheng thought that there was so much garbage in your room. Although it was winter and the temperature outside was low, the room was open It would be weird if the air conditioner didn't stink, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

But in the following days, his roommate complained to him more and more frequently, saying that the smell began to become obvious, and even Guo Licheng could smell it in the living room, but he still didn't take it too seriously and just vaguely reminded her to clean the house. of hygiene.

It didn't matter if he didn't remind him. When he did, Guo Licheng returned to his room and suddenly remembered that his roommate's tolerance for odors had become worse and worse recently. Sooner or later, he would clean it, and his baby...

So during the next day off, Guo Licheng volunteered to help clean the room. He could control the scope of the cleaning by himself and minimize the risk of being discovered.

Of course his roommate was very happy about this, and happily ordered him a 1L cup of milk tea.

Opening the door of the second bedroom, Guo Licheng immediately smelled a stench. The stench was very strange. It didn't smell like a pile of garbage, but more like... some kind of spoiled meat product.

My roommate usually eats takeout all the time, so it is normal for this smell in the room.

Well, maybe.

Guo Licheng felt a little uneasy for some reason.

He first cleared the garbage on his roommate's desk to the ground, then swept it with a broom, and then mopped the floor.

While they were cleaning, the landlord stood outside the door at some point. He looked at them and kept reminding them: "Look under the bed."

"Look under the bed."

Guo Licheng also discovered that the closer he got to the bed, the more obvious the smell became. When he mopped the bedside, he discovered that a yellowish-brown filthy liquid was flowing out from under the bed.

He thought it was terrible. Before he bought the doll, he had learned that during the manufacturing process, mineral oil was added to the silicone to enhance the elasticity and softness of the silicone, so that it would be close to the touch of a real person. Therefore, the problem of oil leakage from the doll was almost impossible. Inevitable.

But this is too serious.

Since it was his first time buying a doll, Guo Licheng didn't know if this was normal.

Is it because the air conditioner is on?

"Look under the bed."

The landlord said again.

Now that the landlord and roommates are here, if Guo Licheng really lifts the bed, he may die on the spot, so he can only bear the pressure and say: "This bed is too heavy, and it is difficult to clean under the bed."

The roommate also cooperated: "It's okay, it doesn't matter under the bed, you can just clean other places."

In this way, Guo Licheng hurriedly mopped up the dirty liquid that had flowed out, and then ended the cleaning.

His roommate thanked him very much and said that they could go out for a meal together in the evening.

But the landlord kept staring at Guo Licheng, which made him very uncomfortable.

That night, Guo Licheng had a nightmare. He dreamed that his landlord was standing beside his bed, looking at him with his head down without saying a word.

He wanted to run away, but as soon as he got out of bed, he slipped on the sticky and smelly liquid on the floor and fell to the ground.

Then he saw the landlord lying under his bed, his empty and muddy eyes staring in his direction.

Guo Licheng woke up from the bed with a start. The bedding and pillows under him were all wet with sweat.

He felt that this was caused by too much stress during the day, and the source of the stress was the silicone doll under Yu Ci's bed.

"There can be no further hesitation, it must be resolved as soon as possible."

Guo Licheng did not expect that the toy he spent tens of thousands of yuan on had not only failed to make his life better, but now, because of it, he was worried every day and had to bear the pressure of his landlord. It was really not worth the gain.

If you don't think of a solution, you will have a nervous breakdown.

The next day, my roommate started nagging again. Although the room was cleaned, the smell didn't seem to disappear.

After much deliberation, only under the bed was not cleaned.

Guo Licheng listened with fear and did not dare to respond to her complaint.

Fortunately, God finally favored Guo Licheng this time.

My roommate had to go out for something in the afternoon. When she left, the door to her room was unlocked.

"The opportunity has come."

Guo Licheng waited for his roommate to leave for more than ten minutes before quickly entering the second bedroom.

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