Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 402 Venomous Fangs

The fight continued, and tables and chairs overturned, creating a mess.

Aikawa Riko moved around in the small space, avoiding the enemy's attacks, which consumed a lot of physical energy. Before long, a layer of fine sweat beads appeared on her forehead, and her movements were not as agile as they were at the beginning.

These dolls have no sense of pain at all, and the fists and feet that fall on them can only repel them, and even the injuries caused by the dagger cannot affect their actions at all.

Gradually, Aikawa Satoko was forced into the corner of the tavern. With the huge gap in numbers, her defeat seemed to be a foregone conclusion.

Liu Huai leaned on the bar and sipped the wine in his glass. He held the young woman-like doll in his arms, looking at the battle over there, and the excitement on his face became more and more obvious.

Although the bar he had carefully decorated was in a mess, and the dolls were damaged to varying degrees, which made Liu Huai feel distressed, but he was able to get a new role, and it was a rare female detective. This reward was simply It’s even more surprising than getting an SSR from a single draw. No matter how much you pay for it, it’s worth it.

During the battle, Aikawa Riko had been observing Liu Huai's position with her peripheral vision. Seeing that the time was right, she suddenly squatted down and stabbed the dagger in her hand into the knees of the bartender and the security guard, reaching the bottom of the handle.

Important joints were damaged for the first time, and their mobility was immediately greatly restricted.

After temporarily eliminating the two most powerful people, Aikawa Riko burst out with astonishing speed, and her movements were several times faster than at the beginning. While running towards Liu Huai, she also pushed the tables and chairs next to her backwards. .

It turns out that her previous disadvantages were all faked, and being forced into the corner of the tavern was intentional, just to put a distance between Liu Huai and the doll and extend their rescue time.

Flesh and blood bodies cannot be compared with cold dolls. They have no life or pain. If the dolls are really to be eliminated, Kawariko will first die of exhaustion. So from the beginning, she had no intention of actually fighting with them. The puppets fight.

The most efficient way to capture the thief is to capture the king first and directly deal with the controller Liu Huai.

But the tavern was too small after all, and if he attacked Liu Huai directly, he would not be able to bypass the puppets, so Aikawa Riko pretended to fight with the puppets first, just to find this opportunity.

Now that the opportunity is ripe, it's time to end this battle!

Aikawa Riko had cleared all the obstacles between her and Liu Huai in the previous battle. At this time, she had no scruples at all and ran with all her strength.

Under the dim light, she emerged as an afterimage, like a black cheetah, heading towards the target.

When Liu Huai noticed something unusual and wanted to command the puppets to come back for help, he found that the distance between them had been too far, and the first thing blocking the puppets was a bunch of messy tables and chairs.

In the blink of an eye, Aikawa Riko was already close to the position five meters in front of Liu Huai. She could already see his surprised expression and his throat that was about to be stained with blood.

He took out the slender black iron drill from his windbreaker, held it tightly in his hand, and kicked his leather boots hard on the floor, making a loud sound.

"go to hell!"

The muscles in her legs were tense, and with the help of powerful force, Riko Aikawa shot straight ahead like a sharp arrow from a bow.

Victory was in sight. The top of the iron drill was only half a meter away from Liu Huai's throat, and everything was about to end.

The surprise on Liu Huai's face disappeared and turned into a sinister smile.

Aikawa Riko immediately realized that something was wrong. However, with such a fast speed and such a close distance, it was impossible to change her actions. The next moment, she suddenly felt as if she had hit a soft wall. The walls seemed elastic, yet extremely tough, somewhere between a fluid and a solid.

It was as if she had fallen from a high altitude and landed on her face on a piece of plasticine. The huge reaction force caused some of her internal organs to shift, and her forward momentum was instantly offset.

The iron hammer stopped thirty centimeters away from Liu Huai's throat. This short distance was like a rift in the sky for Aichuan Lizi, and he could no longer move forward.

"What is this!"

Aikawa Riko struggled hard to get rid of this feeling of restraint.

However, the more she struggled, the more severe the restraint became. It seemed as if more and more ropes were clinging to her body, tightly wrapping her limbs, and shrinking tighter and tighter. Soon, she felt like she was stuck in a swamp. All over my body, it was extremely difficult to even move my fingers.

"It really surprises me that you can do this to this extent. You don't look like...a human being."

Liu Huai panted excitedly as if appreciating a rare treasure, circling around Aichuan Riko to look at it.

The dolls had already moved their seats and were walking towards this side.

The little girl whose chest was pierced by an iron pick held Aikawa Riko's suitcase, jumped over and handed the suitcase to Liu Huai.

This box made Liu Huai instinctively disgusted. He frowned and weighed it in his hands.

"It's so heavy."

At least it weighs more than forty pounds.

It is impossible for a normal person to carry such a box around, let alone a woman. Whether she can lift it or not is a question, but she looks like she is holding it easily.

Liu Huai threw the box on the ground in disgust and asked the little girl to flip through the items inside. He found that there were all kinds of strange things in the box. He couldn't even name most of the items, and he couldn't even see some of them. Saw it.

However, these items all have a three-tooth gear mark printed on them, and there are three arrows inside.

Thinking back to the battle just now and the fact that this woman followed him all the way with a clear purpose, Liu Huai realized that there might be some organization specifically looking for monsters like him.

"What organization are you in?"

Liu Huai reached out and tried to hold Aikawa Riko's chin, but the other party turned away.

"You are dead."

Aikawa Riko said viciously.

She is a C-level investigator. Although she is newly promoted, she is still C-level.

If she disappears for no reason and cannot even send out a distress signal before disappearing, then according to regulations, the foundation will immediately send two A-level investigators to Linshan City to confirm the situation.

"You have character, but the more stubborn you are, the more I like you."

Liu Huai was trembling with excitement. What kind of organization was a mess? We will talk about it later. The most important thing now is to enjoy the surprising fruits of victory.

"This skin...this elasticity...this figure..."

Liu Huai put his hand into Aikawa Riko's large windbreaker and stroked it upwards along the curve of her waist. There was a happy expression on his face, and he was so excited that his brain was starved of oxygen.

Correspondingly, Aikawa Riko was extremely embarrassed and angry, but her body was limited. She could move her fingers to the limit, and it was purely a luxury to hope to fight back.

She was already beginning to regret her recklessness. She should have contacted the local logistics department and asked them to come for support before entering the house!

However, it is too late to say anything now. Aikawa Riko is already ready to die. If there is no chance later, she will take her own life!

The only thing that Riko Aikawa couldn't accept was that after his death, his body would be made into a doll by the other party.

Just thinking about it made her feel chilly.

"Ah~~I can't wait for the ceremony!"

Liu Huai groaned and suddenly opened his mouth. Two white fangs broke through the roof of his mouth and grew rapidly.

Aichuan Lizi's eyes widened, and her heart suddenly became filled with despair.

She never thought that this guy would be a "ghost" in his second form! That is, aberrations!

There is absolutely no hope. Even if there is a chance to break free, I alone cannot be his opponent.

Liu Huai's whole body trembled, and he couldn't wait to peel off Huichuan Lizi's collar and bite his snow-white neck.

There was an unbearable pain in her neck. If her body hadn't been restrained, Aikawa Riko would have curled up in pain on the spot.

She gritted her teeth to keep from making a sound, and was about to commit suicide when her head suddenly became dizzy.

"It's over..."

My body was so limp that I couldn't exert any strength.

In a daze, she felt like she was being hung head down, but what surprised her was that Liu Huai seemed to be hung up as well.

"I'm really... unwilling to die here..."


"What kind of bondage play are you doing? Why don't you take me with you?"

In the daze, a man's voice clearly reached Riko Aikawa's ears.

The white cat is resurrected! Ask for a monthly pass!

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