After the shock, Liu Huai's eyes focused on the crowbar in Xia Ren's hand.

Because of Xuanjun's Seven Chapter Secret Scripture, Xia Ren's aura was hidden to avoid the search of Hastur's minions.

Therefore, in Liu Huai's view, Xia Ren's ability to defeat his puppet in one face-to-face was all due to the black crowbar. Apart from being handsome, the leader of the man looked like an ordinary human being. , nothing special at all.

On the contrary, the two women and the green-haired little girl next to him made Liu Huai a little confused, especially the little girl. Liu Huai even felt subconsciously afraid. He always felt that she was not what she looked like. cute.

Just as he was looking at Lily, Lily was also looking at him. The little guy's mouth was slightly open, with a few drops of crystal saliva flowing out of the corner of his mouth, giving people a silly feeling.

Liu Huai couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous. He was so afraid of such a little girl just for a moment. It was really embarrassing.

He turned to look at Xia Ren again, his grin revealing two white fangs.

"Do you really think my doll has this much strength?"

As soon as the words were said, the security guard who fell on the ground had already sat up and stood in front of everyone.

The white threads covering the floor seemed to be alive. They rushed towards the broken upper half of his body and quickly gathered into flesh and blood. In the blink of an eye, the part of the security guard's body that had been blown up was completely repaired.


Xia Ren glanced at the tavern.

These threads include Liu Huai's hanging posture and the two fangs in his mouth...

Xia Ren subconsciously thought of a creature.


Xia Ren is no stranger to spiders. When Huang Qiuyuan moved to live above him, he and Liu Xiuxiu went to the sixth floor to check the situation and encountered spider silk.

Later, during the Liming Middle School incident, spider threads were also found in Xu Qiang’s home who dragged them into the dream. At that time, Liang Wan had suspected that the Immortal Society was causing trouble, because wherever members of the Immortal Society had been active, there would be more or less traces of them. There are some traces of spider silk.

In the end, Xia Ren confirmed that all the spider silks were left by Huang Qiuyuan. The latter seemed to have some connection with spiders, but it was still uncertain whether he was an immortal.

He didn't expect to meet people who were related to Spiders in Linshan City, but Liu Huai couldn't be a member of the Youthful Society, because as far as he knew, the real members of the Youthful Society were all controlled by people in this society. People with powerful power are usually local politicians in the alliance government, such as most parliamentarians.

Liu Huai's identity is too ordinary. It seems that he had an accident two years ago and became what he is now. In order to hide his identity, he has been working in the past two years, and even though he was contaminated, he obtained Some kind of power, but still sitting in this small tourist city, playing puppet games, there is really no future.

The Ageless Society should not have such rubbish members, otherwise it would not be able to become a secret organization that can cause headaches for the Foundation, and it has always remained mysterious to this day.

His connection with spiders may be some kind of coincidence.

Above the stage, Riko Aikawa heard a sound and reluctantly opened her eyes. However, the lack of oxygen in her brain and the venom injected into her body made her vision blurred and she could not see anything clearly.

But in a daze, she seemed to be able to see a huge, amorphous monster emitting green fluorescence entrenched in the tavern. Countless eyeballs appeared on the monster's body, and then immediately collapsed, and the cycle continued.

Suddenly, the countless eyeballs turned in unison and looked at him.

Aikawa Riko rolled her eyes and fainted completely.

Lily tilted her head, focused her eyes on Liu Huai again, and continued to drool.

After the security guard recovered from his injuries, he did not take action immediately. Instead, he first took a few steps back to prevent being attacked again.

With the lesson just learned, Liu Huai already knew that a puppet alone could not pose any threat to Xia Ren.

The other puppets also walked off the stage one after another. The injuries originally caused by Riko Aikawa on their bodies had long since healed. Judging from the number of people alone, Xia Ren's side was at a clear disadvantage.

"Why did you frame Guo Licheng?"

The puppets were about to take action, but in the tense atmosphere, Xia Ren suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

Upon hearing these words, Liu Huai's expression changed slightly and he said in a vicious voice:

"What does this have to do with you?"

Xia Ren said matter-of-factly: "I am now Guo Licheng's defense lawyer, and of course this has something to do with me."


It was originally a scene about to be fought, but suddenly the other party talked about Guo Licheng's case.

Not everyone has Xia Ren's jumping thinking. Faced with two things that are beyond his control, Liu Huai is a little irritable.

"If you want to fight, then fight. Why are you talking about all this nonsense?"

After saying that, the puppets took steps and were about to take action.


Xia Ren suddenly shouted stop.

Liu Huai became even more irritable: "What are you doing!"

"Nothing, just..."

Xia Ren looked at the dolls with an undisguised expression of disgust on his face: "A small suggestion, there is no malice. These dolls you made are a bit unreal. You can tell they are fake at a glance. I think there are many areas that can be improved. Why don’t you take a look at the online tutorials? Nowadays, silicone dolls are better looking than yours."

"What did you say!"

Liu Huai opened his eyes wide and his face turned red almost instantly.

"You actually said that my doll..."

"It doesn't look good." Xia Ren interrupted.

Liu Huai choked on his words, and his expression was extremely bad.

He was breathing heavily, obviously about to explode from what he said.


Liu Huai covered his head and shouted: "You idiot! Do you have a brain? Why do you say my doll is not good-looking? Are you a coelenterate? You eat and poop with one mouth..."

No one can tolerate having their greatest hobbies and things they are proud of being insulted.

Liu Huai hung upside down from the ceiling, waving his hands, so angry that he transformed into a Zuan man, spitting out fragrance.

Xia Ren thought that indeed, he probably knew why Liu Huai wanted to frame Guo Licheng.

"I see that these puppets of yours have stiff movements and slow reactions. Each one of them looks stupider than the last. They have no soul at all."

"They all need your control to act, right?"

"There are actually quite a few female characters in it, so aren't the words that come out of their mouths all said by you?"

Xia Ren pinched his throat and imitated the tone of a little girl's voice: "Oh~ This is really disgusting~"


Liu Huai's whole body was about to burst.

He couldn't listen anymore, and stretched out his hand to control the puppets and rushed towards Xia Ren.

No matter what new characters or pleasant rituals, he just wants to kill people now, just like to make this damn hermaphrodite shut his stinking mouth forever!

"Tsk, this won't work. It's boring."

Xia Ren suddenly suppressed his smile and closed his eyes.

"Let me teach you what real control is!"

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