"When I was in adolescence, I would sometimes fall into bizarre dreams. It was a flat continent with no curved horizon. When I raised my head, I could see that weird star next to the sun, with countless cats living on it. ."

"I can create anything I want on that continent, countless money, all kinds of beautiful women, even my classmates, my neighbor's daughter, stars in advertisements, in reality They all dislike me, even hate me, but in their dreams, they all want to be played with by me. But I often feel deep fear, as if there is always some unknown danger hidden in that world."

"I was addicted to that wonderful dream, which gradually made my way of thinking away from reality. I always like to fantasize during the day, imagining that I can get everything I want in reality just like in my dreams, but reality is cruel , my character became withdrawn and weird, I was quickly ostracized by the people around me, and my grades plummeted, so I escaped from reality even more, placing my hope in illusory fantasies and magical dreams that came from time to time."

"But one day, I suddenly realized that I haven't had a similar dream for a long time."

"That world abandoned me. I can no longer enter that flat continent, can no longer create at will in my dreams, and enjoy women and rights wantonly. This makes me unable to accept that I am already a complete loser in reality. I'm short and ugly, and no woman will like it at all. Do you want to take away even the right to fantasy from me?"

"I live in so much pain every day. I have been pulled down from the throne. I have not tasted the taste of a woman for a long time. Women in reality are really disgusting. They are either too fat or too thin. Each one of them has a different personality. They are all terrible, not even as good as the anime characters. I really want to go back to that dream, I want to create hundreds of perfect women, crawling at my feet, I want to lick every inch of their skin, I want..."

"Ah, the old man is sick. Why don't you just die when you are so old? He takes medicine every day. My salary is not enough to buy medicine. If this continues, I won't even be able to find a wife. I'll just die as soon as possible."

"I'm back! I'm finally back! I knew it as soon as I opened my eyes! I'm finally back!"

"But something's wrong, this is not an area I'm familiar with."

"It's so cold."

"There are a lot of spider webs in the valley ahead."

"That purple monster is... a spider?"

"It's quite capable of running."

Xia Ren stood on the small stage and looked up at Liu Huai, who was constantly moving on the ceiling to avoid the attacks of the ice servants. He reached out and threw the crowbar over him.

Xia Ren's strength is not small, so the speed of the crowbar is extremely fast, with a sharp roar, just like a bullet.

Fortunately, Liu Huai had already paid attention to Xia Ren's movements and was immediately on guard when the other party raised his hand. But even so, he was still a little embarrassed to avoid it, and he was almost nailed to the ceiling, which was dangerous.

"What kind of monster is this man!"

Liu Huai broke out in a cold sweat. Although he avoided it, he was still scared.

But then he looked at the trembling crowbar stuck in the ceiling next to him, and his mind couldn't help but come alive again.

Even before the battle started, he could tell that this crowbar was extraordinary. It could even cut through his spider webs at will, and it could even blow up his puppets with one stick. Although he didn't know how it worked, it was still very lethal. huge.

Now this stick is right in front of him, a free weapon. If he doesn't take it, will he still be a human being?

Liu Huai grabbed the crowbar on the spot and planned to pull it out.

But what he didn't expect was that the moment his hand came into contact with the crowbar, it was as if he was holding it on a red-hot iron bar, and he immediately felt the burning pain.

Where his palm came into contact with the crowbar, there was a "sizzling" sound similar to barbecue, and white smoke came out, and a stench suddenly filled the air.

Liu Huai felt the pain, screamed strangely, and subconsciously let go of his hand.

He saw that just after being in contact with the crowbar for less than a second, the skin in his palm had been burned to a bright red color, and even blisters had appeared on the surface of the skin.

how so?

Is this crowbar specifically aimed at monsters like me?

But that guy is obviously a monster like me, so why can he be fine!

The attacks of the ice servants never stopped. They jumped up and down, trying to attack Liu Huai on the ceiling, but they were all dodged by the latter.

Liu Huai was also observing Xia Ren. He suddenly thought, did the other party want to be like these dolls and couldn't touch him, so he threw out important weapons in frustration?

Sure enough, the home court still has an advantage.

Liu Huai had already found an escape route during this period. This tavern was originally an abandoned factory building, and the ceiling was made of a triangular steel structure. Therefore, there was a large hollow on the ceiling. He climbed into the ceiling later, and then walked out from the row. Just breathe out.

None of the dolls can be taken away. The most important thing now is to survive. There is only one man on the other side to take action. Who knows if the women behind him are equally powerful. If they also take action, he Maybe I really am going to die here.

Although he had made a decision, leaving just like that was unacceptable to the cautious Liu Huai.

Not long ago, he wanted to invite Guo Licheng, who was also called an otaku in the company, to come to the tavern to show off some of his achievements in front of outsiders. Unexpectedly, he was rejected directly by Guo Licheng. Just like this, he was hated by Liu Huaiji and was attacked. Framed.

Xia Ren just looked down on his almost perfect work, and even let himself suffer such a big loss. Liu Huai couldn't swallow this breath no matter what.

He would definitely not be able to defeat the opponent in a fight, but at least Liu Huai decided to have a good time.

"Come up if you can."

Liu Huai said to Xia Ren in a mocking tone while moving left and right.

Paired with his appearance at this time, he looked very cheap.

"Are you so impatient to seek death?"

Xia Ren grinned with an evil smile.

Liu Huai suddenly felt an unprecedented crisis.

But, it's too late.

Huge tentacles stretched out crazily from the back of Xia Ren's head.

"I've fulfilled your request."

The tentacles were able to stretch to about twenty meters a long time ago. After experiencing so many pollution incidents, Xia Ren has never tried what the current limit is.

Huge tentacles tens of meters long extend out, like an endless Pharaoh's snake. Its back is pink and light red, and the other side is densely covered with round white suckers. In the middle of the suckers, a It has three spiral-shaped milky white barb-shaped fangs. The fangs are so sharp that just looking at them makes people feel terrified.

The original suction cup did not have these things. The fangs grew after Xia Ren read the first chapter of Xuanjun's Seven-Chapter Secret Book and the system fusion increased. The current system fusion is only 90/100. I don't know. If you continue to increase it, what kind of changes will happen to your body.

The tentacles occupied the entire ceiling, and Liu Huai was forced to the center, with nowhere to hide. A group of ice servants looked up at him below, like hungry lions, waiting for the prey that was about to arrive.

This was not the first time that Lu Yi saw Xia Ren's tentacles. The last time was the night when the larvae of the earth-boring demon insects flew in groups, when Xia Ren came out of his dream and his sanity almost collapsed.

But the second time she saw him, she was still extremely shocked. If Xia Ren hadn't already taken out her wallet for a month, Lu Yi would have wanted to turn around and run away immediately.

This was true for Lu Yi, who had spent a lot of time with Xia Ren. Liu Huai, who knew nothing about Xia Ren's situation, was in an even worse state.

The tentacles were wriggling around him, and Liu Huai had even given up resisting, curling up on the ceiling and shivering.

On these tentacles, he felt the terrifying breath, which seemed to come from the abyss he had dreamed about, from some indescribable... old gods.

Very easily, the tentacles rolled up Liu Huai, who had lost the ability to resist. Countless suction cups on them were attached to the surface of his body, and the fangs penetrated deeply into his skin. Just when Xia Ren wanted to absorb energy, Liu Huai suddenly shouted crazily:

"You can't kill me!"

Please give me monthly ticket recommendations at the end of the month! Also, the sequence of this chapter always makes me a little scared.

The white cat is shivering~

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