Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 409 Where my mother grew up

After getting rid of Liu Huai last night, the first thing they did was to send the poisoned Aikawa Riko to the Superman Association's stronghold in Linshan City.

The Superman Association specializes in the research and use of pollution knowledge, and has achieved great results in medicine and science. Liu Huai is an aberration, and the poison he administered is beyond common sense. With the current knowledge humans have, it is definitely impossible to solve it. If this is said If there is anywhere in the world that can save Riko Kaawai, it must be the Superman Association.

The Superman Association's sphere of influence covers the entire Blue Star, so their stronghold is not difficult to find. Just ask the Logistics Department. The Foundation and the Superman Association work closely together, and they know each other well.

After getting the address, Xia Ren took Aichuan Lizi and rushed to the destination immediately.

However, due to atypical insect phobia, all doctors who were able to come into contact with pollution were transferred to areas where the plague spread more seriously to control the situation. However, there was no outbreak in Linshan City, so the doctors originally stationed here have gone to other places. .

Although Xia Ren has given Riko Aikawa an anti-pollution solution, her condition is still not optimistic. The venom is dissolving her body, and she has even begun to become confused. If she is not treated quickly, her life may be in danger at any time.

If she were a D-class, she would probably die in this situation, but Riko Aikawa was a C-class investigator with a slightly higher priority, so the Superman Association arranged a flight for her overnight to the nearest Linshan City. In the epidemic area, doctors are gathered there, and the survival rate of Riko Aikawa will be greatly improved.

If there was no unexpected situation, Xia Ren planned to go and have a look, but the main reason he came to Shan City this time was to find the place where his parents stayed before they died. If he left at this time, if he was unlucky and encountered other things, he would come back again. I don't know how long the delay will be.

After watching the plane carrying Riko Aikawa leave, the second thing Xia Ren did was to explain everything he encountered tonight to the logistics department.

The foundation has an ambiguous relationship with the Dispute Arbitration Court, and some members of the Logistics Department even serve directly in the Arbitration Court. Therefore, when dealing with some pollution incidents, the power of the Supreme Alliance Government can also be used.

The Dispute Arbitration Court has extended its reach in recent years. The rights left over from history enable them to directly intervene in various cases at the police station. With their intervention, Guo Licheng's case did not require any investigation and was directly closed overnight. Guo Licheng's suspicion was was cleared, and Liu Huai was identified as the murderer of the serial murder case.

Just perfect.

After doing all this, it was already four o'clock in the morning. Xia Ren simply didn't sleep and coded the plot in the room for several hours.

Early the next morning, he arrived at Kangle Villa in Quming District according to the address on the small note that the housing agent quietly gave him when he left Dongpu City.

[Mingshu has been completed, and 500 achievement points will be awarded. 】

Xia Ren, who had just gotten off the taxi, received a prompt from the system.

"Brother, this place is quite remote. You won't be able to take a taxi when you go back later. How about I wait for you here for a while?"

The taxi driver lowered the window and asked.

The fare from the hotel to here is more than 200 because of the long distance. Even if you drive a taxi for a lifetime, you only get such big orders occasionally. The driver doesn't want to give up the opportunity to make money, and he is willing to wait even for two hours. .

Xia Ren looked at the gate of the villa and said nothing.

"No, we don't plan to go back for a while. Master, please go ahead and do your work." Qin Yun said proactively.

The driver wanted to insist on asking again for the sake of money, but strangely, the woman's words seemed to have some kind of magic power, making him involuntarily give up the idea.

"Oh well."

The driver drove away.

After walking far away, he suddenly realized, what fun could these people have in a place like that?

That kind of wilderness.

The snow is falling and is getting heavier.

"Is this really here?"

Qin Yun said uncertainly.

Although they had checked the address in detail before coming here and even confirmed it with someone from the logistics department, they still couldn't help but have some doubts when they actually came here.

What appeared in front of several people at this moment was ruins.

Half of the metal fence gate has collapsed, and the wall next to it is also dilapidated. After years of erosion, the wall skin has peeled off, and its original appearance can no longer be seen. Weeds have even grown on the wall.

There is a crooked sign in front of the door, which reads "Dangerous Building, No Entry!" written in red paint, while the words "This Courtyard is For Sale" can be vaguely seen on the wall next to it.

Looking further inside, inside the wall is a building with an architectural style similar to a villa, with a total of four floors, and the side building next to it has only two floors.

The two buildings appear to be relatively old. It is roughly estimated that they are at least seventy or eighty years old. Some of them have collapsed, especially the four-story main building, which has even collapsed in half, exposing the corridors and stairs inside.

White snowflakes were falling, and the collapsed section was like an unhealed scar, ugly.

There are no other buildings around, except weeds, weeds.

Xia Ren watched silently for a while, then walked into the courtyard through the collapsed half door.

The yard is a cement floor, but because no one has lived there for a long time, and because it has been too long, there are finger-wide cracks everywhere, and withered and yellow grass paths grow out of these cracks, making it a desolate place.

"It's only ten years..."

In just ten years, it has become like this.

Xia Ren's heart beat inexplicably faster, and he was a little nervous and didn't dare to move forward.

Lu Yi followed quietly behind, perhaps aware of Xia Ren's mood. Lily held his trouser leg and said nothing.

Qin Yun recalled the information she had found before coming here and said: "This place seemed to be a certain family's house decades ago, but then that family moved away. It happened to be relatively close to Liufeng Mountain, so it was bought and renovated. It became a specialty hotel and was popular for a while, but then I heard that a couple who stayed here committed suicide by jumping off a cliff, which led to some rumors about this place. Then a landslide occurred, and the road leading to Liufeng Mountain from here After it was blocked, Linshan City built another one elsewhere, so Kangle Villa lost its geographical advantage and has been abandoned ever since, until now."

Xia Ren was silent for a while and said: "The couple who committed suicide by jumping off the cliff are my parents."


Qin Yun was stunned, looked at Xia Ren's expression, and said with apology and distress: "I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

Xia Ren had never told her about his parents, and Qin Yun's understanding was limited. When she heard Xia Ren say that she wanted to take her to meet her parents that night in Dongpu City, Qin Yun thought that his parents were still alive, and she was a little happy in her heart.

So when she saw the scene here just now, she was surprised, because it didn't look like anyone lived at all.

"It doesn't matter."

Xia Ren waved his hand, indicating that she didn't need to pay attention.

"This house should be the place where my mother grew up. She was an only child. Both her grandmother and grandfather were in business. However, she died early and the family fell into decline. After marrying my father, she never returned. Been to this place.”

The two-story building next to it was probably built when it was later converted into a hotel and was used as a restaurant.

After so many years, even though he knew that there was no trace of his mother's past here, Xia Ren still felt a special emotion well up in his heart when he stepped in the courtyard.

Feeling a little tight in his chest, Xia Ren looked up at the half-collapsed main building and walked in.

This paragraph is so painful to write...

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