Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 417 It’s just the boss’s task

"What's the matter...Boss."

Lu Yi didn't dare to look up at them, her voice was a little soft.

"Don't worry, it's nothing dangerous."

Xia Ren patted her shoulder and comforted her.

This was the first time that his boss had done such an intimate thing to him, and Lu Yi became even more nervous.

But the boss said it wasn't anything dangerous. She thought about it and realized that the dangerous thing must be what Niu Changshou said just now, about poisoning herself.

But if there is no poison, what will happen?

Lu Yi couldn't figure it out for the time being.

Seeing her cowering, Xia Ren couldn't bear it when thinking of the super test subject he just heard about, but it was impossible to let Aikawa Riko die from the poison just like that.

After all, Aikawa Riko's current condition has a lot to do with his rashness in giving her the water.

After groaning, Xia Ren turned to look at Niu Changshou: "Do you have any money with you? Cash."

"Bring it."

Niu Changshou took out his wallet, flipped through the thick wad of money inside, and asked, "How much do you need?"

"Just a little will do."

Xia Ren said, reaching out and taking out all the money in his wallet.


Niu Changshou looked at his empty wallet.

Wouldn't it be enough to just say a little bit?

Xia Ren counted a few thousand denominations and a dozen or so hundred denominations, which added up to only more than 6,000 alliance coins.

"Any more?"

Xia Ren continued to watch Niu Changshou.

Niu Changshou looked at the assistant behind him who was carrying a steamed bun stuffed with vermicelli filling.

The assistant reacted, touched his pocket, awkwardly took out a few hundred, and handed them all over: "That's it, have you seen enough?"

"Just give it a try."

Xia Ren straightened the money, took Lu Yi's hand, and put it all into her hand: "Take the money."


Lu Yi had seen money before, but had never touched so much money with her own hands. She was a little at a loss for a moment. She clenched the money tightly in her hands, but subconsciously resisted: "No, I can't accept it."

"You can take it as long as you want. This is compensation. It might hurt a little later."

Xia Ren spoke forcefully and insisted that she accept it.

When they first met, Xia Ren knew that she liked money, and in a short period of time, he could only think of using money to compensate her.

"It might hurt a little..."

Lu Yi's mind was filled with these words.

She vaguely felt that she had heard similar words somewhere.


Lu Yi suddenly thought of a possibility.

Shouldn't it be the boss's fault?

However, the boss is usually nice to me and gives him money. If he asks for it...

Lu Yi glanced at Qin Yun secretly and saw that she didn't care much, so she felt relieved.

"Come with me."

Seeing that the matter was settled, Niu Changshou walked in front to lead the way.

Like Dongpu City, the location where the Superman Association is set up in Pucheng City is also the basement of the hospital. Xia Ren can feel that some patients with atypical insect phobia are concentrated in the basement, but the number is not large. It seems that this is not the main reason. concentration point.

Everyone did not enter the basement, but came to the ward on the first floor.

Since the outbreak of the plague was discovered, this private hospital immediately stopped accepting ordinary patients, and all existing patients were transferred to other hospitals in a short period of time. Therefore, on the surface, there is only this one in the entire inpatient building. The ward is still in use.

Niu Changshou opened the ward door and invited Xia Ren and Lu Yi in, but Lu Yi looked at Niu Changshou and refused to leave.

"It seems that the young lady is more afraid of strangers. It doesn't matter. I'm waiting outside the door now. Ms. Satoko's blood is being purified toxins in a centrifuge. She should be cured soon."

"That's okay. Qin Yun, you guys are waiting outside now."

Xia Ren pulled Lu Yi in, but the latter no longer resisted.

The door closed and Xia Ren saw a hospital bed in the center of the room.

He walked forward and found that it was Satoko Aikawa lying on the bed, but the latter was wearing a ventilator on his face, his whole body was swollen, his skin was purple, and his overall condition looked a bit scary.

I don’t know if she took any special medicine, but her vital signs were relatively stable, and the actual situation was not as serious as it seemed.

But this is only temporary, the toxins are still eroding her body. If it drags on for a longer time, it will be difficult to guarantee her life safety.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xia Ren heard the sound of clothes rubbing against him behind him.

Looking back, Lu Yi blushed and took off his coat. He was now crossing his arms and holding the hem of the sweater with both hands to lift it up, revealing his slender and white waist.

"Is it hot in the house?"

Xia Ren said doubtfully.

Their eyes met, and Xia Ren instantly understood something from Lu Yi's eyes.

Just as he was about to speak, the door to the ward was suddenly pushed open. Niu Changshou was about to walk in with a syringe filled with transparent liquid in his hand. When he saw this scene, he was stunned, and then understood in seconds.

He blocked the crack in the door with his body so that people outside could not see what was going on inside. Then he walked in quickly, bypassed Lu Yi, walked to Xia Ren, bumped Xia Ren with his shoulder, and whispered:

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, in front of a comatose patient, I didn't expect that my dear friend would be so kind to the night shift ward."

"No, it's just that the room is too hot, please cool down."

Xia Ren replied seriously.

He took two steps to come to Lu Yi, pulled down her clothes, covered her belly, and whispered in her ear: "What are you thinking about?"

Lu Yi's face turned redder as if he had done something wrong, and he replied in a low voice: "Boss, that's not what you meant."

"Otherwise, what do you think I mean?"

Xia Ren was quite speechless.

He couldn't help but wonder again, what kind of environment Lu Yi lived in before, and why he didn't know anything about cars, a common means of transportation, but he was so proficient in this kind of driving knowledge.

In my impression, when I first met Lu Yi, she only had a black turtleneck sweater, a pair of jeans, and a green apron. The rest of her clothing, such as underwear, socks, and shoes, was missing. Not like a normal person.

"I'm sorry to disturb your good things, but..."

Niu Changshou raised his voice and raised the needle in his hand.

The liquid in the needle tube should be the purified toxin.

Lu Yi's expression suddenly became a little scared.

"It's okay, just bear with it and it'll be fine. I'll treat you to a big dinner tomorrow."

Xia Ren rubbed Lu Yi's hair like Lily.


After being inoculated with the toxin, Lu Yi's body quickly developed symptoms.

Her body temperature began to rise and remained at thirty-nine degrees. Her skin was red and she was sweating profusely.

However, the symptoms that could be seen with the naked eye were limited to this and did not become more serious. It seemed that Niu Changshou was right. As a super test subject, Lu Yi's immune system was indeed extraordinary.

Xia Ren was relieved and asked Qin Yun and Lily to accompany Lu Yi, while he and Niu Changshou went to the roof.

The night sky was pitch black, there were no stars, not even the moon. Only the neon lights in the city were glowing, supporting a hazy glow under the night.

“How much do you know about real estate agents?”

Xia Ren asked straight to the point.

Doctor Liming is over, let’s go harvest some.

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