Someone jumped off the building.

"so troublesome."

Xia Ren rubbed his forehead and had an unknown premonition in his heart.

After all, this is in front of the police station building. Although someone jumped from the building, the superintendents immediately began to maintain order after reacting, so there was no riot at the scene, and ordinary people were immediately isolated.

In the slightly hurried flow of people, the 1.8-meter tall police chief strode out of the building, followed by five or six people. Seeing this, the police chiefs on both sides walked to one side, looking solemn. Dedi stood at attention and saluted her.

"Hello, Sheriff!"

The chief sergeant nodded slightly, and walked straight to the place where he fell. The circle of superintendents automatically gave way to a path, including more than a dozen superintendents who had been beaten up just now.

Captain William and the others recognized Xia Ren and the others who were following the Sheriff, and showed shocked expressions. They didn't understand what was going on. Could it be that the identities of these people were so unfathomable that they could be accompanied by the Sheriff?

In the center of the crowd, there was an open space paved with blue-gray stone bricks. The body of an adult male in a suit was lying face down on the ground. His limbs were slightly twisted, and the bones inside must have been broken.

A large pool of blood flowed out from under the corpse, and the shadows of everyone were reflected on the bright red surface.

There was a "click" sound.

Xia Ren took two steps forward, stepped on the pool of blood, and splashed a few drops of blood. This rough action made the surrounding police superintendents jump. They wanted to stop him from continuing to destroy the scene, but they looked at the station. The chief sergeant on the side found that none of the sergeants spoke, so they could only suppress their unhappiness.

Xia Ren squatted down and lifted the head of the corpse. The latter had just died, and the cervical vertebrae might have been broken, so the neck was soft and prone. This action was very easy to do.

A ferocious and broken face appeared in front of everyone.

Because it landed face down, the skull of the corpse was shattered. The entire face was tilted to one side and became an irregular shape. The nose was collapsed and sunken into the skull. Some of the teeth pierced the face, exposing the scarlet gums.

As Xia Ren lifted up, one of the round, blood-filled eyes slipped from the purple eye socket and fell on the face, shaking from side to side. Thick blood also dripped from the facial features.

It was so damaged that even if the corpse came, he would never recognize it as his son.

However, Xia Ren still felt the lingering smell of pollution on the body, indicating that the other party had been exposed to pollution at least before falling.

"come here."

Xia Ren turned his head and stretched out his hand to greet the police chief.

The surrounding superintendents frowned.

The chief sergeant's face remained calm, but even though he had good qualities and a demeanor that would remain calm despite the collapse of the mountain, he couldn't help but clenched his teeth so hard that his fists were bleeding.

He actually greeted himself like a servant in front of so many people!

Fortunately, the secretary standing by the side reacted quickly and trotted over quickly: "It's coming, it's coming!"

Although the secretary had also graduated from the police academy, he had not been to the crime scene in person for many years. Looking at the bloody face of the corpse at close range, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Out of fear, Xia Ren held the corpse's crooked chin with one hand and pointed at the secretary: "Do you recognize this person?"


The secretary was stunned for a moment and thought, Oh my god, this is just like a rotten tomato, who can recognize it?

But after all, the lives of himself and the police chief were in each other's hands. The secretary did not dare to disobey Xia Ren's order. He could only hold back the discomfort in his heart, tried hard to suppress his fear, and opened his eyes to carefully observe the external characteristics of the corpse.

"This suit..."

The secretary swallowed, feeling that the smell of blood in his nostrils was choking him: "I seem to know him."

"Do you know her or not?" Xia Ren was not satisfied with this answer.

The secretary loosened his tie with one hand, mustered up his courage, reached into the corpse's pocket, and took out a small bottle of hand sanitizer.

His hands trembled, then he raised his head, looked around at the superintendents standing not far away, then glanced at the police chief, and said in a voice that could only be heard by Xia Ren: "It's Brooke, I just mentioned it in the office That criminal investigation expert, Brooke.”

After he finished speaking, he prayed in his heart that Xia Ren would never kill him to silence him.

After confirming that the body was Brooke, the secretary suddenly realized that he and the Sheriff were in a very bad situation.

The criminal investigation experts sent from above were forced to commit suicide. Although he didn't know the specific reason or the context of the matter, at least one thing was clear. This matter was extremely involved, and Xia Ren and the others It seems that if the criminal investigation expert can die, it means that he and the police chief can also die.

Although the status of a police chief is quite special, a secretary can be considered a well-informed person. Not to mention a city police chief, even a district police chief occasionally dies suddenly.

What are the identities of these guys?

The secretary, who mistakenly thought she was involved in a power struggle, trembled.

Xia Ren is thinking about the meaning of Brooke's death.

Regardless of whether he committed suicide or not, let's just talk about his identity as a criminal investigation expert.

Another criminal investigation expert Xia Ren knew was Zhou Yuan. He had the same spider thread and the same official identity. It was hard to say that this was a coincidence.

Two things can now be determined, at least tentatively.

First, Zhou Yuan is an inexperienced person.

Second, the hands of the Elderless Society have reached into this city and are plotting something.

For more information, just turn this corpse into an ice slave, and you can naturally ask for it.

Xia Ren already had a rough plan in mind for what would happen next.

He stood up and said, "Take the body to the morgue."

"Ah this..."

Don't you want to rescue it?

Although the person is dead, at least call an ambulance as usual.

The secretary was a little embarrassed and whispered: "This is not good. After all, it is the entrance of the police station building, so many people are watching..."

There is a process to go through anyway. Taking him directly to the morgue is not in compliance with the procedure.

Just as the secretary was about to insist a little longer, the silent police chief next to him agreed directly: "Okay, just do as he said."

Since the Sheriff has spoken, everything goes well.

In the morgue, the air was a little cold.

The police chief and secretary stood in front of the door and did not go in because Xia Ren did not allow it.

Tang Tangtang was also in the corridor, standing against the wall with his arms folded and saying nothing.

The secretary secretly glanced at the police chief and Tang Tangtang several times, hesitated to speak, and finally asked nothing.

The sergeant looked forward, standing tall and straight, not knowing what he was thinking.

in the room behind them.

The blood-stained sheets hung down from the edge of the bed, Xia Ren's eyes melted, and his empty eye sockets looked at the body on the bed.

The white frost quickly wrapped the body, and the temperature in the room dropped again. Lu Yi stroked his arm under his short sleeves with one hand, and goosebumps appeared on his skin.

A few seconds passed, but the body showed no reaction.

"what happened?"

Xia Ren touched his chin with doubtful eyes.

This was the first time I failed since I obtained the Eye of Rulim.


Lily said in a childish voice.

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