Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 433 Three Things

When Xia Ren and the others got out of the car, they saw that the entire square had been completely sealed off. There were several ambulances parked nearby. Emergency doctors and nurses were busy taking care of the superintendents on the stretchers. It seemed that they had left the square. In a short period of time, something else happened.

The edge of the square was guarded by personnel wearing uniforms of the Arbitration Court. Seeing Xia Ren and the others approaching, several guards stepped forward to stop them.

Just as Tang Tangtang was about to reveal his identity to them, a voice suddenly shouted from behind: "Wait a minute!"

Xia Ren turned around and saw not far away, a fat, bald man wearing a judge's uniform running towards him.

Along with the running movement, the fat on the fat man's body bounced up and down rhythmically, but it was only a distance of more than a hundred meters, and it felt like he had been running for a long time before he finally arrived.

"Wait a minute, these, these are our own people."

The fat man put his hands on his knees, panting, and asked his men to move away.

"Are you from the local logistics department?"

Tang Tangtang asked.

"Yes, yes, I am the logistics leader of Esela City, David John. Just call me John."

Captain John responded quickly before he could even catch his breath.

He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the sweat on his neck, and then wiped his tired and red face, and said: "I'm sorry, you are investigators, right? I heard that you were taken away by the superintendent. When I left, I hurried to the police station, originally going to fish you out, but when I got there, they said you had already left, so I rushed back right away, I'm really sorry."

He was full of apologies and said somewhat helplessly: "Originally, this place has always been normal, but since the outbreak of atypical insect phobia, the police department has been in trouble for some reason. It has always been against the arbitration court. Although it has caused us It’s not a constraint, but it’s just as annoying as flies. Our people are basically busy controlling the epidemic. In special times, we can’t waste energy on these small things. I didn’t expect that a situation like today would happen.”

"It doesn't matter."

Xia Ren waved his hand, looked at the ambulances next to him and asked, "What's going on with them?"

Captain John had just noticed these ambulances and immediately called a subordinate to ask why.

One of the people who had just stopped them was called, a young man in his twenties with blond curly hair: "When we arrived, these police superintendents had already fallen to the ground and vomited. The pool of pus at the scene exuded a foul smell. At the same time, There is also strong pollution, but the pollution is dissipating quickly. They probably fainted from the stench while handling the pus."

"Is it that smelly?"

Xia Ren looked at the unconscious superintendents and felt that it was a bit exaggerated.

He had been up close and felt fine.

The young man hesitated for a moment: "Probably...it's really hard for ordinary people to bear."

Tang Tangtang said: "I heard my master say that because ordinary people cannot resist pollution, they usually find the smell emitted by pollution sources intolerable. This way they can avoid pollution to a certain extent, which is a passive self-protection skill."

In other words, they don't think the pool of pus is smelly because this level of pollution no longer threatens them.

"So there is still such a saying."

Xia Ren felt very novel.

The blond young man realized after hearing this that they turned out to be investigators.

It's just a little strange. He has never seen so many investigators appear together. Is that the same for the little girl with green hair?

Noticing his gaze, Lily turned her head and looked at him with her big eyes blinking.

"Have you finished handling the scene?" Xia Ren asked.

The young man came to his senses and quickly replied: "Not yet."

"Then let's take another look."

Xia Ren walked in the front, and Captain John followed him with a big belly.

"Speaking of which, do you know the identity of the victim?" Xia Ren communicated with him while walking.

Captain John wiped his sweat and said: "It's not clear yet. We called the surveillance camera and found that the surveillance camera couldn't capture the victim, only a blurry shadow. But it's not like we didn't check any information. Well, at least we now know that the victim came out of an apartment. All we have to do is go to the apartment and we should be able to find the key information."

Xia Ren looked at Captain John in surprise.

According to what was just said, he first rushed to the square, then went to the police station. After learning that he was not there, he ran back in a hurry. It was like running on the road all the time, and he could learn so much news during this period.

It seems that this person is not only fat, but also has outstanding abilities. No wonder he can become the leader of the logistics team.

While talking, the group of people had returned to the location where the abnormality was first discovered. Under the sun, the surface of the pool of pus was covered with a colorful sheen and emitted a fishy stench.

However, the clothes above the pus have been put away, and other support staff are wearing gas masks, intending to clean up the pool of pus.

Xia Ren looked around and asked, "What are you going to do with these things?"

Captain John answered in a coherent manner: "Anyway, let's try to analyze the ingredients first, compare it with the database to see if there are any similar cases, and then investigate the cause of the matter. We will all perform memory erasure on those unconscious police superintendents. We have witnessed them People at the scene will track whether there will be any abnormalities next to prevent the contamination from continuing to expand."

Xia Ren nodded and then asked: "Have any other strange things happened in this city recently? Please tell me if they have nothing to do with pollution."


Captain John thought about it carefully and then said: "The biggest thing is the outbreak of the plague and then blocking the movement of the population. As for other things, I have never heard from my subordinates."

"Is this so?"

Xia Ren was a little disappointed, but it seemed reasonable to think about it. If he had exposed his flaws casually, the Elderly Society would have been taken advantage of by the Foundation, and he would not have hidden it until now.

Captain John suddenly said again: "Actually, there are three things, I don't know if they are considered strange as you said.

The first thing is that about a week ago, the police inspector sent a criminal investigation expert to the police station here to help handle some cases. This is an old tradition of the police inspector, but it was chosen at the time of the outbreak of the plague. , it always makes people care a little.

The second thing was that almost at the same time that the criminal investigation expert arrived, the Hoover Dam near Esela City suddenly announced that it would start maintenance during the dry season. Although there were maintenance practices before, the Hoover Dam has experienced consolidation and is now in its current state. It's good. Maintenance is basically only done once every three years, and this maintenance is only half a year away from the last time.

The last thing is that the day before yesterday, a priest of a small church and a slightly famous writer disappeared at the same time. The police department paid more attention to this case, but because there were many weird things about the case, no clues were ever found in the investigation. "

After Xia Ren listened, he thought for a while.

"It seems completely unrelated..."

Except for the arrival of the criminal investigation experts.

"Second, what is more strange about the case of the disappearance of the priest and the writer?"

Captain John hesitated a little, not sure whether he should say: "This is just my speculation, just listen to it."

Seeing his hesitation, Xia Ren became interested: "It's okay, just tell me."

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