Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 436 Monster Lair

"It seems that the pollution occurred at this time." Tang Tangtang said.

Qin Yun looked at the fear on Thomas' face in the picture and said, "The owner of the room, Jack, is probably in serious danger."

"I just don't know what he saw. From the outside through the peephole, you can't see what's going on inside the house. You can only tell whether there is light or not."

Although the surveillance footage was a bit rough, everyone could still feel the huge fear and uneasiness Thomas Jones faced at that time from the blurry facial expressions and body details.

The door seemed to have magic power. After two seconds, Thomas Jones started to take steps and unconsciously approached the door.

He moved very slowly, and his movements were very contradictory, as if there were two forces struggling within his body. Perhaps it was his remaining rational instinct that was fighting against death.

At this moment, the thick-built neighbor next door suddenly opened the door, cursed and quarreled a few times, and pulled Thomas Jones back from the edge of hell.

But it can be seen that even after waking up, his mental state is still not optimistic.

After being stunned in place for about half a minute, Thomas Jones turned around, muttering something to himself, and began to walk into the elevator in a daze.

This was the last time he appeared in the surveillance camera in human form, and then the surveillance screen began to show indiscernible distortions, with disturbing light and darkness flashing alternately, mixed with harsh noises.

Two minutes later, the surveillance video at the apartment door showed a blurry shadow like a cloud slowly leaving along the edge of the road.

"It seems the source of the problem has been found."

John handed the tablet back to his man, picked up the handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his head.

Xia Ren thought for a moment, looked at the subordinate and said, "Go and investigate where Jack went before he fell ill, and tell me later."


The man nodded in agreement.

Xia Ren looked at the dark corridor in the sunshine ahead and said, "Let's go up and have a look."

Jack's house is on the third floor, which is not high. They didn't take the elevator and walked directly to the stairs to go upstairs.

There were already several support staff waiting for them in the corridor.

"It's really very polluted."

Tang Tangtang was already very talented. After joining the foundation, he was able to see infected bodies without the use of auxiliary tools, and his perception of contamination was also extremely keen.

Lily wrinkled her little nose, seeming to be disgusted with the things in the room.

The little guy didn't want to smell this smell at all. She grabbed Qin Yun's trouser legs with both hands, crawled into her arms two or three times, buried her head in Qin Yun's chest, and ignored the things outside.

She seemed to know what was in the house and was sure that her brother would not be in danger, so she was not vigilant.

Just as they were about to enter the house, the neighbor's door suddenly opened, and a tall and muscular neighbor wearing short sleeves came out carrying two garbage bags.

Seeing such a large group of people gathered around, the neighbor was stunned for a moment. Then he looked at a few of the people wearing uniforms of the Arbitration Court and said cautiously:

"What happened to the kidney?"

Xia Ren remembered that he had appeared in the surveillance and asked, "Have you heard anything from next door in the past two days?"


The neighbor looked at everyone again, swallowed and said, "No."

He whispered again: "Is this room..."

The support staff was about to find a reason to drive him away when they saw him running towards the stairs without waiting for an answer: "Don't tell me, I don't know anything. I'll move right away."

Qin Yun touched Lily's hair and smiled: "You really follow your heart."

I thought he was an irritable middle-aged man, but I didn't expect him to be so cowardly. He scared me away before anyone else could speak.

With this little episode, everyone's nervousness was somewhat relieved.

Xia Ren walked to the door, first imitated Thomas Jones, and looked at the cat's eye. It turned out that the other side was completely dark and nothing could be seen. In addition, there were a few traces of whitening around the edge of the cat's eye, as if it had been there for a long time. Left behind by water leakage.

"Is the door locked?"

The logistics staff nodded and replied: "We asked the apartment management office for the key, but it seems that the lock has been changed and the original key cannot be opened."

Xia Ren put his hand on the doorknob, hesitated for a moment, and out of caution, took out the coward's ear pick.

Following a high-frequency vibration, the door lock opened.

Suddenly, turbid air mixed with fishy gas poured out from the crack in the door.

The people in the logistics department quickly took out masks and put them on, but they still couldn't avoid coughing and retching.

"It's not the smell of corpses. Be careful, it might have turned into something else."

John reminded everyone, but he had no intention of leaning forward.

Everyone in the logistics department felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, but Xia Ren and the others behaved calmly.

After all, we have seen many more dangerous scenes. At most, there is only one aberration in the room, and it cannot withstand Xia Ren's two sticks.

The door was pushed open completely, and the sunlight shone through the window into the corridor, bringing some light to the dark room.

As soon as Xia Ren stepped into the house, he felt a little sticky under his feet.

"What's this!"

One of the support staff couldn't help but exclaimed.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, the original wooden floor was completely covered with a layer of white substance that resembled the mucus secreted by snails. The ubiquitous stench came from this.

They tried to turn on the light, only to find that someone had destroyed the light switch. The entire switch base had been violently pulled off, and it appeared like a black abscess on the smooth wall. Xia Ren noticed that the surfaces of several exposed wires were covered with the same mucus.

The logistics team members turned on the flashlights they carried, and the bright beams of light suddenly filled the dark room.

Then, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Various items were scattered messily on the ground, the coffee table was overturned, the sofa was overturned, revealing the base of the wooden structure. The chandelier on the ceiling seemed to have been dragged down by something, with only a few stubborn wires hanging, swaying in the wind.

The paintings and photos used for wall decoration, including TV sets, shelves, and so on, all fell to the ground, and all items, including the ceiling, were covered with disgusting white slime.

Looking at the densely packed bubbles in the upper layer of mucus, which looked like the eggs of evil soft-bodied creatures, everyone felt their hair tingle, and the logistics staff's stomachs spasmed, almost unbearable.

Even those who have been trained reacted so violently. If ordinary people faced this scene, they would probably faint on the spot or even become insane.

"What exactly is this..."

Tang Tangtang looked at the scene in front of him and felt that he was not in a house inhabited by humans, but a lair of abominations.

But then, to his horror, he discovered that his feelings were right.

At the end of the room, from the corner of the window sill that was blocked by a thick curtain, there was the sound of slime squirming.

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