"You mean the sun won't work either?"

Xia Ren asked subconsciously.

Lily pouted: "Yeah."


Xia Ren patted his forehead: "There's another one running outside."

He opened the door and saw Captain John's fat body waiting anxiously outside the door, and the screams of residents could be heard from other parts of the apartment.

The residents were enjoying themselves at home, but suddenly there was a loud noise, and then the whole building trembled. Unaware of the truth, they thought there was an earthquake or an explosion somewhere, and fled out of their homes in panic.

The logistics team members who had originally planned to evacuate the residents came in handy, working hard to maintain order and guide the crowd to a safe location outside.

Seeing that Xia Ren and the others were safe and sound, although John had already guessed the result, he still asked nervously: "Is it solved?"

As the leader of the logistics team, what John usually needs to do is to detect whether there is contamination in the management area, or to collect the information required by the foundation, to deal with the weaker types of infections, and to provide logistical support to investigators.

Most logistics captains have never even seen aberrations during their tenure, and the appearance of such monsters is a relatively rare emergency for him.

"There's good news."

Xia Ren stepped aside so that John could see the ball in the bathroom.

"The monster just now has been controlled and cannot escape for the time being."

"That's good."

John wiped the sweat from his head and suddenly realized something was wrong.

good news?

He looked at Xia Ren, swallowed, and asked tentatively: "There won't be any bad news, right?"

Xia Ren sighed: "There are four bad news."

John's heart suddenly twitched a few times, and he almost couldn't breathe.

Xia Ren quickly said: "First, this monster cannot be killed, not even sunlight;

Second, not all of the monster was wrapped in the ball, but part of it escaped along the floor drain. You need to block all nearby underground pipes immediately;

Third, this monster may not be the only one, because sunlight cannot kill them. I suspect that Thomas Jones did not die, but escaped from the square;

Fourth, I suspect that monsters have the ability to infect and assimilate ordinary people. Jack, the owner of this room, may have been assimilated by other identical monsters to become what he is now. In other words, there may be more than one monster in other parts of the city. One or two of these monsters. "

When he heard the first bad news, John did not feel the crisis. Although there were not many monsters that could not be killed, he saw a lot. Most of the contained objects could not be destroyed, and the nature of some of the contained objects was Kamiya is no different from a monster.

But when he heard the second bad news, John immediately had the instinct to tell his men to respond quickly, but he still endured and planned to listen to the remaining two bad news.

When he heard the third one, cold sweat broke out again on John's newly wiped forehead.

After finally listening to the fourth one, John felt as if his head was about to swell, and it was difficult to even keep standing. Countless thoughts passed through his mind quickly, and finally converged into three words: It's over.

Although ordinary monsters are scary, John is not so worried, because no matter how lethal they are, the Foundation has more powerful force to destroy them, but monsters that can pollute and assimilate ordinary people are different. Although this kind of monster The lethality of a single agent is not high, but the harm it brings to human society will be fatal.

If you refer to the atypical insect phobia that is currently causing trouble for the Foundation, you can understand how terrible the contagious contamination is.


John grabbed the hand of a logistics team member: "As he said, immediately block off the nearby area and temporarily stop the water supply to all residents."

The subordinate was a little confused: "But... we are a little short of manpower now, and all my colleagues are still..."

John lowered his head and thought for two seconds, then said with some difficulty: "First allocate some personnel to control the plague, and at the same time report the situation we are facing to the superiors, ask for support, and go quickly."

After the subordinate turned around and ran downstairs, John leaned against the corridor railing in a state of collapse and prayed: "God, I hope it must be a false alarm."

Controlling the spread of atypical entomophobia was a headache enough, but he didn't want to have to wear combat uniforms and go out on the streets with weapons to face endless ooze monsters in a few days.

"Do you still believe in God?"

Xia Ren asked curiously.

Although most of the churches in Esela City have been preserved due to historical reasons, and due to the urban atmosphere, almost all citizens have faith, but John is the leader of the logistics team after all. After knowing the truth about the pollution, it should be difficult to treat those so-called The gods have a favorable impression.

John smiled bitterly and said: "It's not belief, it's just words. If you get used to it, you can't change it."

“Do you have airtight containers?”

Xia Ren asked, while looking back at the ball in the bathroom: "It's not an option to keep doing this. I hope you can study it in depth and see if you can find its weaknesses."

And after all, the ball itself is part of Lily's tissue. The little guy can't eat anything good with him. It's not easy to grow a body. Recycle it if you can.

"There are specially sealed containers for storing contaminants. I will contact someone to send them over immediately."

John immediately took out his cell phone to make a call.

When he just entered the apartment, the logistics team member who was asked by Xia Ren to investigate Jack's whereabouts walked into the corridor and said in a reporting tone: "Through various methods, I roughly sorted out where Jack has been in the past two days, and what People have come into contact with it, but because the time is relatively short, it is still incomplete and there may be omissions.”

He handed over a tablet with a map on it. The route was marked with lines of different colors at different time periods. At the same time, each place he stayed was also annotated, explaining why Jack went there and the people he came into contact with. Whether the person's identity is suspicious.

Xia Ren took a cursory glance, a little surprised.

To be able to organize complex information so perfectly in such a short period of time is a talent.

"Here, the projector."

The logistics team member handed over another thumb-sized gadget. After inserting it on the tablet, the picture on the screen was projected onto the wall next to it. Although it was daytime, the picture projected by this projector was extremely clear. Originally, The rough wall seemed to have turned into a smooth mirror, and he even felt that the projected image was clearer than on a flat screen.

Xia Ren has never seen this kind of technology on the market. It seems that it is a black technology within the Foundation, or something developed by the Superman Association.

He still remembers that those guys are ruthless people who can use rockets to transport cargo. Anyone who sees a big iron lump with a burning tail falling from above his head will be impressed.

Everyone's eyes focused on the projected picture.

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