Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 445 Dairy safety protective barrier equipment


Xia Ren cheered up instantly.

Following the direction of the small part of tissue in the bottle, Xia Ren drove to an unfamiliar street.

Compared with other areas of the city, this place is obviously more prosperous, and the buildings on both sides of the road are more exquisite. However, they are not residential buildings, but one or two-story shops, with no more than three floors at most. The reason why they maintain such a height may also be related to its architectural style.

Qin Yun looked around and said, "It seems that this is a commercial street for tourists who come to visit."

But now there are no tourists in Esela City, so the streets seem relatively empty. No one has passed by for a long time. Only a few shops are still open, but there are almost no customers, and the rest of the shops have long been closed.

This commercial street is less than two kilometers away from Jack's house, and the other side happens to be in the direction of the bar.

The tissue in the bottle is squirming more and more intensely, which means that the remaining aberrations they are looking for may not be far away.

In order to avoid missing it, the car drove slowly on the street. The direction of the tissue in the bottle slowly changed, and finally pointed straight at one of the stores.

Xia Ren and Qin Yun looked at each other, turned off the car, and walked out. Lu Yi followed behind with Lily in his arms. After such a long time together, the little one gradually became accustomed to Lu Yi's soft chest.

This shop, like its peers around it, has also closed. Judging from the sign, it seems that the main products sold here are travel souvenirs. However, there is a lot of dust on the glass door of the shop. It seems that the owner has not been to the shop for a while. Inside.

As expected, the door was locked. Xia Ren was about to take out the ear pick out of habit, but then he remembered that he had worked on it several times today.

Xia Ren thought for a while, then turned back to Qin Yun and Lu Yi and said, "You stay outside the door, and Lily and I will go in."

Lu Yi has no fighting ability, and Qin Yun does not have much experience. If they scare the snake and allow the aberration to escape, their efforts will be in vain.

Xia Ren held Lily in his arms, opened the chain lock on the glass door with one hand, and walked in slowly.

The decoration in the store is quite good, with quite an artistic style, and the small commodities on both sides of the shelves are very period. If the price is not expensive, many people will be willing to pay for it.

While observing the surrounding environment, Xia Ren followed the direction indicated by the small tissue in the bottle and walked deeper.

Passing through the counter, there is a narrow and dark corridor behind, with cardboard boxes piled on both sides of the corridor, which should store the small commodities outside. The air here is turbid, filled with the cheap aroma of goods, and the smell is a bit overpowering.

The corridor is less than five meters long, followed by the wall and the stairs leading to the second floor against the wall.

It was at this time that the direction indicated by the bottle changed to the second floor.

Xia Ren looked up and saw that the entrance to the stairs was extremely dark with no light, as if all the light had been swallowed up.

Just as he was observing intently, there were suddenly several strange noises coming from above, like something tapping on the floor, accompanied by a faint calling, attracting him to go forward.

Xia Ren raised his eyebrows. The wooden stairs could not cover up the sound of footsteps and creaked when he stepped on them. He simply quickened his pace and rushed to the second floor. At the same time, he pulled out the crowbar, preparing to respond to the other party's expectations.

Lily grabbed his clothes with both hands and stuck them tightly to his chest like an octopus. Not only did she not have to worry about falling off, it could also be used as a bulletproof vest at critical moments.

Xia Ren kicked the door, and the wooden door exploded and shattered, then hit the wall behind and was completely shattered.

The dirty air suddenly overflowed with the strong smell of pollution. It was like a garbage dump that had been piled up for a week under high temperatures. All kinds of leftovers and rotten meat inside began to melt. In addition, bacteria and fungi grew, and the garbage swelled. bag and then bring the scent together.

Xia Ren was caught off guard and took a sip, which made him a little dizzy. He almost lost his balance and fell down the stairs. If an ordinary person smelled it, he would be bedridden for half a month.

Fortunately, he stabilized his body in time, coughed twice, held his breath, and examined the scene in front of him.

The second floor is different from the first floor. This is where the shop owner should live. Behind the door is the living room. There are all kinds of furniture, but it is already messy inside. Almost no small objects are intact. On the floor All kinds of broken wine bottles and cups had no place at all.

The curtains on the balcony were blown by the wind, and from time to time a few gaps were exposed during the shaking, revealing whirling light and shadow.

Xia Ren saw that there were some light white traces left on the surface of some floors and furniture, somewhat similar to scale, similar to the traces found on the cat's eyes in Jack's house. In other words, there were slime aberrations operating here.

His heart sank and he couldn't help but frown.

Looking at the scene in front of me, it is definitely not like this just now, but it has happened for a while. The owner of this store may have encountered something unexpected and even turned into a deformed body.

This means that there is no monster similar to Jack in Esera City, and this kind of monster was not born just in the past two days!

Lily buried her head in Xia Ren's chest, looking very disgusted with this place.

The air was quiet for a second, and the sound of tapping on the floor and the faint sound that came and went suddenly seemed to disappear and never sounded again.

After thinking briefly, Xia Ren stood at the door and shouted, "Is there anyone there? I'll just come in if there's no one."

This was obviously nonsense, and he certainly didn't expect anyone to respond.

When he arrived at the house, Xia Ren originally wanted to use the bottle in his hand to find the aberration hidden here, but that small part of the tissue seemed to have failed. He searched around in the bottle in confusion, unable to point out the direction at all.

"How could this happen? Is it simply attracted by the smell of the room?"

After shaking the bottle, the mucus inside was still the same. Xia Ren sighed and could only put the temporarily useless prop into his pocket.

There is no way that the aberration is still in this room, and the surrounding environment is worse than a garbage dump. Xia Ren wants to leave quickly, but somewhere in the dark, there seems to be a voice saying:

Come all come...

He had no choice but to go out without any gain, so he could only search the house, trying to find some useful information.

After searching around the living room and finding nothing worth paying attention to, Xia Ren went directly to the bedroom.

This side was also too messy to look straight at, and the pigs shook their heads just looking at it.

He opened the bedside table drawer in the bedroom, and sure enough, he found something good.

A few boxes of Cialis and Prelix, plus some latex safety barrier type equipment.

"Too bad I can't use it."

Xia Ren shook his head and opened another drawer. Inside was a wallet.

He took out his ID card and looked at it. The photo showed a slightly fat man with some baldness.

The key is his name.

Alan Bart.

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