Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 447 The city collapsed and millions of sacrifices were made!

"In other words, Alan Bart is friends with Father Ray Nuttall and novelist Thomas Miller Wright at the same time. He is the link between the two?"

This would explain why the incompatible priest and novelist walked side by side on the street before disappearing.

Qin Yun continued: "The prerequisites have been met, and then we can roughly clarify the context of the matter."


Xia Ren agreed. So far, he couldn't find any flaws in Qin Yun's reasoning.

Qin Yun finally went through the logic in her mind, and then said slowly: "The store owner Alan Bart should have known the novelist Thomas Miller Wright for a long time, and had some friendship with him, and was willing to collect his Show the collection to each other and gain a certain sense of satisfaction through sharing.

Until not long ago, Alan Bart did not know how he obtained a contaminant that could summon monsters. It might be a grimoire or an item in other forms. In short, Alan Bart excitedly talked to Miller. Show off another piece of your collection. Thomas Miller, a wizard, saw the unusualness of this item at a glance and warned Alan Bart, but he may not have taken it seriously at the time.

Until Ray Nuttall also saw the collection.

Ray Nuttall is a priest with a strong desire to explore and maintains a strong curiosity about other religious items, so he will naturally not let go of this collection.

He may have summoned the monster through instructions from the collection, or someone may have deliberately guided him.

Alan Bart may have been present when Ray Nuttall summoned the monster. Both of them realized what stupid things they had done and regretted it, so they quarreled with each other in the bar.

Alan Bart, who was tortured by fear, quickly remembered Thomas Miller Wright's warning, and the two immediately went to find each other and pray for help. Thomas Miller Wright should have agreed to his request and tried to solve this problem. trouble.

However, judging from what we have seen, they most likely failed. Alan Bart became a mutant, and Thomas Miller, Wright and Ray Nuttall were missing and lost their traces.

On the night when the incident happened, Jack, who had just finished drinking with his friends, was riding home by car. On the way, he got out of the car and vomited. He met Alan Bart, who had become a mutant, and was contaminated. We already know what happened next. "

Xia Ren pondered for a while after listening, and then smiled: "With your deduction ability, maybe you are more suitable for writing novels than me."

"I can ghostwrite it for you."

Qin Yun rarely acted like a little girl, blinked and responded mischievously.

For a moment, Xia Ren felt a little moved, not sure if it was because of these words or something else.

"If this is really the case, then what role did the Immortal Society play in the whole incident? What is their purpose?"

Xia Ren felt that now he was back to the crux of the problem.

Qin Yun lifted her bangs in front of her forehead and said: "The purpose is unclear at the moment, but the Immortal Society must know about Alan Bart and the others summoning monsters. Perhaps, the contaminant is deliberately sent to Alan Bart by the Immortal Society. in hand.

The old seal in the room might have been given to Alan Bart by Thomas Miller Wright for self-defense, or it might have been put in by the Elder Brotherhood afterwards to cover up the polluted smell in his room. "


Xia Ren agreed with this statement: "People whose minds have been distorted by pollution cannot be understood by normal people's logic. Perhaps for them, spreading pollution is their biggest purpose."

He was about to explain what he had discovered to the logistics department when Captain John called as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Hey, Xia Ren, we just found the taxi driver who took Jack that night. He still had an impression of Jack. He said that he asked to get out of the car halfway through the ride and ran to the side of the road to vomit."

"get off?"

Xia Ren perked up: "Where is he getting off the bus?"

"It's a commercial street intersection, about two kilometers away from home. We followed the surveillance on the road and found that he walked all the way home."

Commercial Street intersection...

Exactly as Qin Yun reasoned, the person who infected Jack was the monster who ran away from Alan Bart's house.

"I also made a major discovery here."

Xia Ren told John the whole story on the phone, including his suspicions about the Elderly Society.

On the other side of the phone, John was stunned for a while after listening.

He thought he had been prepared for the worst when he discovered that the aberrations were contagious, but he didn't expect that he was still too naive.

The disappearance of the priest and the novelist turned out to be directly related to the emergence of aberrations. The Elder Club used the police station to control everything secretly, but he was not aware of it from beginning to end.

John couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat as he thought about it.

He had the same question as Xia Ren, what was the other party's purpose?

Is all this effort just to create a few aberrations?

"I can no longer make the decision on this matter, I must report it as soon as possible..."

After John finished speaking, he hung up the phone hurriedly without waiting for Xia Ren's response.

the other side.

"Let's act quickly. If we don't find the aberrations hiding in the city as soon as possible, something bad may happen."

Xia Ren also felt a sense of crisis.

Somehow, he recalled the day when the plague broke out in Dongpu City.

This is obviously not a good sign.

Several people then went to Ray Nuttall's church according to the information provided by the logistics department, and found that it seemed to have been ransacked by thugs. The benches were broken and the walls were covered with scratches.

Because of the priest, the nearby residents were unwilling to come to this church, or even get close to it, so no one heard the damage here at all.

Xia Ren searched around inside and found no clues.

Several people then went to Thomas Miller Wright's apartment. However, the place was cleaner than they imagined. The Superintendent and the Logistics Department had also been here before. The first two had gained nothing. Naturally, Xia Ren would not learn anything new. discovery.

In the evening, the time has reached six o'clock, and the orange-red sunset falls on the earth, dyeing the clouds on the horizon into a cruel color like blood.

For half a day, Xia Ren and the others, including the logistics team, had nothing to gain.

The tissue in the bottle seemed to be dead. No matter how much it was shaken or wherever it was taken, it remained motionless.

However, the more this happened, the more uneasy everyone became. On the surface, the entire city was extremely calm, but there was a sense of oppression that a storm was coming, forcing them to breathe hard.

"It's so abnormal..."

Xia Ren stood on top of the tallest church in the city, overlooking the entire city.

The old seal he saw at Alan Bart's house that morning came to his mind involuntarily.

The red lines on the black background are as gorgeous as flowing fresh blood. Although it has lost its original function under the erosion of pollution, looking at the eyes above can still cause instinctive heart palpitations.

Compared with the old seal of the Foundation, this old black seal has an unspeakable evil character.

There are still many secrets in this world that have not been opened to him.

The setting sun completely sank into the earth, and the light seemed to be swallowed up by darkness in an instant.

The cold wind suddenly hit him, ruffling his long black hair.

The sand carried in the wind blurred his eyes. Xia Ren rubbed it and opened his eyes again. He suddenly saw bright fires all over the city.

Immediately afterwards, an earth-shaking explosion accompanied by sound waves, like a giant cannon, blasted into his ears.

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