Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 449 Death Reservoir

"How is it possible that the explosion is not over yet?"

It was as if the sound of mountains falling echoed across the earth, and the rumbles were endless.

The ground was unsteady at all, so Xia Ren stretched out his tentacles to wrap up Qin Yun and the others to prevent them from getting separated.

The sky also trembled, as if the whole world was shaking. Immediately afterwards, terrifying deep valleys opened on the ground, and mud and rocks spewed out from them, flying hundreds of meters into the air.

The ground they were on collapsed and fell downwards.

Even if Xia Ren wanted to escape, he had no choice in this environment. He could only be buried in the soil, and then follow him down, down!

Only by raising your field of vision and looking down from the clouds can you see clearly what is happening.

The dust and smoke that enveloped the sky dispersed, and among the ruins of the city that had been razed to the ground, a wide canyon suddenly appeared on the ground, like a crack cut by a towering sharp sword.

This terrifying crack spreads out of the original city limits, follows the high terrain all the way down, spans a distance of tens of kilometers, and connects to the... broad river in the suburbs!


With the help of his tentacles, Xia Ren climbed out of the mud at the bottom of the rift valley, and pulled Qin Yun and the others up.

"After the explosion, was there another earthquake?"

Xia Ren looked at the dark surroundings and looked up, only a narrow gap remained in the lead-blue night sky.

Qin Yun shook the dirt from her hair, looked around with her emerald green eyes, frowned and said, "No, this is man-made, not an earthquake, look."

Xia Ren looked in the direction of her finger. The rock walls on both sides of the rift valley were covered with thick floating soil.

"This is obviously a trace left by the explosion. If the cracks were caused by vibrations in the earth's crust, the cracks would never be so smooth."

"To actually get to this point..."

What exactly does the Ageless Society want to do?

Suddenly, Xia Ren's heart palpitated and he had a premonition of danger coming.

As soon as he turned around, he saw on the other side of the canyon, the monstrous flood was carrying the soil and coming overwhelmingly!

Without any time to react, several people were swept into the flood in the blink of an eye and disappeared.

In the woods on the outskirts.

The research room was affected by the earthquake just now. Although it did not collapse, the foundation was lifted up by rocks, causing the entire building to tilt sideways.

"The explosion just now..."

"What's going on in the city?"

"The signal was cut off and we couldn't contact anyone else."

"Patients with entomophobia cannot have problems. They should go to the isolation ward first."

"We must confirm the situation quickly!"

Two minutes later, an aircraft that resembled the outline of a van flew out of the forest, dragging its tail flames.

Before they reached the quarantine area, they saw the scene below.

The researchers from the Superman Alliance were stunned.

In front of him was a completely unfamiliar environment. The famous tourist city full of classical literature and art in the past had disappeared, leaving only devastated ruins and broken limbs everywhere.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and some ruins were still burning. Under the firelight, there was no breath of life.

What's even more terrifying is that in the center of the city, a terrifying wound opens in the earth, and the turbid water gathers the blood of the people in the city, rushing into the distance with a fishy smell that rises to the sky.

"This is……"

The researchers were shocked and speechless.

Dr. Liao also looked at the ground through the window.

His expression was complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his eyes.

"What is it that makes you so anxious? According to the plan, isn't it just starting tomorrow?"

On Hoover Dam, a man and a woman stood.

The speaker was a thin girl, wearing a blue striped kimono, with two little feet wrapped in white stockings stepping on wooden clogs.

The girl held two long knives in both hands and stood on tiptoes, as if she wanted to see further.

The wind from high places blew her long hair, and also blew her wide kimono sleeves, revealing a pair of white lotus-rooted arms.

The man standing next to the girl was a strong man, wearing a cassock, with half of his strong chest exposed. He had no hair, bronze skin all over his body, and his eyes were unusually soft, like a monk who had walked out of a temple.

Hearing the girl's question, the monk smiled and said unhurriedly: "You don't understand the situation. An unexpected person is here. If you wait until tomorrow, the matter will be exposed in advance. By then, we will not be together for several months." There is no use in preparing.”


The girl was surprised and asked: "Who is it?"

"You'll see me later."

The girl continued to ask, but the monk just smiled.

The girl said angrily: "You have become like a crow. You are always angry with me. If I had known I would not come. This kind of thing should be left to you and the crow."

The monk said: "The crow is taking the boss's sister around. Now this scenery is getting less beautiful day by day."

When this topic was mentioned, the girl stopped talking.

After a while, they saw a bit of filthy water flowing into the calm reservoir, and they understood that it was coming from the city.


The monk clasped his hands together, lowered his head slightly, and shed two lines of tears from his eyes.

The girl curled her lips and said disdainfully: "Fake mercy."

The monk did not retort, but said in a hoarse voice: "We should go."

There were still tears on his face, and he turned and left without wiping them away.

Nanzhou, Moka Desert.

The headquarters of the foundation, the deepest part of the Eighteen Purgatory.

The boy in the glass jar seemed to feel something, and slowly opened his empty eyes.

After a long time, a deep sigh came from the empty room.

The rapid current knocked Xia Ren, who was caught in it, dizzy.

It wasn't until the flow slowed down that he inserted his tentacles into the soft mud at the bottom of the river to stabilize his body.

Half a minute later, Xia Ren emerged from the bottom of the water and climbed up the steep bank.

Wiping the muddy water off his face, he just took a few breaths when he saw a terrifying scene.

In front of us is a huge and clear lake, but this lake is being polluted at an extremely fast rate.

Yellow-black turbid sewage continued to flow in from the upper reaches. Countless human limbs, broken arms, or entire corpses emerged from the bottom of the water and floated on the surface, quickly filling the entire lake.

There were an unknown number of corpses gathered here, and the source of the corpses was probably the residents who had just died tragically in the explosion that destroyed the entire city of Esera.

The moon cast a pale light in the night sky, and the smell of blood, so strong that it was impossible to breathe, filled the entire space, and even the strong wind at night could not dissipate it.

He had never seen such a crazy and bloody scene. The number of corpses floating on the lake alone far exceeded the horrific mountains of flesh piled up in Dongpu City the night the plague broke out.

And it is far from stopping. The water level of the lake in front of us is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, and corpses are still floating from the bottom of the water...

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