Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 452 Bagshas Kiss

Since the shape of the monster cannot be described in words, the Ice Servant can only ignore all the subsequent parts about the monster's body.

Therefore, Xia Ren could only guess that the monster's appearance probably looked like a ball of mucus.

As for the inability to describe this characteristic, it is quite consistent with relatively severe pollutants. When Xia Ren himself wrote "Pollution in the Whole Territory", many descriptions of pollution had to rack their brains to find barely more vivid words in human language. .

However, this also saves a lot of trouble. If it is possible to record the old gods and apostles in detail like a grimoire such as "The Digger", then the book you wrote will become a grimoire, and then all readers will be able to record it in detail. I am afraid that readers who have read this book will be affected by the pollution. I am afraid that the Foundation will notice it immediately and treat it as an abnormality.

At that time, Xia Ren will have no choice but to stop updating, and will also lose additional sources of achievement points.

As the ice servant told him, the image of Miller Wright gradually became clear in his mind.

As Captain John said, Xia Ren has been able to confirm that Thomas Miller Wright is the wizard.

After listening to the descriptions of his friend Alan Bart and the annoying priest Ray Nuttall, he unabashedly expressed his ridicule and disgust towards Nuttall.

But when it comes to business, Miller-Wright is trustworthy.

He asked the two to take him back to the place where the monster appeared, which was Bart's house, to check the situation.

Miller-Wright looked very ugly when he saw the slime remaining on the floor, ceiling and various furniture in the house.

"You're in big trouble!"

Miller Wright was already a hot-tempered person, and he was even more furious at this time.

Nuttall and Alan Bart knew nothing and could only pin their hopes on him, so no one dared to raise any opinions.

"It happens to be Him, it happens to be Him..."

After carefully reading the contents of the book and listening to the opening notes of the record, Miller-Wright sat on the still-dry mucus and murmured this sentence repeatedly.

As for who "He" was, Alan Bart and Nuttall did not dare to touch his brows, so they refrained from asking.

It wasn't until early in the morning that Miller stood up again. Although his face remained sad, he was still very energetic after thinking all night. He was a man in his fifties, with strong muscles, a straight chest and back, and bright eyes. He was bright and energetic, almost more energetic than a young man in his twenties.

Alan Bart and Nuttall, on the other hand, were haggard. The tap water they drank was added with sleep-inducing neurological drugs by the Superman Alliance. This, coupled with the fear of death, has been tormenting their fragile spirits.

After that, Miller-Wright disappeared on his own.

It was not until evening that he returned to Alan Barth's apartment with a large amount of information.

Alan Bart and Nuttall tried to read the content of the information, but Bart only read a few sentences at a time before feeling a splitting headache. Nuttall was able to read more, but was later discovered by Miller Wright and was tortured. scolded.

Things became like this because of Nuttall's overly strong desire to explore. The other two were afraid that he would get sick again, so they prohibited him from getting close to any information.

Time came to night, and the panic in Alan Bart and Nuttall's hearts became more and more serious as the sunlight disappeared.

They began to have mental problems, and Nuttall even heard the sound of mucus flowing and the creeping darkness outside the window.

Finally, Miller Wright found the answer he wanted from the pile of information.

When the ice servant described it, he failed to explain what the answer was. He only repeated a riddle that Miller Wright said at the time:

What evil awakens the dead in the abyss,

Bringing terror to the world?

In short, the two followed Miller Wright's instructions, turned on all the lights in the house, and filled the living room with lit candles.

The bright light somewhat dispelled the fear lingering in the hearts of the two of them, bringing some warmth and dependence.

"We need a counter-spell - one that only wakes up at midnight!

In this way, one can be freed from His curse. "

Under the candlelight, Miller Wright's eyebrows furrowed into grooves: "However, this counter-spell is not perfect."

"not perfect?"

Nuttall repeated, his eyes were already bloodshot, and the fear was so overwhelming that he almost had a nervous breakdown.

Miller Wright seemed to be whispering something naturally to himself in a low voice, but Alan Bart was not in the mood to listen at this time.

"Hurry up and start! If there is anything else that needs to be prepared, we will do it immediately!"

"You don't need anything else, just close your eyes and stay among the candles. Especially you, stupid priest, if you dare to make any move during the ceremony, I guarantee you will die ugly on the spot. !”

"Hell, I'm really crazy to dare to go against Him..."

Miller Wright said, walked to the door, and put a piece of black paper on the back of the door.

The three of them were sitting cross-legged in the middle of the living room, surrounded by lit candles. Fortunately, there was only less than half an hour until midnight, so they didn't have to worry about the embarrassing situation of the candles burning out.

MillerWright took out a small saucer from his arms and poured some brown powder into it to ignite it.

Smoke curled up, and the whole room was bathed in the refreshing fragrance. Alan Bart and Nuttall suddenly felt that their moods were much calmer. It seemed that the incense had worked.

Then, they held the clock on the wall and waited for the passage of time.

Finally, at the moment when the three hands on the clock overlapped, Miller Wright began to recite the counter-spell.

A string of strange and unfamiliar syllables popped out of his mouth, and some parts were jerky and suffocating, making people wonder if his throat structure was still human.

No matter what, it is impossible for Alan Bart and Nuttall to remember this counter-curse. Even just uttering one of the syllables alone is no less difficult for them than directly imitating the sound of a volcanic eruption.

This kind of voice can be made by Miller Wright alone.

As the counter-curse began, indescribable changes also occurred.

The surrounding space seemed to become distorted, and the structure of the house became extremely strange to Alan Bart's eyes. The familiar furniture grew fangs, or melted and piled up, becoming deformed existences that emitted brilliant light, and Slowly approaching him.

Colloidal pus like jelly seeped out from the walls and floors. They squirmed and changed, more and more...

Alan Bart didn't last until the end of the ceremony and fainted.

When he woke up, he found himself lying on the clean and tidy floor, surrounded by cleanly burning candle bases. The whole room was filled with a light fragrance, the sun shone in from the window, and the warm wind blew the white curtains, making it feel like heaven. So beautiful.

"it's over?"

He looked at Nuttall who was slumped on the sofa next to him, and then looked around.

Miller Wright was not seen.

The original text is "The Kiss of Bagh Shas", author Brian Lumley, translator: Kosotia.

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