Immediately afterwards, the red light became stronger and stronger, began to spread rapidly, and finally enveloped the entire reservoir, competing with the moonlight in mid-air.

At the same time, the smell of blood in the air reached its peak. Xia Ren and Tang Tangtang were in it, and they even felt that the air had condensed into a substance and they could not breathe at all.

The two of them secretly thought that something was wrong. Although they were mentally prepared, they still felt a little panic when they actually faced it.

This bloody ritual that slaughtered millions of lives and even sacrificed the entire city finally officially began.

The next moment, the red light in the air began to decay rapidly, but it did not disappear completely. Instead, it began to turn towards brown and black like animals and plants decaying.

The corpses in the reservoir decomposed at an unimaginable speed. The broken limbs dissolved and fell off the gray-white bones. Finally, even the bones began to melt and merged with the surrounding sludge-like decaying liquid.

In the blink of an eye, the entire reservoir turned into a swamp exuding a horrible stench.

But this swamp is not silt, but a whole mass of gelatinous material that flows and slides like jelly.

Xia Ren looked at this scene, his heart almost jumped into his throat.

The situation he was most worried about happened.

"These corpses have all been assimilated into monsters..."

Now, the entire reservoir has become a huge source of pollution. Once the gate is opened and the water is released, it will be a disaster for all humans on the Xizhou continent. Moreover, this disaster will quickly spread to other states in other forms, until finally, it will cause the entire human civilization to collapse. collapse!

The years of efforts of the Supreme Alliance Government, the Salvation Foundation, and the World Superman Association will all be in vain, and pollution will forcefully break into the vision of all mankind in an arrogant manner.

The most important thing is that until now, Xia Ren still can't find Qin Yun and the others.

In the thick fog of change, his instinct has already noticed the dangers around him. If he continues to stay here, even if he has the blood of the old gods, his fate will be unimaginable, let alone others.

"what to do……"

He was in a tangle.

The instinct to survive was urging him to escape, but Qin Yun's smile appeared frequently in his mind at this moment.

It was a difficult question to decide whether to abandon them and escape alone, or to risk their lives and forcibly destroy the ritual with Eternal Steel.

Xia Ren is very afraid of death, very, very afraid of death.

Looking at the reservoir in front of him that had been completely invaded by mucus, he couldn't help but take a step back.

Xia Ren turned his head and almost gritted his teeth and asked Tang Tangtang: "If you stay, you will almost die. If you run away, you can still live. Can you run?"

Tang Tangtang was about to ask if he wasn't going to find Qin Yun and the others? A petite and delicate figure flashed in his mind, with short shoulder-length hair and that cute smiling face.

If he died, he would never have the chance to see her again.

He also bit his lip and looked at Xia Ren.

The two men both looked at each other with expressions of bitterness and hatred, as if they were about to cry. Neither one spoke first.

In the end, Xia Ren made the decision.

"I have never even touched a woman's thigh in my life!"

Tang Tangtang was hot-headed and echoed loudly: "Me too!"

"And I haven't tasted a woman yet, so I'm not willing to accept it!"

Tang Tangtang clenched his fists: "I'm not willing to do it either!"

He thought Xia Ren was going to run away, but he was subconsciously grateful.

Unexpectedly, Xia Ren then said: "But if you just run away like this, I won't be willing to do it!"

Tang Tangtang was stunned.


Everyone in Esela City is dead, and more people will die soon. But the only people on the scene who have the ability and the chance to prevent the disaster are probably the two of them.

If they get too timid and run away, there's no hope left.

Of course Tang Tangtang knew this.

Of course he knows.

But, he will die...

This was different from the day when he escorted Xia Ren to the foundation to encounter the Son of the Wind. On that day, there was a powerful master standing in front of him. He was so passionate that he just ignored him.

Now, he still has a way out and a chance to choose whether to die or not.

Suddenly, Tang Tangtang recalled what his master Yi Zhiyu said when he first met him after he had just finished the initial training of the foundation:

"Do you know bees? They are not ferocious. They can be satisfied just quietly collecting honey. But bees also have stings. When an enemy attacks, even if they die, the worker bees will insert the stings attached to the internal organs. Inside the enemy, protect the hive.”

"They sometimes face unimaginable behemoths. Bees actually don't know whether the attacks they exchange for their lives can drive away the enemies, but their ancestors have always done this, so they can continue to this day. Bees don't have sharp They don’t have teeth or sharp claws. If they don’t even dare to stab the enemy with the last poisonous needle, they can only watch their homes being destroyed.”

"Bees who lose their hives have only one fate, which is to die wandering in a strange environment and never have any offspring."

At this point, Yi Zhiyu's expression suddenly became serious: "You and I are both bees."

Tang Tangtang still remembers how he responded like this:

"I'm not afraid of death."

Recalling this, Tang Tangtang no longer thinks about escaping.

Xia Ren showed an expression of appreciation and patted his generous shoulder: "I'm sorry, I just pulled you out of hell, and I have to take you back for a tour again."

Tang Tangtang clenched his fist: "Actually, I'm still very strong."

Xia Ren was startled, then laughed: "That's right, I also feel very strong."

Both of them have adjusted their mentality, and there is nothing left to hesitate.

"Follow me, their ceremony is held on the dam!"

After Xia Ren finished speaking, he turned around and started running away. Under the thick fog, only a shadow could be seen.

He had just passed through the Eye of Lulim and observed several figures walking back and forth on the dam from a distance. Those who were still active at this time were undoubtedly minions of the Elder Society.

Tang Tangtang followed closely behind. He stepped forward with his feet, and each step could span three to four meters, leaving a series of deep footprints on the river bank.

Soon, the two came to the bottom of the dam.

The main body of this magnificent building is entirely made of cement. The exposed part alone is nearly two hundred meters high. Standing at the corner and looking up, it is like looking up at the Wall of Mary.

Tang Tangtang looked around and saw that there was no escalator or other passage nearby, so he asked, "How do we go up?"

Xia Ren stretched out his hand towards him: "Grab me."

Tang Tangtang didn't hesitate and held his arm firmly.

The next moment, tentacles tens of meters long stretched out, like a wild python dancing, and suddenly hit the solid embankment. The densely packed suction cups on it tightened and clung to the wall.

The strong wind roared in his ears, and before Tang Tangtang could react, he had already landed on the ground at the top of the dam, led by Xia Ren.

As soon as he landed, before he could stand upright, several humanoid creatures in black robes had already surrounded him.

"court death!"

Xia Ren pulled out the crowbar and hit one of the black-robed men on the head.

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