Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 459 Drowned Spirit

The only person Xia Ren has seen so far, apart from the Bulgarian Lich King, is a man dressed so charmingly.

"Since you have known my true identity for a long time, why didn't you tell me in the bar during the day?"

The bartender gently wiped his lips with his fingers. He didn't know whether it was blood or lipstick, which gave people an evil feeling.

Xia Ren said honestly: "Actually, I didn't see it. Saying that just now would make me appear more advanced."

The bartender was stunned, then licked his lips and smiled: "You are indeed a great young man. Of course, there is also the guy next to you."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Tang Tangtang replied politely, and then asked Xia Ren next to him: "As long as this ugly monster is hammered to death, the ceremony will be over, right?"

The bartender looked a little stiff.

"It should be no accident."

Xia Ren took out the crowbar, thought about it, and gave Tang Tangtang two old seals.

Tang Tangtang looked at the two bronze coins and recognized the patterns on them.

"Is this... an old seal?"

"Well, holding them in your hands will not only prevent you from being assimilated by pollution, but also allow your fists to cause some substantial damage to the enemy."


Tang Tangtang held two old seals in his hands, one in each hand.

Seeing that they ignored him, the bartender took the initiative and said: "It's useless. Once the ceremony starts, there is no way to stop it."

"Really? I don't believe it."

Xia Ren shook his head and suddenly sniffed the air: "This smell is the smell of lies!"

"There is only one truth. You have been standing in the center of the magic circle since just now, and you still say that you are not a flaw!"


The bartender seemed to smile helplessly: "So what if you knew it? You can't even kill the most common drowned spirit. Is there any way to kill me?"

Drowned spirit?

So this is what these ooze monsters are called?

Xia Ren glanced at the twisted lines emitting red light under his feet.

The bartender sighed: "It's useless. The inscription method of this magic circle is far beyond your understanding. The ceremony itself to welcome the arrival of the great god possesses his supreme power. We despicable low-level races are just Being in it is already a supreme honor.”

He held his arms with his arms, his eyes were extremely pious, and he was completely a loyal believer of the evil god.

"Hey, you can demean yourself, but don't bring us with you."

I hate people who can't even look down on themselves.


The power of God?

Xia Ren thought of something and suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" This abnormality made the bartender feel uneasy for no reason.

"The power of God..."

The tentacles hovered in the air, squirming slowly. Along with Xia Ren's manic laughter, the densely packed white suckers on them also trembled slightly, as if they were also laughing.

"The guys you call gods are just ugly monsters with a little bit of power..."

Xia Ren held the crowbar in his right hand, and the thumbnail of his left hand scratched his index finger. He let the blood droplets roll down and slowly smeared on the crowbar from beginning to end.

His heart moved, and he suddenly felt the urgent desire coming from the crowbar.

Even when facing the apostle's body, Crowbar has never had such a strong desire to devour him. The urgent desire it conveys to him is so strong that it even makes him feel a little scared!

But fortunately, he is still its master, otherwise Xia Ren would have the illusion that the crowbar could suck him dry instantly.

Xia Ren's eyes became brighter and his smile became more and more wild. It seemed that the doctor had not deceived himself. His bloodline might really be inherited from the old god in the deep sea!

"I admit that you are a great man, but after all, you are still too young and don't know what real terror is..."

The bartender wanted to ridicule Xia Ren for overestimating his abilities, but then his expression changed from disdain to shock.

"What are you doing!"

he suddenly snapped.

Following Xia Ren's movements, he actually felt another force that made his heart palpitate from the crowbar that was completely black and looked like it had been dragged from the car repair shop before arriving!

Xia Ren stroked the blood-stained crowbar with a cruel smile on his face: "Of course, stop this ritual."

He suddenly changed his movements, inserted the crowbar into the ground with both hands, and then opened a huge horizontal hole.

All the twisted lines in contact with the crowbar were cut off, and then dimmed, no longer glowing red, like dead insects.

The bartender's eyes were splitting, and he couldn't maintain his expression anymore. He roared hysterically: "Drowning Spirit, stop them!"

The black-robed Drowned Spirits behind them suddenly rioted, like a black wave, pouring towards them.

While they were still some distance away, Xia Ren grabbed hold of the sharp end of the crowbar and made a large gash in his palm. He held Tang Tang's bowl-sized fist boldly and covered it with blood.

"Give you my blood, it will be of great use!"

The situation was critical. Tang Tangtang had just reacted and turned around to face an enemy several times his own.

Xia Ren patted him on the shoulder: "They left it to you."


Tang Tangtang was stunned for a moment and blurted out: "What about you?"

"I'm going to fight the BOSS! Believe in yourself, you can do it! Come on!"

Xia Ren gave him a victory gesture, and then ran towards the center of the magic circle without looking back. Along the way, the crowbar dragged on the ground, rubbing bright sparks and creating an obvious crack in the magic circle.

The situation was critical, and Tang Tangtang had no time to think about whether this was fair or not. He only had one thought in his mind:

"Stop them, kill them! Destroy the ceremony!"


Tang Tangtang roared loudly, venting his fear.

He has never faced so many enemies, especially if they are all inhuman creatures. If he is not careful, he will be torn into pieces, or his body will be invaded by the mucus!

He has no way out because the enemy is right in front of him!


Tang Tangtang's heart was beating wildly, and he swung out his blood-stained fist, hitting the enemy at the front.

There was a "bang" in the air, like an explosion of gunpowder. The enemy seemed to have hit a cannonball head-on. His body and black robe exploded on the spot, and mucus flew everywhere in the air.

It was just a hasty first punch, but the power was so terrifying. With such talent, it is no wonder that the foundation trained him as an A-level investigator, and even Yi Zhiyu accepted him as his apprentice!


Another punch, but this time he controlled the force and did not crush the enemy. Instead, after his fist touched the opponent's body, he suddenly exerted force and knocked him back, knocking away a group of advancing enemies. .

But there were too many enemies, and even if he activated Wushuang, it would be impossible to stop them all.

While he was fighting, a group of drowning spirits had already broken out from both sides in Xia Ren's direction.

Although I'm a day late, everyone, happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day!

I was at home alone yesterday and today, and I feel like the festival has nothing to do with me. When I posted the chapter yesterday, I forgot to send a blessing. I'm sorry.

The following is the list of rewards accumulated in the past few months. I hope there will be no omissions: Thank you to Jianyi Wuya for the 5,000 points! Thanks to the strange nickname for adding two thousand points to the reward! Thanks to Agent J for the thousand points! Thanks to Wu Xianxi for the thousand points! Thanks for the 500-point reward without parting! Thanks to tworen9999 for the 500 points! Thanks to Bujianmengzhihuan for the 200 points! Thanks to book friend 20200802002348832, Destroy \u0026amp; Thank you all for your support, little cuties!

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