"The coward's hideout!"

Since he hadn't used the ear pick normally for so long, Xia Ren almost forgot that in addition to its vibration function, it could also provide a shield that could isolate attacks and protect the user from pollution.

It's just that the original description showed that its Coward's Hidden effect can withstand the attacks of a type of aberration, but the pile of more than ten meters high in the center of the magic circle, like a pair of broken black jelly-like things, is not just that. A type of aberration.

"Whether it works or not, let's try it first before talking!"

At worst, if we waste thousands of achievement points to exchange for anti-pollution fluid, we can't just let this crazy sacrifice ceremony go smoothly!

Xia Ren's heart skipped a beat and he rushed towards the center again.

Before he could even take two steps, the sticky tentacle fell down again.

Still using the same attack method, countless mucus splashed into the air, only three feet away from Xia Ren.

As he ran, he took out an ear pick and stuck it into his ears.

The coward's concealment effect activates!

An invisible barrier rose around Xia Ren, and with the movement, a large amount of mucus flew in, all of which slapped on the barrier, without a drop of it breaking through the defense.

And because the barrier has no entity, these disgusting slimes don't have any attachment points and slide directly to the ground.

"it works!"

Xia Ren didn't have much hope, but he didn't expect that the ear pick would work wonders.

Of course, this also depends on the bartender not launching a direct attack. The main function of those slimes is to control his actions, so the effect of Coward's Hide can block it out.

Xia Ren inserted the crowbar into the ground and continued to destroy the formation.

This magic array is too huge, and the part he has destroyed so far is less than one-tenth of the entire array.

The strange red lines on the ground are still emitting light, and an increasingly terrifying momentum is gathering, proving that the ceremony is still in progress and has not been destroyed.

Xia Ren took the time to look back. Tang Tangtang's figure flashed, and the Drowned Spirits were sent flying to both sides of the dam. None of them broke through his blockage.

He actually did it.

"I have to work hard here too!"

Xia Ren knew that Tang Tangtang would not be able to last long due to his physical condition.

He quickened his pace, rubbing the blood-stained crowbar against the ground, cutting off lines that had no material support.

Tentacles kept falling from the sky, but the bartender's body was too bulky and his movements were not flexible at this time, so he was unable to directly attack Xia Ren.

Soon, the bartender also realized that his own mucus would have no effect on him.

Complex and unfamiliar syllables echoed from the bartender's bloated body, and invisible evil forces spread into the surrounding space. Xia Ren, who was running and jumping with a crowbar, suddenly felt his heart beat faster, and he felt that the pollution all around him suddenly increased. Become richer.

The air became unbreathable, the stench spread, and in his eyes, the entire world became darker.

He looked up, but could not see the familiar moonlight. The entire sky was actually obscured by the black mist that appeared at an unknown time.

When he realized this, Xia Ren was already in a completely dark environment, as if all the light had disappeared, and there were no objects around that could reflect the light.

For a moment, he lost his sense of direction and couldn't even distinguish between up and down. Only the sound of mucus squirming in his ears was like burning dynamite fuses, oppressing his already tense nerves.

Once upon a time, he saw a sentence: The oldest and strongest human emotion is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear comes from the unknown.

Now, he finally understood and realized the meaning of this sentence very deeply.

When everything around you becomes unexplorable, fear grows like mold on bread.

Reason is approaching chaos, and the mucus gradually clings to his body and spreads along his torso. Soon, he will be completely swallowed by darkness.

At the critical moment, a high-frequency vibrating sound wave suddenly broke the dark blockade.


The short but penetrating trembling sound passed through the black mist and fell into Xia Ren's ears.

His sanity emerged from the chaos, but the darkness did not disappear.

As if in a dream, he could clearly understand the dangerous situation he was in, but he was unable to make any resistance.

The body is falling, as if it will never end. If this continues, the sanity he barely maintains will soon be wiped out again.

"That's it, are you dead..."

Only now did Xia Ren finally know what kind of existence the bartender was.

This kind of complete despair and powerlessness can only be experienced when facing the old god Itakua.

The bartender can't be an old god.

He is an apostle.

"How careless."

After the foundation's permissions were unlocked, he had reviewed the information about the apostles in detail.

Each apostle has his own unique ability. This ability is obtained from the old gods they believe in, so it is extremely powerful.

Liu Fusheng's abilities are parasitism and poison, while the bartender's abilities, according to Xia Ren's guess, are probably engulfment and assimilation.

"No matter what, I don't want to become a puddle of mud..."

Xia Ren fumbled and took out a metal cube dice from his pocket with difficulty.

This seems to be his only hope now.

But just as he was about to throw the dice, something unexpected happened.

A soft hand gently held his fist and stopped his next movement in an extremely gentle way. The other hand stretched out and gently touched his chest, feeling his violent heartbeat.

"Why, it's impossible!"

The familiar smell penetrated into the nasal cavity and stimulated Xia Ren's nerves. His eyes widened and his whole body trembled like an electric shock.

In front of her eyes was a naked woman's body, her eyes closed, her black hair flying behind her, falling with Xia Ren.

Time seemed to stretch infinitely, and Xia Ren's mind went blank, unable to understand the situation in front of him.

In the darkness, the woman's hand slowly moved around his chest and gradually touched his back.

Slender white arms wrapped around his strong waist with warmth, pressing their bodies tightly together.

Even childhood sweethearts who grew up together have never had such close and intimate contact.

The delicate faces were right in front of them, and the distance between their noses was less than two centimeters. The hot breath they exhaled lingered together and merged into their next breath again.

Surprisingly, in this situation, Xia Ren's heartbeat gradually slowed down, and his tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

"If this was hospice care..."

Just as he was thinking this, the woman opened her eyes.

Bright light bloomed in those clear pupils.

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