Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 464 The old god is by my side

The creature born from the follicle also has an amorphous body, but it is completely different from the drowning spirits around it. It is even difficult to accurately describe its appearance in human language.

Its whole body is composed of green gelatinous material. Although it is also soft, it is not as loose as mud, but has a tough and solid texture.

Iridescent ooze covers the body, making its appearance more aggressive and easier to spot.

In the darkness, its body emitted dense dots of light, each of which was an eye. It was very different from the weak and featureless Drowned Spirits around it.

As soon as these eyes appear, they are immediately annihilated, then reborn, and so on.

Anyone who dares to look directly at its appearance will be completely destroyed by this mysterious and ancient taboo existence.

No one dares to question its power, and no one dares to despise it, just like people do not doubt the depth and vastness of the universe.

Xia Ren stared at the orphan of an ancient civilization that was once powerful enough to rule Blue Star, and couldn't help but open his mouth.

This familiar posture and arrogant strength are exactly the servants of the Ancient One that Xia Ren saw in the Crazy Mountains.


Xia Ren was shocked.

He never expected that the Immortal Society would spend so much effort and even sacrifice the lives of an entire city to summon a Shoggoth.

And the bartender actually obtained enough power from the Shoggoth to make him an apostle.

What happened to this world.

My green-haired lolita, the rice king, and the sweeping robot Lily, turned out to be a member of the old gods?

The old gods are at my side!

It's just that this Shoggoth looks a bit like my own one.

However, the Shoggoths all seem to look the same, maybe it's my imagination.

The real master has come out. It seems that the ceremony has been completed. There is no point in staying here anymore. I can't kill the old god, and it is such a big one.

Just when Xia Ren was about to run away, he suddenly heard a familiar voice calling him.

The source of the sound was from the direction where the Shoggoths appeared.

"Xia Ren——"


Xia Ren turned around in surprise, looked carefully, and found that it was Qin Yun standing above the Shoggoths, calling to him.

"It's actually my own one!"

He was stunned for a moment, countless thoughts flashing through his head.

What should I do? The thing summoned by the apostle is my own little lolita. Should I continue to fight? What about the countless people who have died? Is there any possibility of resurrection? Can Lily help me to save her little fangirl first? Kill the apostle...

While he was stunned, Lily was already squirming towards this side with Qin Yun and Lu Yi.

Her huge body squirmed in the reservoir, crushing countless drowning spirits that wanted to cling to her body along the way, and finally rolled up along the dam wall and arrived in front of Xia Ren.

Then her body became smaller and smaller, and gradually developed into a humanoid shape, but in the end she failed. Instead, she turned into a translucent dumpling the size of a washbasin, and rolled to Xia Ren's feet as if she had lost all her strength.

"what happened?"

The development of things once again deviated from Xia Ren's expectation. He picked up Lily at his feet. The countless pairs of small eyes were gone, which meant that Lily had fallen into a deep sleep.

Wasn't she summoned by the magic circle?

Lu Yi was already unconscious and was held up by Qin Yun from falling down.

Qin Yun explained: "When we were washed away by the water, Lily reacted in time and wrapped Lu Yi and I in her body, so that we were not separated."

"We were washed to the bottom of the river. When we wanted to go up, we found a thick layer floating on top, all of which were human corpses. They occupied the entire lake surface and began to melt, turning into the ones we had seen during the day. He looks like a monster, but fortunately he is protected by Lily."

Xia Ren asked with concern: "What happened next?"

Qin Yun was still frightened and said: "We are trapped in the water at the bottom of the lake. Those monsters have formed a strong barrier that Lily can't penetrate. What's even more terrifying is that their power seems to be getting stronger and stronger. It started to wrap around Lily, trying to devour us.

Lily struggled for a long time, and had no choice but to become what she was before, and finally rushed out of the monster's package. "

"No wonder……"

Lily followed him, and she must have been in a state of malnutrition, which was incomparable to the Shoggoths in their true heyday.

It wasn't that I starved her on purpose, but that there really was nothing to feed her.

The forceful use of power just now caused a lot of damage to Lily, so she fell into a deep sleep now.

"what is that?"

Qin Yun pointed at the apostle guarding the magic circle next to her, with a look of horror on her face.

There are no suitable words to describe the bloated and disgusting body. Just looking at it can cause her discomfort.

The apostle was still roaring with all his strength. There seemed to be some innate grudge between the two. Lily's escape just now had obviously given him a lot of stimulation.

It's just that he is still a little afraid of Xia Ren and is unwilling to leave the magic circle, otherwise the attack would have arrived long ago.

Xia Ren wanted to fight to the death with the apostles to prevent the completion of the ceremony, but now...

He looked at Qin Yun and Lu Yi beside him and hesitated.

Xia Ren had never thought that any unbearable disaster would really happen in the world. He always believed that even if the sky fell, there would be someone tall to hold it up.

In the beginning, his own strength was weak. Even if he met the Apostle or the Swollen Daughter, he had no idea. He just wanted to not have anything to do with him.

Even on the night when atypical entomophobia broke out, he did not feel real despair, because there were people from the Superman Association and the Foundation busy around him, and he only needed to do what he could to help, control the plague, and save mankind. The responsibility did not fall on his shoulders.

After that, he became slightly stronger, but at the same time, he also met stronger people, such as the Doctor.

A few steps across the galaxy, from the blue star of the solar system to the open star cluster of Taurus hundreds of light years away in an instant. He had never dared to imagine that human beings could possess such heavenly strength, comparable to gods.

Xia Ren has defined himself as a small person from beginning to end. Even if something big happens, it will not be his turn to play.

until today.

Until, he stood in front of the apostles, faced with the old gods who were about to be summoned, faced with millions of resentful souls in Esela City, and faced with the huge disaster that could be foreseen soon.

He is the only one standing here.

Only he could possibly stop this.

Xia Ren turned around and saw Tang Tangtang covered in blood on the other side of the dam. He was waving a concrete pillar. The oil was exhausted and he would soon fall down.

Turn around, the other side. The red light on the magic circle glowed again and floated into the air.

The lines he had destroyed squirmed, connected together again, and regained their light.

He was holding Lily in his hands, and beside him were unconscious Lu Yi and Qin Yun.

"what to do?"

Xia Ren was shaken.

But no one could tell him what to do, or how to choose.

It is more than 70 kilometers away from Hoover Dam.

A black figure covered in frost, like a wild dog, ran wildly on the road on the outskirts of the city at an incredible speed.

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