Not long ago, somewhere in the forest.

The white-haired young man in the wheelchair suddenly opened his eyes, a hint of exhaustion flashing in his eyes.

Big Bear chuckled and asked, "How's it going, brother?"

Hong Sen shook his head: "Let's go. It failed. Xia Ren doesn't know why he stays with Jiufeng."

Daxiong scratched his head, pushed the wheelchair and asked in confusion: "Then Jiufeng didn't come from the same place as us, why did we kill her? Is it possible that she is a bad person?"

Hong Sen was startled: "She is not a bad person."

Daxiong looked diagonally upward and thought for a while, but still couldn't figure it out: "Then why do you want to kill her?"

Hongsen sighed, with complicated eyes: "In short...the paths we take are different."

Big Bear was still confused, but he also saw that his brother didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, so he said: "Okay."

Compared with before, there were many more customers in the store.

Xia Ren sat on his seat and looked at the table full of food, while Jiufeng opposite was using both hands to put the food into his mouth.

"Is it so delicious?"

This was the first time he saw Jiufeng eating. How should I put it, the way she ate kind of ruined her temperament.

And he ate so much.

But considering her size and her status as a gardener, this is quite understandable.

Before Jiufeng could swallow the food in his mouth, he said something vaguely. Xia Ren tilted his head and didn't hear a word clearly.

Jiufeng took a bowl of porridge, took a sip, and continued: "In my hometown, there is no food with such rich taste."

I heard this sentence clearly.


Xia Ren asked along the way: "Speaking of which, I don't know where you are from. You look like you are from Dongzhou?"

Jiu Feng stuffed the chicken nuggets into his mouth and chewed them, puffing out his cheeks and shaking his head: "No."

Xia Ren became interested and guessed: "Is that Beizhou?"

With the establishment of the Supreme Alliance Government, although the movement of people between various continents has become commonplace, even after so many years, the physical characteristics of the mainstream races in each continent have not changed much. Basically, one can still judge the other person from his appearance. Which continent are you from?

Jiufeng's appearance has the standard characteristics of Dongzhou people. Because Dongzhou and Beizhou continents are connected, there are many places in Beizhou where Dongzhou people have migrated and settled there. Xia Ren entered the ancient dream for the first time. Lin Xiao, the owner of the occupied body, is a standard example.

Lin Xiao's parents were from Dongzhou. They moved directly to Beizhou's Sansi Dadu for work reasons. When Lin Xiao grew up, he found Lanaya, who was also a native of Sansi Dadu, as his wife.

Jiufeng shook his head again: "You guessed wrong. My hometown is far away, and you haven't been there yet."

Xia Ren became even more curious: "Where is that?"

Jiufeng suddenly looked into his eyes seriously: "Are you willing to have a baby with me?"

"..." Xia Ren.

Why this sentence again.

Xia Ren was a little shy and said: "What about that? Look, we have just met twice, and we don't have any relationship foundation yet..."

Jiufeng interrupted him rudely: "You are not willing to have a child with me, why should I tell you so much?"

"Ha ha."

Xia Ren laughed twice and changed the subject: "Do you know Xinni Grant? He is the boss of the Wizards Alliance."

"He's looking for you again?"

While eating, Jiufeng said in a somewhat contemptuous tone: "That guy is an extreme narcissist. He is looked down upon by everyone. He has a weird way of speaking. He likes to emphasize the last two words. I don't know who he learned it from." . I heard that he became a great magician at the age of thirty, and he is still a virgin. He seemed to have harassed you before, and then he became honest after being beaten. However, you don’t have the strength you used to have, so you still have to be careful about him. ."

After hearing Jiufeng's words, Xia Ren's anus tightened on the spot, thinking that a gay man was actually next to me!

But then I recalled the details of my exchange with Grant, and realized that things were not what I thought.

The reason why Grant was looking for him was probably because he wanted to get information about Ebon. He was a huge fan of Ebon.

However, when Jiufeng talked about Grant, there was no hostility in his tone. This made Xia Ren a little puzzled. Aren't the Foundation and the Wizards Alliance mortal enemies?

"By the way, I almost forgot, your ID is still in my car."

Xia Ren was stunned: "What certificate?"

"The foundation's ID card."

Jiu Feng himself was a little puzzled: "On the night of the accident in Esela City, for some reason a mutant rushed into the city with your ID and wanted to kill ordinary people. I happened to see him and burned him. ”

Xia Ren then remembered that he had asked the ice servants to help him find rescue in a nearby city.

But Jiufeng was also nearby.

Xia Ren suddenly realized that the foundation was not unaware. The doctor might have known what big event was going to happen, so he arranged for Jiufeng to go there in advance.

But the doctor should not know the specific situation, otherwise he would have stopped it from happening.

It was a city after all, and millions of lives.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Xia Ren was a little confused about the appearance of Xinni Grant.

The Doctor can predict the future to a certain extent through the ability to travel through time and space. So how did the Wizards Union know about the arrangements of the Elder Society?

Jiufeng had finished all the food on the table and stood up: "Let's go."

They came outside and Jiufeng got into the car and threw the ID out of the window.

Xia Ren caught the certificate, then naturally opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

Before he buckled his seat belt, he noticed Jiufeng staring straight at him.

"..." Xia Ren.

"..." Jiufeng.

"Is there something on my face?" Xia Ren couldn't help but say.

Jiufeng said bluntly: "I've already treated you to dinner, what are you doing here?"


Xia Ren didn't understand what she meant: "After that..."

He said, stunned.

Yeah, what do you do next?

The doctor teleported himself here to kill the apostle. Now that the task has been completed, it seems that... nothing will happen next.

Jiufeng said seriously: "If you are willing to have a child with me, I can take you with me."


Xia Ren didn't answer and got out of the car embarrassedly.

Looking at the butt of the car gradually moving away, Xia Ren sighed silently.

"It's not that I don't have feelings for you, it's just that you don't drive a Porsche."

After all, he is a normal man with sound physiological functions. How could he not have any thoughts about Jiufeng? It's just, alas.

After standing there for a while, Xia Ren took a taxi directly to the Arbitration Court.

He is now penniless, he doesn't even have a mobile phone, and even the clothes on his body were found for him by Jiufeng. If he wants to join Qin Yun and the others, he has to contact the logistics department first.

West Island, downstream of the original Hoover Dam, has an inconspicuous tributary.

There is an equally inconspicuous village nearby. Whenever the weather is hot, people come to bathe in the river. However, the temperature has dropped a little recently, and it just rained yesterday, so there is no one by the river.

Xia Qiudong sighed and walked to the wooden frame by the river. She wanted to relax, but looking at the surrounding scenery, she felt even more uncomfortable.

"What's going on..."

She walked to the edge of the wooden frame, sat down with her hands on the skirt of her hind legs, and stared at the river in a daze.

Then she watched helplessly as something floated over from the other side of the river.

It was only when Xia Qiudong floated to his feet that he realized that the thing was actually a strong human corpse!

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