Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 484 Holding Billions in Hands

Dragging her tired body back to the hospital, Xia Qiudong washed her face and felt more energetic.

On the way to the ward, she saw the middle-aged woman who lent her a quilt yesterday. She lowered her head and thanked her again. She had deep dark circles under her eyes, and her face was full of numbness and unbearable sadness. People in this state are often seen in hospitals.

Xia Qiudong thought about going to the police station at around eight o'clock to see if there was any news about the man.

She called the police yesterday, but the man didn't even have any complete clothes on him, let alone things like wallet and ID that could prove his identity. When the police chief came, he just asked her about the details when she found him, and then took a photo and said Go back and take a look and leave.

As soon as she returned to the intensive care unit, she saw a young doctor looking for her.

"What's wrong?"

Xia Qiudong suddenly felt something bad.

The young doctor sighed: "Come with me."

Under his leadership, Xia Qiudong entered the intensive care unit and saw several doctors inside and nurses pushing some instruments out.

She said nothing and looked at the doctor, already roughly guessing what was going on.

"Just an hour ago, his high fever subsided, but his body temperature dropped all the way to 30 degrees... It's a miracle that he is still alive now. You can have a few words with him alone one last time. Alas."

The doctor patted Xia Qiudong's shoulder and walked out of the intensive care unit with heavy steps.

Xia Qiudong looked at the man on the hospital bed, feeling a little sad. Part of it was that her money was about to be wasted, and more, it was an indescribable feeling.

The man opened his eyes, his eyes bright.

This should be the final reflection...

Xia Qiudong's heart felt heavy, like a stone blocked up.

"I heard that you saved me. My name is Tang Tangtang."

The man had a strong voice, but the weakness in it could not be concealed.


Xia Qiudong nodded.

She bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, clasped her hands together, and said, "Do you still have family? Oh no, I just want to ask, do you have any last words that I need to convey to your family?"

Tang Tangtang looked at her with slightly doubtful eyes.

After being silent for a few seconds, she said with great confusion: "What, do you have any money? In fact, I helped you advance a deposit of 100,000 to the hospital..."

Seeing that the man still didn't speak, she quickly said: "I don't mean that you must give it back to me. Forget it if you don't... By the way, I have a mobile phone. You can call your family."

As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately realized that such a move might misunderstand the other party, and quickly waved her hand and said: "I didn't mean to ask your family for money, that... ugh."

"I know you don't have much time, so I shouldn't mention this to you, but that's most of my savings... I'm so unlucky, what's going on, I'm sorry, wuwuwuwu..."

She hadn't slept well for two days, and she was anxious and sad. As she talked, she felt so sad that she started crying, tears falling down her cheeks.

Tang Tangtang couldn't bear to see her cry, so he hurriedly tried to sit up, but his whole body seemed to be falling apart and he didn't have any strength at all.

"Don't cry. I have money to pay you back, and I won't die. I'm still alive and well."

Xia Qiudong wiped away her tears: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Outside the door, the doctors saw this scene through the glass and turned their backs one after another. Their eyes were moist and they couldn't bear to watch anymore.

Tang Tangtang already had a headache, but now it's even worse: "Give me your phone and I'll make a call."

"woo woo woo woo……"

Xia Qiudong unlocked the phone and handed it to him while sobbing.

Halfway through handing it over, she remembered that the other party couldn't move: "What's the number? I'll call it for you."

Tang Tangtang reported his number, and the phone rang once and was immediately connected: "I am B-level investigator Tang Tangtang, number A259C47B1. I need non-combat assistance now."

"Okay, dear Mr. Investigator, your identity has been verified. We will arrive within fifteen minutes."

Then hung up, not a second wasted.

This number must be remembered by all investigators. After dialing, it will automatically be transferred to the nearest logistics department, allowing investigators to obtain help at any time.

Xia Qiudong took the phone away from Tang Tangtang's ear and was a little stunned when she saw that it had returned to the call history page.

The call just now was not shown in the record.

She forgot to cry for a moment and asked, "What is the profession of an investigator?"

"It's better you don't know."

Tang Tangtang stared at Xia Qiudong, the confusion in his eyes not dissipating.

Because I had endured a certain amount of pollution, I could feel that there was something about this woman that made me feel slightly disgusted from just now.

As far as he knew, there was only one thing that could have such an effect.

"Do you have any old marks on you?"

Xia Qiudong was about to continue crying, but was interrupted by this sentence: "Old seal, what is that?"

She really didn't know.

Tang Tangtang thought for a while: "There is a pattern of a five-pointed star on it."

Xia Qiudong took out the copper piece she was tricked into buying from her pocket: "You mean this?"

Tang Tangtang was able to confirm that this was the old seal just by looking at it.

"Where did you get this?"

Xia Qiudong originally didn't want to mention the sad thing, but after all, the other person was about to die, so it didn't matter if we talked more, so he said truthfully: "I went to get a haircut once before, and then I met a very handsome man..."

"..." Tang Tangtang listened carefully and was a little confused as to why he emphasized the word "very handsome".

But when he mentioned handsome, Xia Ren's figure naturally appeared in his mind.

Among the people I have ever met, there is no man who is better-looking than him.

"So you bought it for 2998?"

Xia Qiudong felt a sting in her heart: "If you want to laugh, just laugh. I won't argue with you."


Tang Tangtang knew from the look on her face that she thought she had been deceived.

He thought for a while and explained: "The real value of this thing is probably beyond your imagination. The other party only asked you for a few thousand yuan. In my opinion, it seems like it was given to you for free."


Xia Qiudong wiped her blurred tears and carefully observed the old seal in one hand again: "Do you think this thing can be sold for a lot of money?"

Tang Tangtang said: "This is not a matter of money. In the eyes of people who really understand, selling it for hundreds of millions is not a problem, but I don't recommend you to sell it. Just think of it as a talisman and keep it with you. It can save lives in critical moments." of."

He didn't lie. In fact, if it were really the top rich who had some knowledge about pollution, they would buy it even if they spent billions.

"Hundreds of millions..."

This is indeed beyond Xia Qiu and Dong’s imagination.

Hold the fingers of the old seal and subconsciously tighten them.

The two chatted for a while, and Xia Qiudong found that the other party really showed no signs of death. Apart from his physical weakness, his eyes were still so bright.

Sure enough, a strong body’s vitality is also stronger?

Just when she was thinking this, some noisy footsteps suddenly came from outside.

Immediately afterwards, four or five people dressed in black walked directly into the custody room.

The leading man looked at Xia Qiudong, then locked his eyes on Tang Tangtang, and said: "Hello, Mr. Investigator, I have learned about your situation on the road and will transfer you to a hospital immediately for better treatment. .”

Then he raised his hand and glanced at his watch, frowned slightly, and then looked at his companion next to him.

The companion understood, opened the suitcase he was carrying, carefully took out an injection the size of a ballpoint pen, then opened the quilt and injected the injection into Tang Tangtang's arm.

The latter's pale face suddenly eased.

Tang Tangtang breathed a sigh of relief and felt that his head hurt less: "That..."

He looked at Xia Qiudong: "You go out first, we have something to talk about."


Xia Qiudong was about to leave obediently when she heard Tang Tangtang say to those people: "By the way, she advanced the medical expenses for me. You can help me transfer 200,000 yuan from my account later and return it to her. "

After closing the door, Xia Qiudong's heart was still beating fast.

The money is back! And he also made a hundred thousand!

She wanted to cry now, the goddess of luck finally favored her, woo woo woo.

Tang Tangtang was about to speak in the ward when he saw the door being pushed open again, and Xia Qiudong poked his head in: "Next time you drown, remember to call me. I still want to make money... ah no, I'm still going save you."

"..." Tang Tangtang.

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