Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

113 Chickens Are So Pitiful, Don’T You Care~

The next morning, Lan Feng woke up stretching.

Zhao Suhui's sleep aid debut yesterday was undoubtedly a success. With the support of Lan Feng's fans, the number of people in the live broadcast room reached more than 100,000 as soon as the broadcast started.

Coupled with Zhao Suhui's own hypnotic talent, Lan Feng fell asleep in less than a minute.

after breakfast,

Lan Feng planned to go out for a casual stroll.

After hearing Lan Feng's plan, Zhao Suhui happily echoed, "I'm going too! I'm going too!"

At this time, she has gradually got rid of social fear, and likes the feeling of dealing with people.

Although it is currently limited to Lan Feng and the assistant.

on the road,

The three of Lan Feng walked under the shade of the tree with their hands behind their backs, feeling the coolness from the breeze.

Suddenly, a magical voice attracted Lan Feng's attention.

Looking forward, I saw a man in a panda doll costume shouting through a loudspeaker:

"Dude, buddy, are you coming to the zoo, buddy, Shanghai Zoo, a serious AAAAA-level scenic spot, buddy.

There are more than 200 kinds of animals in the park, and you can see tigers on the road, as well as the legendary iron-eating beast buddies. "

"Modu Zoo?" Lan Feng looked at Zhao Suhui: "Have you been there?"

Zhao Suhui shook her head, and said as a matter of course: "Lan Feng big brother, didn't I say that yesterday, I don't usually go out."

"Okay, then our destination today is the Modu Zoo."

Lan Feng immediately made a decision.

Afterwards, the three of Lan Feng received a 30% discount coupon from the panda doll and embarked on the journey to the zoo.

half an hour later.

Lan Feng and his group, who took a taxi, came to the entrance of the Shanghai Zoo. After paying the 120 yuan entrance fee, they successfully entered the park.

Perhaps because of the working day, the tourists in the park are not crowded, just suitable for visiting.

On Brown Bear Mountain, two brown bears are trying their best to attract tourists.

"Wow, Lan Feng big brother, this bear looks like a human`!"

Zhao Suhui exclaimed as she watched one of the brown bears standing upright and constantly recruiting tourists for food.

"Is being a bear so curly these days?"

Lan Feng looked at the brown bear who was obviously more popular than the motionless brown bear next to him and sighed.

The little assistant looked at the live broadcast phone in his hand, sighed, and took a close-up of the lying flat bear next to him.

In the live room:

"Haha, that bear is too human-like, I seriously doubt it is a fake.

"It may have been with Bald Qiang for a long time."

"Xiong: Obviously I have worked so hard, why do you still doubt me.

"Hahaha, Xiong's life is difficult."

"Ahhh, so cute, she even beckons for feeding."

"Guest officer, come~ come quickly!"

"Hmph, I'm a serious bear, I'm just a showman, not a person!"

After watching dozens of animals along the way, the three of Lan Feng finally came to the advertised Iron-eating Beast House.

Entering the museum, you will see a black and white giant panda lying lazily on a tree basking in the sun.

The onlookers looked at the motionless giant panda and couldn't help but say, "Wow, it looks like a fake! Just move it.

As the voice fell, the panda on the tree seemed to have heard the tourist's appeal, and lifted its right leg slightly.

Seeing this, Zhao Suhui couldn't help complaining: "It's also a bear, but this one is too lazy."

"People's levels are different." Lan Feng looked at the panda in front of him, and couldn't help but think of the national treasure of his previous life: "And this is earned by his ancestors."

"Earned by the ancestors?"

Zhao Suhui turned to look at Lan Feng suspiciously.

"Well, the ancestors directly turned themselves into rare and protected animals by virtue of their extremely low birth rate.

after an hour,

The three of Lan Feng came to the last place to visit, Tiger Mountain.

The majestic Siberian tiger lay on the ground and squinted its eyes. Under the sunlight, the black and yellow skin of the tiger directly turned into gold, making it even more mysterious and powerful.

A staff member walked up to the three of Lan Feng and asked, "Hello, do you want to buy a live chicken to feed the tiger?"

"Live chicken?" Lan Feng really didn't know that tourists could feed live animals: "How much?"

"20 yuan each."

"That's pretty cheap, how much does a chicken weigh?

The staff thought that Lan Feng was worried about the tiger's food intake, so he continued to explain: "A chicken weighs about 3 catties, so don't worry about the tiger's health [we have strict controls.

"The chicken that the tiger eats grows up naturally, right? Doesn't it know how to spray medicine?"

Lan Feng continued to ask.

The staff answered patiently: "Of course it grew up healthy, even healthier than the chicken that people eat on the market.

"Okay, then give me two."

Hearing this, Lan Feng readily handed over 40 yuan to the staff.

After a while, the staff brought two thumping old hens.

After seeing the hen, the tigers in the park also stood up one by one, eager to try.

Lan Feng took the hen, looked at the tigers in the park, roared at them, and then walked out of the zoo with the hen.

All that was left was a messy staff in the wind, and a group of tigers howling constantly.

Zhao Suhui quickly caught up and reminded: "Brother, this chicken is for the tiger

Before Lan Feng could speak, the little assistant said directly: "We have already bought this chicken."

"Yes, I bought it, but..." Zhao Suhui scratched her head and felt that something was wrong, but she didn't think about it anymore, "Brother, I'm going to make stewed chicken with mushrooms tonight.

Tiger Mountain, a group of tigers are constantly communicating:

"Hey, have you noticed that the tiger just now looks so weird.

Yes, yes, he is like our shit shovel officer.

Isn't it a tiger?

Impossible, his authentic tiger roar sounds like a purebred tiger.

But he seems to have taken our food away.

What's wrong with the tiger feeding him a chicken? It's just a matter of finding a shit shoveler (Qian Zhao).

Also, let's keep calling. "

The audience in the live broadcast room was once again refreshed by Lan Feng's operation.

"Hahaha, this is too beautiful, let's just say that it is possible that I can go to the zoo to buy goods, and then sell them, and I can make a lot of money."

"Niu Pi, the upstairs is really a business genius!"

"I don't know if I can make money, but I may be eaten by a hungry tiger."

*666, the top-level voice-changing skills are reproduced, this roar is really a tiger, and it wants to give birth to a baby for you. "

"Hahaha, have a baby? Do you want to breed new species upstairs?"

"Tiger: You are a sixth child, and you actually snatch food from the tiger's mouth. I'm not full yet."

"Breeder: 80 chickens have been sold today, are you still full? Tiger: I only ate one! It's not good

I'll trade a tiger's fur for one. "

"Whoa, the dick is so pitiful, don't you even care about it?"

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