Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

115 It's The First Time Three People Cook Chicken, It's So Exciting~

"Remember? Don't do this when you buy vegetables in the future."

After leaving the vegetable market, Lan Feng talked about the habit of buying vegetables in the north while walking.

"Okay brother, I remember."

After listening to Lan Feng's explanation, the little assistant also understood what was wrong with him.

Do as the Romans do, since he is in Shanghai now, he should respect the local customs.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Feng looked at Zhao Suhui who was at the side, and said with a bit of hatred: "And you, as a local, don't you even know this?"

Zhao Suhui blushed, a little embarrassed: "I have always bought food from takeaways, and today is the first time I have gone to the vegetable market."

"Excellent, you really have reached a certain level of homelessness."

"Slightly slightly~"

A few people were playing and went towards Zhao Suhui's house.

Contact over the past few days.

The relationship between the three is getting better and better.

After returning home.

Lan Feng asked the little assistant to go to the steps of making chicken from the phone.

The three of them went out of the kitchen together.

after an hour.

The finished chicken is placed on the table.

Lan Feng glanced at Zhao Suhui who was still tidying up in the kitchen and greeted her assistant,

"Okay, okay, you two, come over quickly, let's eat!"

"Yeah, okay, Brother Feng, we're here."

"Come, come, come~"

The two agreed.

Putting down the work in his mouth, he walked out of the kitchen.

Several people sat around the dining table.

Zhao Suhui smiled and looked at the chicken that she also participated in.

With a sweet smile on his face.

"Wow, I don't usually cook chicken, this is the first time I cook chicken, the first time I cook chicken is with the two of you, it's so exciting!"

"Yes, yes, it's my first time cooking chicken too!"

The little assistant watched the delicious stewed chicken placed in front of him at the dining table.

Also a little happy.

I usually go to the cafeteria to eat or go out to eat when I am in school.

So he is not very good at cooking either.

Although this time it is not independent.

But also very fulfilling.

But Lan Feng's complexion is a bit strange......

"Um...well, good...for the first time...making chicken, ok ok.

Lan Feng stammered perfunctorily.

The more I said it, the more awkward I felt.

"Lan Feng big brother, what's the matter with you?"

"Yeah, Brother Feng, what's the matter with you, are you unhappy? What's the matter? No matter how you speak, you can't speak easily?"

Lan Feng smiled awkwardly.

"Hehehe.......hehe... It's the first time for both of you, so it's the first time for me too. It's really exciting for the three of you to cook chicken together for the first time.

"Yep, it is."

"That's right, Lan Feng big brother~"

Lan Feng looked at the excitement and sense of accomplishment on their faces.

I was speechless for a while.

I secretly thought of it.

His little assistant is fine if a boy talks about it.

"You... You Zhao Suhui is a girl from every family, no matter how you talk, you can win like this"

"Brother, what are you muttering about?"

The little assistant noticed something was wrong with Lan Feng, and asked with a puzzled expression.

This startled Lan Feng.

"Huh? Ah...It's okay, it's okay."

"I mean, Hui, you are so innocent and cute.

Zhao Suhui heard Lan Feng's words.

He glanced at Lan Feng.

Lan Feng seldom praises others, and he is also very happy.

"He must think that I am so good at cooking chicken for the first time, so he praised me?"

Zhao Suhui thought happily.

And the water friends in the live broadcast room were laughing like crazy.

"Hahahaha, no, you old six, I'm really confused!"

"I'm dying from laughing, I'm dying from laughing, family members, it smells like that!"

"Make chicken, hahahaha, to tell you the truth, I have never cooked chicken, hahaha."

"You can't do this, you have to do this thing once" or do it ten times."

"That's right, it's not shabby to make money."

"Hahahaha, the little assistant and Zhao Suhui are still in the dark, they are too happy to laugh."

"That's to say, it was usually funny, but I couldn't hold back when I saw the reaction of the two of them. My mother told me to get out and laugh hahaha. It's so exciting to make a chicken for the first time, hahahaha!"

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【Popularity +99, Popularity +99, Popularity +99】

But Lan Feng just finished complimenting Zhao Suhui perfunctorily,

Just picked up the chopsticks and ready to start.

...asking for flowers...

Try the taste of the stewed chicken made by several people together.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

"Brother, your phone is ringing."

The little assistant picked up Lan Feng's cell phone from the cabinet behind him.

Passed to Lan Feng.

Lan Feng looked impatient.

"Hey, when you can't fight, but when you are eating chicken, it's really annoying."

Lan Feng thought, but still connected.

What if it's something important?

Lan Feng picked up the phone, didn't look at who was calling, and impatiently installed the green connection.

"Hey, who is it, I'm eating."

As soon as Lan Feng answered the phone, he said impatiently that he was eating.

"Hehe, of course I know you're eating, not only do I know you're eating right now, I also know you're eating at a girl's house, right?"

Lan Feng was taken aback.

"Fuck? This voice is so familiar, but I can't remember who it is for a while?"

"Most importantly! How does this person know where I am?"

Lan Feng looked confused.

"Who are you?"

"Lan Feng big brother, you've been very cool recently, it's the first time, and it's so exciting to cook chicken and eat chicken, I'm so happy to be back!"

Lan Feng's body trembled.

Who the hell is this bitch? She's so weird.

You must be watching my live broadcast, otherwise you would know everything.

Lan Feng was already convinced.

But still don't know who it is.

She picked up the phone and glanced at the caller ID again.

It was found that it was indeed the phone number of the magic city in the same city.

It's just that there is no note, it's an unfamiliar number.

So Lan Feng didn't know who it was.

"Who are you?"

Lan Feng went through the girls that the brain child had been in contact with recently one by one.

I found that the voice was somewhat familiar, but not completely familiar.

Hardly match up.

Suddenly another voice came from the phone.

"Oh, Ke Ke, it's alright, don't tease Lan Feng big brother anymore...

"Are you an idiot, Ziyi, he has gone to another woman's house......

"Oh, it's all your fault, this bad man must have heard our whispers......

Lan Feng: "???? Inch?".

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