Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

119 People Who Are Prettier Than My Wife Please Chat With Me~~

The water friends in the live broadcast room were all boiling when they saw this scene.

"No, bro, do you know poetry?"

"Back to the wool, this old sixth came on stage because he didn't need to be squeezed into the crowd here, in order to rub the passage behind."

"Hahahahaha, you are socially obsessed, so many people, aren't you afraid of social death?"

"Upstairs, you can tell that you are not an old fan at first glance. You can see that Brother Feng will know after we live broadcast a lot. There is nothing that can make him feel embarrassed."

"Hahahahaha, the summary is too good, there is nothing wrong with it, hahaha."

Lan Feng came on stage.

The little assistant also came to the stage from one side.

Standing on the stage and waiting for Lan Feng.

He dare not participate.

Not to mention that he was with Lan Feng.

So I got on stage and waited.

Lan Feng was invited by the host to come on stage.

Came to the screen to answer the question.

He raised the microphone and said.

"This handsome guy, can you briefly introduce yourself to us first?"

After finishing speaking, he put the microphone near Lan Feng's mouth and waited for his answer.

"My name is Lan Feng, a pure-hearted male college student with a 5S appearance, and I'm single."


The host originally had a serious face 623.

This time, Lan Feng completely stopped Bengbu.

He forcibly held back his own smile.

But the audience below all laughed numbly.

"Puff ha ha ha..."

"What the hell hahaha."

"Innocent male college students, sisters hurry up, haha."

"Handsome guy who is single and flirtatious! (Sexy)"

"Is he her social bully syndrome, hahaha."


The little assistant next to him wanted to bury his head in the crack of the ground now.

Shame on Tete....

"Ahem, okay, pure love boy, can we start answering the questions now?"

Slowed down a bit.

The host was barely able to control his emotions.

He said with a smirk.

"No problem, I once won the championship of the Poetry Conference, I just watched it, these are dimensionality reduction blows for me.

Lan Feng waved his hand indifferently.

An expression of letting the horse come.

On the screen, the background also released the first question.

[Translation in Classical Chinese: My wife is as beautiful as I am, and I am also private

Lan Feng took a look and patted his thigh.

"That's easy."

"Okay, Mr. Lan Feng, you can tell your answer now."

Most of the people have already gathered here.

Now everyone is crowded together.

I can't even walk.

Most of them simply cast their eyes on the stage here.

Lan Feng can be said to be the real star of the crowd.

Lan Feng said slowly.

"The beauty of my wife means someone who is prettier than my wife, even me, so it's even easier, please.

"Together, someone who is prettier than my wife, please chat with me privately."

Lan Feng finished.

Grinning, he looked back under the stands.

Most of these words are said to them.

"Remember to chat with me privately~"



Everyone was dumbfounded.

Especially the host.

For a while, I was speechless.

The little assistant next to him spit out the water he just drank.

"Ah ha ha ha ha."

"No, my family, I can't hold back."

"Brother, hahahaha, chat with me privately, hahahaha."

"People who are prettier than my wife please chat with me privately, crooked day, hahaha.

"I'm dying of laughter. What kind of brain circuit and brain hole is the sixth child, I can't think of it in my life. This ancient poem can still have this kind of explanation hahahaha.

"The point is, he still uses what he has learned and said it directly to the female audience in the audience, hahahaha, is this really a private chat?"

"This is not an answer, isn't this just a blind date to find someone for the reason of answering the question, haha, the sixth is the sixth!"

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99 Popularity +99】

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99, Popularity +99】

The host wiped his (ccbb) tears from laughing.

"Ahem, student Lan Feng, you got this question wrong, let's look at the second question. y

The host is also professional.

Been a host for a long time.

Encountered all kinds of people and problems.

Even those who don't know the answer are talking nonsense.

But like Lan Feng's answer I met today, it's outrageous and funny.

It is indeed the first.

Moderator: We have undergone strict training, unless we can't help it, we won't laugh.

Lan Feng didn't care too much, "Well, let's come to the second question."


The host responded.

Let the background put the second question up.

[Translation in Classical Chinese: I am so beautiful, how can Xu Gong and Junye Factory

Lan Feng thought for a while.

"What are you talking about, how could Teacher Xu let you pass?"


"It's over, it's over, help me quickly, I'm going to lie on the ground laughing haha.

"I'm numb from laughing, haha, how could there be such an awesome person."

More and more people stopped to watch Lan Feng's performance.

Laughter is also gradually presumptuous.

"Haha...cough cough, Mr. Lan Feng, let's look at the third question.

"No problem, just remember to give me a prize later.


All the fucking answers are wrong, big brother, even if I want to give it to you, I can’t give it to you.

The host secretly thought.

The third question has been released in the background.

[Translation in Classical Chinese: What Bo Ya reads, Zhong Ziqi must get it

Lan Feng took a look.


The host next to him was ready to hear Lan Feng once again say something ridiculous like the previous two times.

As a result, this time Lan Feng did not translate immediately, but frowned.

This confuses the host a bit.

"What's the matter, handsome Lan Feng, is this question a bit difficult?"

Lan Feng shook his head.

Said earnestly.

"Host, your show is not good, there is a little problem."


The host was taken aback.

Their program has been planned for a long time.

There were several rehearsals.

All installation topics and processes are very strict and precise.

Now the tall young man in front of him actually said that the program is not good, there is a problem.

This surprised the host.

"Say it clearly, what's the problem?"

The little assistant also looked at his elder brother in a daze.

Waiting for his answer.

Lan Feng raised his eyebrows:

"Your topic can't be related to love or something. Look at the audience, there are still children off the court. They should fall in love early."

A: "???"

Assistant: "???"

Host: "Well, Mr. Lan Feng, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with love.

Lan Feng frowned.

"Is it okay? How can it be okay. Then you see, I will translate it for you..."

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