Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

121 I Asked You To Get A Gift, But Didn't Let You Buy It?

The popularity value of the system in Lan Feng's mind skyrocketed.

have to say.

There are more audiences, and there are still many benefits for earning popularity.

"Umm... I'm sorry, handsome guy, you gave the wrong answer again, I'm sorry."

"However, in addition to this kind of ancient classical Chinese translation questions, we also have some modern questions. You can also challenge them."

Lan Feng was stunned.

I secretly said in my heart.

"Damn, I don't want gifts, and I don't want to answer correctly. I just want to get out of this long line and escape from this blocked flow of adults through your backstage passage."

"Oh, let's make it quick.

Lan Feng thought to himself.

"Okay, then you go back

"Okay, these questions are all modern translation questions, you should be better at it.

And actually.

This is what the host told Xiao Li just now.

This is a new project prepared to keep Lan Feng.

There is no modern problem at all.

This is a popular science poetry knowledge program.

But now to keep Lan Feng.

Planning also thought of this method.

"The next question is no longer the translation of classical Chinese, but English translation." The host of "687" reminded.

Lan Feng waved his hand.

"I am a language master who is proficient in 36 languages, so let me come here."

I saw new types of questions that had appeared on the big screen.

【Translation: areyousure? Translate this sentence from English to Chinese】

Everyone looked at Lan Feng expectantly.

Waiting for his performance.

But this sentence in English is too simple.

It can be said that the person in charge of the backstage of the program deliberately found a relatively simple topic.

He is also very friendly to Lan Feng.

The host also breathed a sigh of relief.

Such a simple question.

But any child who has gone to elementary school should be able to.

These can never be wrong.

And it is.

There are already many people in the audience.

Including many children could not help shouting out the answer.

"Are you sure?"

"Are you sure?"

Of course Lan Feng heard it.

But of course he couldn't say the correct answer.

What's the point of that?

Then how to attract more viewers and earn more popularity points?

Lan Feng thought about it.

muttered in his mouth.

"Are you sure?"

"Ahhh... God damn it translates."

"Hahahahahahaha, hurry up and hold me, I'm going to die laughing.

"You are sure? Hahahaha, is this English taught by the physical education teacher?"

"It still has to be you!"


Lan Feng ignored these, this was the effect she wanted.

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99, Popularity +99】

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99, Popularity +99】

Looking at the increasing popularity in my mind.

He is already happy.

It seems that answering the question like this works well.

The popularity earned at this moment has already caught up with the popularity gained from the live broadcast.

This is simply killing two birds with one stone.

Not only can you avoid the long queue from the background by waiting.

Can you earn popularity?

Lan Feng thought, and muttered again.

"sou? xiu?"

Lan Feng seemed to confirm his answer.

"Are you Xiu Er?"

Say it out loud.

"Pfft ha ha ha."

"Crooked sun, I never imagined that this would happen in my life?"

"Are you Xiu'er? Are you Xiu'er? You must be Xiu'er hahaha.

"If you are not Xiu'er, who would dare to say that you are Xiu'er, haha."

"It's such a simple elementary school English sentence, it's just being fooled by you haha.

Lan Feng's gifts in the live broadcast room are also being swiped crazily.

Let Lan Feng reap a lot of money.

"Question two."

The host reminded.

[Translated into English: The dog ignores it. 】

"Hey, there is also a Chinese-English translation?"

Lan Feng smiled.

"That's what I'm best at."

"Dogs don't care...Dogs don't care... go?"


Lan Feng once again spoke his own answer.

The audience burst into laughter.

The host also squatted down laughing directly.

Immediately speechless.

It can only be compared with a thumbs up gesture.

Too late to laugh.

"Boss! Boss!"

"Hahahahaha!" [

Lan Feng looked indifferent.

"This prosperous age is as I wished, and this popularity is worth more than Gaga."

Lan Feng thought to himself.

"Host, see if I have finished answering the questions, can I step down?"

Lan Feng now wants to walk through the corridor, but also wants to find other interesting things.

This answer is to earn popularity, but it is not fun at all.

The host stood up, holding back his laughter with difficulty.

"Wait a minute, you haven't claimed your gift yet.

"Didn't I answer wrong? And gifts?"

Of course Lan Feng knew that he was wrong.

He knows all these questions, but he deliberately answers wrong to gain popularity.

As for the gift, Lan Feng thinks it is second.

"Although your answer to the question is wrong, it is really amazing. In view of your humorous answer, the backstage told me just now that you should have a gift even more.

As he spoke, the host pointed to the big box next to the gift box.

"The gifts here, you can choose and take them as you like, and they are considered as participation prizes.

"Huh? It's good to be brave."

Lan Feng smiled.

"Take whatever you want?"

"That's right, you can take whatever gifts inside you want."

The host nodded.

When Lan Feng heard this, a sly smile appeared on his face.

"You call me Lao Liu? Then Lao Tzu will be Lao Liu."

I thought to myself.

Lan Feng walked up to the gift box.

You can see it inside this big box.

Filled with all kinds of small gifts.

There are dolls, water guns, trinkets and more.

Everyone looked at Lan Feng with curiosity and expectation.

Want to see what gift he will choose....

Everyone thought he would choose a more expensive gift.

Or when it's something more fun.

No one thought of it.

Lan Feng squatted down directly.

Picked up the box.

The host was surprised.

Head full of question marks.


Background props group: "???"

"It's not big brother, we prepared this box today, what do you mean by just moving it?"

"Damn? What is he going to do? He won't take this box away?"

"Probably not... This box is very heavy. Didn't you see that he struggled to lift it? Don't worry if he can't move it."

"Are you sure that's the case..."

The host stuttered for a moment.

"That... handsome, handsome guy, what are you doing? Just pick it."

The little assistant was also confused.

This big brother never disappoints.

Lan Feng glanced back at the host.

"Didn't you say you can take it, choose it, and take it away?"

The host was taken aback.

"That's what I said.....but..."

"That's fine~"

Lan Feng said to the host with a smile.

The host, Xiao Li, had a bitter look on his face.

"I asked you to take it, thinking that you can take a few at most. Who the hell would have thought that you would just carry the whole box?"

I thought to myself, of course I can't say this.

In fact, Lan Feng can easily lift this box.

After all, he was the one who got the master martial arts from the system lottery.

The addition of this thing to physical fitness and strength is simply terrifying.

This also gave Lan Feng the ability to move the box directly.

But Lan Feng didn't have this idea.

He and his little assistant came out to play today.

As for these gifts, it's just by the way.

His goal is not to queue up.

The live broadcast room was also boiling at this time.

"Brother, you are so fucking socially obsessive, did you move this box in front of other people right after 3.6?"

"Damn, hahahaha, I guess the program organizer is going to scold her."

We never thought of it, the old top grade sixth, hahahahaha. "

"However, I have to say that the sixth child is really awesome. This box should weigh a hundred catties at least. If you want to move it, you can move it?"

"It's really amazing, hahahahaha, really handsome."

"Isn't Lao Liu really planning to take all this box away? That's really disappointing haha."

"It's estimated that the host wants to tear his mouth to pieces. Just now he shouldn't have talked about anything and said anything. Hahaha."

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99, Popularity +99】

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99, Popularity +99】

Lan Feng moved the box to the edge of the stage.

He said to the stunned little assistant sitting beside him.

"Xiaohou, come here and help me."

The host was stunned: "What the hell is this kid going to do?"

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