Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

128 The Big Devil Is Back! Zhao Yannan Cried In Fright!

Lan Feng had a smile on his face.

Gives a feeling of incomprehension.

At this time, the person involved, Zhao Yannan, was standing in front of Lan Feng.

He looked at Lan Feng and felt a little afraid of him from the bottom of his heart.

The last time I had eaten a big deflation in his hands.

It's not just her alone.

Almost everyone in the class cannot escape bad luck.

It only took Lan Feng two days.

I gave a long memory lesson to everyone in the class.

after that.

Everyone restrained.

Including Zhao Yannan.

This also makes Liu Ke very unbelievable, and her work of carrying out studies has also gone much smoother.

Zhao Yannan looked at Lan Feng with a sinister smile in front of him, stammering and not knowing what to say.

Admit it is not, do not admit it and dare not.

Twitching and pinching for a long time.

And the students around Zhao Yannan or the other classes were all dumbfounded.

It can be said that Zhao Yannan has a certain reputation in the whole school.

Not only the big sister of Class 2 and 6 of high school, but also the famous big sister of the entire Shanghai Middle School.

They recognized Zhao Yannan in front of them.

Looking at such a scene.

All of them surrounded Lan Feng and Zhao Yannan with curiosity, and stopped to watch the melon eating.

"Damn, isn't this the big sister Zhao Yannan?"

"Oh my god, when did you see Zhao Yannan have such a scared expression?"

"No, who is this man in front of you? Why do you feel that his smile is so scary?"

"This man must not be simple. It's the first time I've seen someone who makes big sister Zhao Yannan so afraid. I've never seen him before."

"Brothers, is there a possibility, I mean possibility, that the man in front of you is Zhao Yannan's father?"

"Damn, brother, you can be more reliable. This man looks at most a few years older than our elder brother. How could he be his father?"

"Wairi, who is this man? He is handsome and fierce. The important thing is that Zhao Yannan is afraid of him...


Although Lan Feng also appeared in school before, it has been several days.

And Lan Feng is mostly in the second and sixth classes of high school, and rarely goes to other places.

Plus he only stayed for two short days.

This also makes many people have not seen Lan Feng.

Don't know his identity.

I don't know that he is the hard-core homeroom teacher who made big sister Zhao Yannan die in the whole school some time ago!

"I.....I know I was wrong, Teacher Lan Feng."

In the spotlight.

In front of so many people, even though Vietnam doesn't really want the face of its big sister.

But now I can't care about that much.

Last time because of Lan Feng, she had already died in the whole school club.

He doesn't want to lose the big for a small one.

Now there are only dozens of people around her looking at her.

She loses face and is seen by dozens of people at most.

But if he dares to talk back and not tell the truth.

Play smart words.

She was really afraid that Lan Feng would make her die again in the whole school club.

And maybe not even just at school.

She always felt that Lan Feng even had reservations last time.

Lan Feng looked at Zhao Yannan.

"The bad habit of eavesdropping on other people's speech is not good. Get rid of it in the future. Let's forget it this time. Once again, I will let you be Zhao Shufen again."

Lan Feng said seemingly lightly.

But Zhao Yannan was too frightened to go on.

The big devil Lan Feng really had the idea of ​​letting himself die in the whole school club again.

The more Zhao Yannan thought about it, the more frightened she became, and her body trembled slightly.

"I...I see, Teacher Lan Feng."

There are more and more people around.

The crowd of spectators keeps increasing.

"Wow, this man is too handsome, isn't he too manly?"

"He's really handsome, my God, it's not that I don't like big brother types who are older than me, it turns out that I like handsome domineering president types!"

"He...he is my ideal type!"

"Scare Zhao Yannan like this, what is his identity, why does he look familiar...

"Wait a minute, I think I've seen him before."

"Yes, yes, I remembered, isn't this the head teacher who came to substitute for Class 2 and 6 of Senior High?"

"Oh, I have an impression. It's the substitute homeroom teacher hired by Teacher Liu Ke. I heard that he's only here for two days. He's going to make a big change for Class Six of Senior Two!"

"Hahahahaha, I remembered, was he the one who made Zhao Yannan's death under the attention of the whole school?"

"Hahaha, it's him, I recognized him, hahaha, he's so awesome, I thought this head teacher was too raw.

"I've only heard about it before, but I haven't seen the real face. Is this the awesome class teacher you mentioned to me every day before, who randomly manipulated Zhao Yannan?"

"Yes, that's him! Hahahahaha, I didn't expect him to be so handsome at a close distance. I said why I heard that there are some girls in their class who say they like him. Now it seems that I am a man. I feel handsome too!"

"But why did he appear here? Didn't he just leave after two days?"

"I don't know, let's see what's going on... I feel like there's something good to watch..."

Lan Feng took out his phone and checked the time again.

I remembered what Liu Ke told me just now that all the students in the class were studying by themselves last night.

Lan Feng just wanted to reprimand Zhao Yannan for not studying in class at night.

But looking at Zhao Yannan's embarrassment.

He looked at the many people who had gathered around him in a short time.

Lan Feng seemed to understand something.

Immediately there was a look of anger on his face.

"What to watch, run if you should run, go back to class if you should go back to class, don't let me see you here to join in the fun."

Lan Feng had already been recognized.

And he had been given the title of Great Devil long ago (by Zhao Hao).

Now seeing the big devil that even big sister Zhao Yannan is afraid of is angry.

One by one was also quite frightened.

Pidianpidian hurriedly left here.

"Okay, they're gone, look up and talk."

Lan Feng said to Zhao Yannan in a slightly gentler tone.

Zhao Yannan didn't expect that Lan Feng could think of small details to take care of his emotions at this time.

My heart warmed up.

Tears rolled in the eyes.

Very moved, he raised his head and looked at Lan Feng.

Lan Feng saw it and didn't say anything.

"Shouldn't you be studying by yourself last night? Why are you in the playground?"

"I...I feel bored in the class and can't learn, so it's like going out to the playground for a walk..."

Lan Feng laughed dryly again.

"Hehe, it seems that you really didn't fight for three days, and went to the house to expose the tiles?"

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