All the water friends in the live broadcast room were numb.

" this the sixth son?"

"It can't be the professional singer invited by the sixth son?"

"This sounds too nice, it's too exaggerated!"

"I thought Brother Feng couldn't sing, what's wrong, he couldn't sing before, what happened today?"

"Man, I feel like my ears are getting pregnant."

"This voice, this singing voice, this appearance, who can see who is not confused? Not to mention these children who just happen to be in puberty, even if I have a lot of grades, I have passed the age of impulsiveness, my heart is moved .”

"My family, it sounds so good, it sounds even better than the original song, my ears are getting pregnant."

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99, Popularity +99】

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99 Popularity +99】

I have to say that Lan Feng's playing and singing can really be called perfection.

The number of online viewers and real-time popularity of the live broadcast room are getting higher and higher.

Even at this point the song came to an end.

Lan Feng's popularity ranking has already ranked first on the homepage of the Dousha platform.

Countless tips and gifts in the live broadcast room.

It directly made Lan Feng have more than 62 billion popularity.

The online audience is also in the millions.

No one would dislike listening to music, and no one would reject Lan Feng's playing and singing.

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99, Popularity +99】

【Popularity +99, Popularity +99 Popularity +99】

The system in Lan Feng's mind is also constantly adding popularity points to the account.

It made him a lot of money again.

With Lan Feng brewing to the extreme emotion.

The song finally sang the last line.

When we meet again, everyone will bring their children, but remember~

Days on East Kyoto Road~

Sing along with Lan Feng's last line.

The entire classroom fell into extreme silence.

Everyone is immersed in it.

Not fully awake yet.

Lan Feng was also very satisfied with his playing and singing just now.

The rewards of the system are quite impressive.

His current level is not inferior to that of many professional singers.

Even Zhao Yannan and the little assistant knew the truth.

At this moment is also very intoxicated.

Lan Feng's singing is really nice.

that's it.

It was quiet for a full ten seconds (ccba) minutes.

Until I heard someone in the classroom take a deep breath.

At this moment, there was a "wow" in the classroom.

"Ah ah ah ah, it sounds so good, my ears are pregnant!"

"Really...that's the best song I've ever heard."

"I never thought that someone could sing this song to such extreme perfection."

"Suddenly, in his singing, it seems that all troubles are gone, only endless beauty."

Some people have even been moved to tears by Lan Feng's singing.

"Wuwu... Xixi, we only have the last year. After one year, will we be separated forever like the lyrics in the song?"

"Yes, tomorrow, after the college entrance examination, we will be separated!"

"Ah, after listening to this song, I feel like I suddenly figured it out, figured it out!"

"This is our most precious and precious only youth, gone forever."

"We are in such a beautiful youth, with such a beautiful classmate and learning environment, why should we waste it?"

Everyone now not only thinks that this kind of boy on stage is very handsome.

Now I didn't expect that even the singing and guitar were so perfect.

At this moment, everyone looked at Lan Feng with admiration and admiration.

Zhao Yannan didn't even think of it.

The big devil, Lan Feng, has such an attractive sunny side.

"It seems...if it wasn't for the class teacher who tortured me, he would be perfect..."

While Lan Feng was secretly happy, he smiled wryly in his heart.

"Hey, I'm so old, I'm in my early 20s, and now I'm being regarded as a male god by these 17-year-olds, what a crime!"

"But this feeling is really good, but it's a pity that I didn't get the system when I was 17 years old. Wouldn't it be even more awesome if I traveled back then..."

Lan Feng thought to himself.

Has slowly stood up.

It was also at this time that everyone finally reacted.

He took out his cell phone neatly from his pocket.

Aim at Lan Feng's tall and handsome figure.

Ka Ka is a one-shot.

It seems.

This kind of treatment is not much different from the Pinghe concert.

Even big sister Zhao Yannan didn't know what was wrong.

He knew that the almost perfect man in front of him was Lan Feng who tortured him.

But still looking at Lan Feng in a strange way.

There seems to be no difference in the eyes of those other nympho little girls.

"No, I have to take a picture, this is simply a male god!"

"What's the difference between this and an idol! This is no better than the original song!"

"Male god, male god, I want to take a photo and post it on Moments."

"I want to make my little sisters and boudoirs envious to death. There is a male god in our class, who is close at hand right now, within reach in front of me and behind me.

"Hurry up, hurry up, take a few more photos, while Teacher Liu Ke is not here, no one will know that we have bought a new phone."

"Hahahaha, Xiaobai, your family is so rich, the phone was confiscated by that annoying big devil last time, Lan Feng, and you bought a new one?"

"Haha, you still have the nerve to tell me, didn't you also buy a new one? Hehehe."

"Cut, this is what I promised my mother to do housework every day, hinted to sleep and study, and worked hard for a week before I got it back!"

"Hehe, that big devil won't come back in the future, and he confiscated my mobile phone? Is it useful? Didn't I just buy a new one now?"

"Hahaha, when the time comes to send back the confiscated mobile phone after the holiday, I will have two mobile phones, one for playing games and one for watching dramas.

"Oh, stop talking, take a quick shot, what should I do when the handsome guy suddenly leaves?"

"Look quickly, everyone is taking pictures, we must take the best pictures."

Although everyone wants to shoot Lan Feng.

Moreover, Liu Ke was not there at this time, and it was a self-study class with no one to manage.

But everyone has the experience of being confiscated by Lan Feng last time.

I feel the pain of not having a mobile phone.

So now is also very cautious and careful.

Everyone quietly took out their mobile phones from their school uniform pockets.

Click on the camera mode, focus, and compose the picture.

Well, yes, very handsome!

I thought so in my heart.

Huang Chenxi pressed the shutter button hard to take pictures.

With a "click", the beauty was recorded instantly.

But naturally, the cloud also arrives in an instant!

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