Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

139 Remove The Mask, Everyone Collapses!

Lan Feng wanted to play for a while longer.

But now he couldn't take it anymore.

It's so disgusting.

This is not torturing someone.

This is simply torturing myself.

Lan Feng put his hands on the mask.

He is now ready to take off his mask.

Huang Chenxi took a look.

"This is my love story that worked? Want to see the true face of the male god? This is also great!"

When Zhao Yannan and the little assistant saw this scene, they both sighed and looked forward to it.

Said in unison.

"finally coming?"

Everyone stared at Lan Feng.

Just now Lan Feng had a great impact on their bodies, eyes, and minds.

Everyone regarded him as a truly perfect male god.

Especially Huang Chenxi.

Lan Feng stood right in front of him.

Huang Chenxi took a deep breath.

Watching Lan Feng slowly take off his mask.

Everyone's novel mentioned the throat.

Even the water friends in the live broadcast room and the two people who knew the truth at the scene were all prepared by Lan Feng, making them very nervous now.

He clearly knew that this was Lan Feng.

But still looking forward to it.

Lan Feng didn't hold back anymore.

He took off his mask directly and slowly.


A peerless face appeared in front of everyone...




No, it's dead silence!!!

Everyone's heart 257 raised their throats.

for a moment.

The classroom was extremely quiet.

Quiet early days.

Even the sound of breathing can no longer be heard.

Just endless silence.

And after a full ten seconds had passed.

Finally, there was the sound of breathing uncontrollably because of not breathing for a long time.


As many people couldn't hold on to the feeling of suffocation, they began to breathe.

The classroom suddenly exploded!

"This... huh?"

"How do you feel...how do you feel...this person..."

"You, you think so too?"

"It's not just the two of us, it seems like everyone..."

"Okay... really handsome, but, isn't this... isn't it ours before?"

"Damn, do you think so too?"

for a moment.

Everyone around started whispering.

have to say.

The "male god" in front of everyone had extremely high expectations.

It hasn't disappointed yet.

Lan Feng's appearance is really high!


Everyone wants to be sure now but is not sure.

How does it feel like this person looks exactly like a person they will never forget a few days ago.

Especially Huang Chenxi who is close to Lan Feng.

Looking at the "male god" with anticipation and stars on his face.

But when his mask was slowly uncovered.

Huang Chenxi's expression became more and more exciting.

From nervous to breathless.

The anticipation of seeing the excitement that is still extremely handsome after half of it is revealed.

Then it turned into a face full of nympho and satisfaction.

Then the smile on the last expression slowly disappeared.

It gradually turned into an inconceivable expression and a dazed mind whose brain was greatly impacted.

"Blue... Lan Feng????"

When everyone whispers.

When not sure.

This guy had a crush on Lan Feng before, but fell in love at first sight but was immediately broken.

Huang Chenxi, who has lost love even before it even started.

Already subconsciously called out the name.

He stared blankly at the "male god".

He stammered and said.

The male god in front of him.

Isn't it the man she hates to the bone?

Lan Feng smiled and nodded.

The voice has returned to its original very pleasant original tone.

"Miss Teacher Lan Feng?"

With a kind smile on his face.

Looking at Huang Chenxi who was full of horror.

"This... this voice is really him!"

Huang Chenxi suddenly felt that her world view had collapsed.

Just thought it was impossible.

Although the figure is indeed a bit similar to the previous Lan Feng big devil.

But things like voice cannot be changed in a few days.

The tones of the two are completely different.

How could it be the same person.

Even if Lan Feng took off his mask.

When Huang Chenxi saw Lan Feng's face.

Still holding a glimmer of hope.

Is there a possibility that it's just that two people look exactly the same.

After all, the sound is completely different!

But when Lan Feng now changed to his original (ccah) voice.

The last hope in Huang Chenxi's heart was also shattered!

Seeing that Lan Feng actually admitted himself directly.

And when the voice, body shape and even the face are exactly the same.

Everyone feels that their worldview has received a severe impact!

"My God, it's really him! It's really him! The big devil??"

"How is this possible? No matter how you look at it just now, you can't see it. There is no flaw at all!"

"Hiss...don't worry about me, just let me die!"

"Xiaobai, don't, don't..."

"Leave me alone, in my life, if I like a man again, I'm not a woman!"

"Lan Feng.....Lan Feng....how is Lan Feng again, but, how can he be so perfect...

Huang Chenxi felt that she could hardly breathe.

It's hard to breathe already...

She still didn't want to believe it.

Obviously, a shadow has been left in my heart, and it is difficult to get rid of it.

That figure was hard for him to forget.

Finally met a real male god today.

Tall, handsome and extremely talented in music.

The important thing is that he was very proactive, and he came up in front of the whole class.

Regardless of other people's opinions, I took the initiative to come to myself.

Isn't that a blatant preference?

"You...are you really Teacher Lan Feng?"

Huang Chenxi didn't want to believe it.

So even though this person is already that man nine times out of ten, he still doesn't give up.

Lan Feng smiled wryly.

These days I have to prove myself,

Immediately smiled at Huang Chenxi.

"Why, do you believe me if I set you a table of hot pot, and then use your chopsticks to pick up the meat and put it in your mouth?"

Lan Feng thought for a while.

Said this paragraph is enough to prove himself.


Lan Feng just finished speaking.

Huang Chenxi sat down on her stool with a determined face.

"It's over, it's over, it's all over..."

All the water friends in the live broadcast room were going to laugh like crazy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, you can't think of it, can you think of it?

"That's okay too? Hahahaha, other people's only puppy love is threatening what is called by parents, and it will affect academic performance. What about the sixth child?"

"Hahahahaha, the sixth child just found another way, it's so awesome."

"With this kind of plot, I have watched TV dramas for decades, and I have never seen such an awesome plot in any drama hahahahaha."

"I'm really curious how the sixth child came up with it, hahaha, don't you like puppy love? I will directly become the object of your puppy love, and then let you know that society is dangerous!

"Are you still in puppy love now? Are you still in love? Do you still like others? Hahahaha, believe it or not, the next person who makes you fall in love suddenly touched your face when the two of you were about to make raw rice and cooked rice. You said, do you want to see who I am?"

"I'm dying of laughter hahaha."

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