Lan Feng was already hot, but now he was even more horny.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva all over his body.

But his eyes were reluctant to leave.

The little assistant saw Lan Feng staring blankly, and followed suit.

Lan Feng saw this.

Immediately covered the little assistant's eyes.

"Don't look around, eat your meal!"

" can you eat while covering my eyes?"

The live broadcast room is active.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"The sixth is the sixth!"

"Do you want others to see you, right? Eat alone?"

"Still a good brother?"

After Lan Feng took a few deep glances.

Liu Ke also raised his head,

Lan Feng had to withdraw his gaze.

At this moment, Liu Ke was also dripping with sweat.

He kept fanning the almost insignificant wind with his jade hands.

It looks like a fan, but it's actually useless at all.

Lan Feng glanced at the slightly wet clothes on his chest one last time:

"Ms. Liu, why is it so hot here, is there only a fan?"

Lan Feng looked around again.

It was found that except for a few small fans, they were still working.

Almost useless.

Liu Ke wiped the sweat from his cheeks on the edge of his temple 707.

Helplessly said:

"The canteen was originally contracted out by our school, and it already belongs to someone else who is in charge of the canteen.

Lan Feng nodded to indicate that he was listening, and asked Liu Ke to continue talking.

"Then they can't turn on the fan, and they pay for electricity and water bills themselves. Of course, the lower cost will make more money!"

"It's good to have fans now, but there are still a lot of people in the cafeteria at the moment, and when there are fewer people and it's time to get off work, the fans aren't even turned on.

Liu Ke gave a wry smile.

Lan Feng looked around.

I found that the small fan above my head was spinning constantly.

But obviously there are large vertical air conditioners all around the restaurant.

"Isn't there an air conditioner here? Just to save costs and make money, it looks like it's not turned on here?"

Lan Feng asked, pointing to the air conditioner closest to him.

Liu Ke nodded.

"These air conditioners are estimated to be in the dog days. In July and August, when the summer is the hottest, they are really unbearable, so they will be turned on."

"However, in the staff restaurant on the upper floor, occasionally the school leaders (ccaj) or inspection leaders will eat on the second floor, so under normal circumstances, the air conditioners and fans on the second floor are turned on, and the environment is hygienic. It will be much better, which is why I just told you to go to the second floor, the student restaurant on the first floor is like this."

Liu Ke added another sentence.

Lan Feng's face was filled with righteous indignation, the more he listened, the angrier he became.

"Isn't this the King of Hades? Who can eat in such a hot day? I don't even want to eat it, let alone these children who have studied for a day, so no one will take care of them?"

I watched a lot of students around me eating in the cafeteria.

Now I'm sweating profusely, so hot that I don't even want to eat.

Lan Feng was very angry.

Looking at the air conditioner next to him but not turning it on, he fell into deep thought.

Seeing this scene in the live broadcast room, everyone came out to discuss it.

"I feel that this is really a bit too much. Why doesn't he dare not open the dining place for the leaders on the second floor, but not open for the students on the first floor?"

"It's the first time I've seen such a disgusting cafeteria, why don't I appeal to everyone not to come to eat in the future!"

"Upstairs, you are so naive. Could it be that the children can't think of such a trash canteen and won't come in the future? But that's impossible."

"The capitalist is not a fool. Of course he understands that not turning on the air conditioner will lose some students' consumption, but have you ever thought about it? The loss is almost negligible!"

"You don't eat in the morning, it's ok, you don't eat at noon, it's ok, then don't you eat in the evening, don't you eat all three meals a day? You can't stand it at all."

"I've seen the schools here. Most of them are not commuters, but live on campus. You can only eat at the school. And didn't you hear someone say that the school doesn't allow people to come and go at will, so the people in the cafeteria were caught. If you want to eat, you have to come to the only cafeteria that I have a monopoly on. This is why I dare not even turn on the air conditioner, and I am not afraid of losing customers.

"The explanation upstairs is very clear, it is indeed too correct!"

"Then what should we do? Is it just watching these children being tortured like this, and no one cares about it?"

"Hey... No one cares, who will notice these things... Now I hope that the sixth child will find this problem now, let's see what can be done..."

Encountered such a nasty thing.

Most of the comment areas that are usually joking and joking are still positive.

Everyone makes suggestions together, but they can only talk about it.

There are almost no real things that can be done.

The little assistant also frowned.

"Brother, what should we do? We just came here for a while and we can't take it anymore. These children eat here three times a day. They don't even have an air conditioner, how can they bear it!"

Lan Feng didn't speak.

I just quietly looked at the several standby air conditioners next to me.

The same situation.

It's all plugged into the socket at the back.

All air conditioners are on standby.

But none of them were on.

The remote control, of course, will not be placed here.

The remote control has been taken away by the school's canteen management staff and controlled independently.

The canteen can be opened whenever it wants to, and it can't be opened if it doesn't want to.

"Is there anything Lan Feng can do, unless he can get to know the people in the cafeteria and give him the remote control, so that students can use it every day in the future."

"But it's too difficult."

Liu Ke shook his head.

But at this moment.

Lan Feng's eyes flashed, and he grabbed the sleeve of the little assistant next to him.

"Xiaohou, does your phone belong to Mimi?"

The little assistant was too hot to eat at this time.

Looking at the suffering children around me in a daze.

Hearing Lan Feng's words, he was taken aback.

"Ah? Brother, what's the matter, my phone is indeed Mimi's."

After finishing speaking, he subconsciously took out his Mimi mobile phone from his pocket.

Looking at Lan Feng inexplicably.

Lan Feng smiled.

He patted the little assistant on the shoulder.

"Good job, you are still useful in critical moments!"

Liu Ke next to him looked at Lan Feng suspiciously.

She took another bite, but she couldn't eat anymore.

Simply do not eat.

Looking at Lan Feng curiously.

"Did the almighty Lan Feng big brother find any solution?"

Liu Ke looked at Lan Feng with some admiration.

And Lan Feng seemed to be full of confidence.

Picking up the mobile phone of the assistant directly is a one-touch operation.......

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