Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

154 Starting To Perform, Lan Feng Also Has Emotional Troubles?

The nonsensical exaggerated body movements of the Malaysian monkey are also a major feature of his live broadcast.

This feature also attracted many fans.

The Malaysian monkey rattled on the keyboard.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was numb from laughter.

"The effect of the show is exploding!"

"Hahahaha, Brother Bao is going crazy."

"Isn't this the invisible pretend, the deadliest?"

Lan Feng in the South Car of Curry glanced at Liu Ke with a smile on his face.

"You understand quite well, sister, you really came here just by opening your mouth, did you study a lot?"

"Hehe, Lan Feng big brother, what are you talking about? Didn't I just want to cooperate with you?"

"Okay, okay."

Lan Feng waved his hand.

Let this girl go on.

He probably couldn't control it.

The ID of "Stop and love Fenglin at night" turned on the microphone again.

That is, Lan Feng is speaking.

"Brother Bao, my brother's health is very good, and the three little rich women can't afford it."

"Stop joking, okay, okay, let's get down to business."

The Malaysian monkey is also very restrained.

Seeing that Lan Feng wants to end this topic and get down to business.

The Malaysian monkey also slowly returned to a serious expression.

"Okay, boss, tell me, what worries you recently?"

Lan Feng thought for a while.

Emotions brewed.

Take a deep breath.

Turned on the microphone again.

"Hey, it's a long story, brother Bao, brother is really trapped by love recently, I don't know what to do, woo woo woo woo..."

As Lan Feng said, he burst into tears.

"What the hell?"

The little assistant next to him murmured inwardly.

But it was just lip talk, and I didn't dare to make a sound.

The big horse monkey was taken aback.

That doesn't sound like fake crying.

"Brother, don't be in a hurry, don't cry, just talk slowly if you have something to say."

"Okay, then I'll tell you from the beginning what exactly happened to me.

"Yeah, well, bro, take your time, it's okay, they are all my brothers.

Lan Feng saw Lan Feng crying in the live broadcast room.

If it weren't for Lan Feng's live broadcast room, he would know the truth.

It was made by Lan Feng.

Almost everyone is going to be deceived.

The sixth child is not inferior to anyone in acting (ccbe).

Even some fresh meat actors came to see Lan Feng's acting skills.

That's something to be ashamed of.

Lan Feng saw that the emotional rendering was in place, and the fish took the bait.

Lan Feng went straight to the point.

"That's right, Brother Bao."

"My girlfriend, congenitally, is...

Lan Feng paused tactically.

"What is it? Brother, tell me."

Lan Feng continued to speak.

"It's just a little sick...can't hear people, and can't speak..."

While talking, Lan Feng sniffed the unnecessary snot.

Sounds really sad!

The emotions of the big horse monkey were also aroused.

Some frowned as they listened to Lan Feng's account of what had happened to him.

"But now, but now at my house, they want to introduce me again... What should I do?"

Lan Feng was full of snot and tears.

The big horse monkey who was still insane just now was stunned.

Can't hear, can't speak.

Isn't that the deaf-mute...

The big horse monkey frowned.

Few serious expressions appeared on their faces.

"This, this is hard for me, it's hard for me to say how, brother."

"If I, I'd be wrong no matter what I say, right?"

It is also the first time for Dama Monkey to hold an emotional show.

I vowed to tell the water friends that I will try my best to solve the big guy's problem.

Who knew it was the boss's blockbuster just now.

He has never encountered this problem before.

For a while, I didn't know how to say it.

"But I think, at this time, for you personally, you have to measure."

"I think for you personally, you really have to measure."

"From personal, some of your future, some personal development in the future."

The big horse monkey is also a little embarrassed.

He did not dare to give his own exact views on this kind of world problem.

If you let Lan Feng directly break up the deaf-mute incumbent girl.

Isn't that a scumbag? It just ruins the three views.

This is the boss's favorite girl, his girlfriend.

Is it because the family wants to introduce a new one, this girlfriend who has been with Brother Feng for so long is going to be thrown away?

What's the difference between that and a scumbag who is despised by others?

But if you continue to be with this deaf-mute girl.

That's such a good condition.

Obviously you can find a better girl.

He just hanged himself on this tree.

Don't listen to the opinions of the family at all.

It was also very inappropriate and not worth the money.

For a while, the Malaysian monkey also stuttered, not knowing how to solve it perfectly.

The water friends in the Damahou live broadcast room looked at Brother Bao on the screen of the mobile phone with a look of embarrassment.

Everyone is also a little heavy.

It turns out that the big boss is a rich second generation.

There are also emotional troubles.

And it's such an extremely annoying thing.

Now the live broadcast room is full of positive energy.

Everyone is already making suggestions for this person named Fengfeng Fengfeng Fengfeng ID.

"I think it's better to listen to the family, and let go of what should be let go."

"I think the same way. The big boss who sells for 100,000 yuan must have very good conditions at home."

"Yeah, why waste time on a girlfriend who can't hear or speak?"

"No, buddy, I think you guys are a bit too mundane, what's wrong if you can't hear or speak?"

"Can love be bound by these things? I like a person, no matter how many shortcomings he has, or even flaws, as long as I like him, I will still like him [continue to be with him!"

"Yeah, love is priceless, omnipotent, and can defeat everything, isn't it?"

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

The quarrels and debates were intense.

Everyone is very interested in the emotional issue of "stop and sit in love with Fenglin".

Express your own views and understandings.

Lan Feng continued to turn off the microphone and took a deep breath.

Tired of pretending to cry and sob just now...

After Lan Feng took a breath.

Turned on the microphone again.

"Woo woo woo... Brother Bao, I really don't know what to do... Really...

The hippie smile on the monkey's face has long since disappeared.

At this time, his face was full of seriousness and distress. .

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