Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

158 Two First-Class Trumpets? Check It Out For Me!

Dama monkeys doubt life today.

Why is this another big brother?

The big horse monkey glanced at the ID that gave him the gift.

Maple Moon Without Trace?

I don't know, and I haven't heard of it.

The live broadcast room is already swiping the screen.

"Brother Bao, take a quick look, this one seems to be another first-class trumpet!"

"Extremely brothers, it's really another first-class trumpet, it's really outrageous."

"Is this stabbing big brother's nest today?"

"The main thing is that they are all first-level big brothers, hahaha, that's outrageous."

The big horse monkey saw the barrage of the water friends.

Also clicked on the data card of this Fengyue Wuhen ID.

Good guy.

all white.

Nothing at all.

Grade one.

Isn't this pure new Baihao?

It's exactly the same as the Fengfeng Fengfeng just now.

The big horse monkey thought in amazement.

Until the golden rocket special effects continuously appeared on the screen and lifted off.

The uninterrupted special effects stunned the Malaysian Monkey.

Until the assistant reaches 100 rounds.

Lan Feng just waved his hand.

"How many?"


"Okay, stop for a while.

"Okay bro, here's your phone."

Lan Feng picked up the phone.

After taking a look at the popularity of the Da Ma Hou live broadcast room, he was also secretly speechless.

This is another 100-shot super rocket. The effect is really not a boast.

At this moment, the heat increased by tens of millions.

And the live broadcast room of Dama Monkey.

Impressively at the same time as the golden light trembling special effects.

A large banner has been displayed.

[Fengyue Wuhen sent out a super rocket*100]

The macaque hesitates overexcited and surprised.

At the moment, they are impromptu dancing in the live broadcast room.

I finally stopped when I saw the number of super rockets reached 100.

This is the time to speak.

"Boss, big boss, please don't use it."

"Enough is enough, support is enough, brother, don't get on top."

at this time.

The number of people in Da Ma Hou's live broadcast room has increased crazily.

The heat also increased sharply.

It once reached 200 million.

The backstage staff of Fighting Shark reported directly to the top.

"Boss, take a look at what's going on. Brother Bao's live broadcast room now has 200 million views, which we haven't seen before? Is there any problem?"

The operation manager in front of him looked at the data on the iPad that the man handed him.

It is also a bright spot.

"Ceng" suddenly sat up from the half-lying position on the chair.

"Someone just came over and reported to me that Brother Bao's live broadcast room has already reached 100 million people. In just a short while, 200 million people?"

Operations manager puts on glasses.

I glanced at the real-time heat in the upper left corner.

It is exactly the nine digits starting with 2!

"There is nothing wrong with the data, but this seems to have set a record, 200 million popularity, tsk tsk, not easy.

The operations manager pouted in surprise.

"Did any elder brother give you a gift?"

"Well, yes, boss, when the popularity was 100 million before, someone sent 50 super rockets directly within one minute!

"This allowed him to grow to a popularity of 100 million in a short period of time!"

The operations manager had a look of surprise on his face.

"50 hairs are super hot, hehe, my monthly salary is not so much, and my brother just spent it in a minute?"

Self-deprecating, a little funny ridicule.

"And the manager, do you know? He is still a first-level trumpet, which is the most outrageous thing. After brushing, he is already level 30.


He also gave the ID Fengfeng Fengfeng, which is the account Lan Feng just used, to the manager to check.

The operations manager took a look.

"It's indeed the first level."

Turn around and pick up the phone to call the technical department.

"Hey, Wang, look up a Dou Sha user whose ID is Fengfengfengfengfeng. What's his origin? Why did he directly spend 100,000 yuan at the first level?"

"Okay, brother, we also noticed this information just now, and we are going to check it."


Operations is just about to hang up the phone.

The man next to him to report the situation interrupted him.

"Manager, don't hang up yet."

"What's wrong?"

The operations manager looks at the man.

"Manager, you may have to check another ID, this one is even more outrageous."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Is such that."

The man turned on the screen again and opened a person's profile card.

""Manager, Brother Bao's live broadcast room was only 100 million people just now, but just now, it suddenly soared to 200 million.

Direct 100 super rockets.

"What the hell?"

The manager froze.

After working for so long, it seems that this thing has never been seen before.

Who has another 200,000 yuan to give away as a toy?

"What's the ID?"

"The ID is..."

The man glanced at the pad in his hand.

"Just this ID, Fengyue Wuhen, is also a first-level trumpet, after finishing 100 accounts, you will reach level 50 directly!"

"Another level??"

Managers are stupid.

What happened to him today.

I have seen it between 50 rounds of super fire.

Although very rare.

But this 100 rounds seems to be the first time he saw it during his tenure.

The operations manager turned and said into the phone.

"Check another ID for me, it's called Fengyue Wuhen, it seems to be a first-class trumpet."

"Damn it, I just looked at it, and the information card is the same as the Fengfeng Fengfeng just now, it's all white and nothing is there, I'm really convinced, what's going on today?

"Okay, brother, I'll check these two numbers for you now, wait for me to call you back later."

"Okay, let's do this first."

The two hung up the phone.

The operations manager had a hellish look on his face.

Glancing at the male staff next to him, he said.

"It's so strange, what are these two people here for? They can't be here to collect data, right?"

"Okay, you go down, I'll go to the Da Ma Hou live broadcast room to see what's going on.

The male clerk nodded.

"it is good."

left the office.

The operation manager also immediately opened the live broadcast room of Damahou.

Prepare to find out. .

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