Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

162 The Return Rate Is Over The Top! Movie Tickets Sold Out?

Li Ziyi's personality is easily manipulated by Lan Feng.

She glanced at Liu Ke.

Wei Nuo Nuo dare not speak.

Liu Ke next to him listened to the conversation between the two.

He felt the eyes of the two of them looking at him.

The mood is also a bit complicated.

"Ziyi, it's okay, you can't change sisters, I'll go, I'll take this man down for you, I will be the big wife, you will be the little wife, we can be together every day."




At the moment, the little assistant's language is only these few sentences.

It felt like something I would never encounter in my life.

The little assistant blushed.

Put on the earphones and close your eyes.

"Wooooow, out of sight, out of mind, it's too torture."

Lan Feng smiled.

no words.

But look at the two of them.

I have already started to make comparisons in my heart.

"Hey, a lively and playful person, is it a bit difficult to handle... A shy and simple person can be trained very well by me, but I feel that the progress will be a bit slow

Lan Feng murmured in his heart.

His eyes unconsciously looked at Li Ziyi, who had a childlike face but was very reasonable.

And Liu Ke's snow-white long legs.

After a few minutes.

A few people were lucky.

When there is no place in the parking lot.

Liu Ke finally found an open parking space on the side of the road.

It made Lan Feng change his attitude towards female drivers.

It turns out that not all female drivers are street killers.

It takes 10 minutes to park a car.

It doesn't even stop every time.

Need to find passers-by to help.

At least after Liu Ke saw the parking space.

Directly, fine-tuned a bit and successfully put into storage.

It was originally a cherry red Curry Nanhao car.

Coupled with Liu Ke, a rare high-profile female driver in the driving seat.

Once again, it attracted many people's attention.

After parking the car.

Several people entered Wal-Mart.

Oscar Studios is on the fourth floor of this large supermarket.

Today may be the reason why everyone is rested.

Plus it's off-duty time.

There are quite a few people in the supermarket.

Lan Feng, Liu Ke, and Ji Poyi.

One of these three people was picked out casually.

walk down the street.

This top-notch appearance is also a super high rate of return.

What's more, now it's three extremely good-looking people walking together.

That's even more exaggeration.

Almost wherever the four of them go is the core of the surrounding environment.

Everyone waited and watched.

Even deliberately stopped.

"Hiss... two beauties and one handsome guy!"

"What kind of fairy face value is this, it can't be some big internet celebrity, right?"

"There is a high probability that it is. On the road, someone with this temperament and good looks? He has been poached by scouts for a long time."

"There's a little follower at the back, it seems..."

"There is a small follower, probably doing odd jobs."

The little assistant felt the constant gazes from around him.

I'm kind of proud.

But he doesn't know yet.

himself in the mouth of a stranger.

Has been reduced to the status of a small follower.

But it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that.

Several people are in the infinite turning heads.

Go straight to the elevator.

"I've been to Oscar before, just take the direct elevator here and go up to the fourth floor."

Liu Ke took everyone to the front of an elevator with ease and said.

The four of them managed to squeeze into the slow elevator.

Came to the fourth floor.

Lan Feng wasn't there for the movies either.

He looked back at Li Ziyi and Liu Ke.

Asked casually.

"What movie are you watching?"

Liu Ke and Li Ziyi looked at each other.

"We thought it was to watch comedies, and we all like to watch them. Do you like to watch comedies? The kind that are very joyful."

"I like it, watching it with the two of you, I also like watching bad movies."

Lan Feng nodded and opened his mouth.

"Oh Well."

"Lan Feng big brother, by the way, aren't you live streaming? You can watch the barrage, interact with water friends, and see what good recommendations they have."

The dumb Li Ziyi was rarely smart for a while.

Constructive and useful suggestions were made.

"Makes sense."

"Brothers, are there any good movies recently?"

Lan Feng asked the camera.

Before the few of them came, they didn't think about what to see.

It's an activity.

As for the content of the event.

Just getting ready to decide now.

"Look at the little yellow people. Didn't the little yellow people come out with a new movie recently? I heard it's very good.

"Let's forget about animated movies, I don't think animated movies are very good-looking."

"Would you like to watch a romance movie, hahahaha, should you think about it?"

"I think it's okay, watch a romance movie, kiss and hug in it, isn't this a ready-made opportunity for the sixth child?"

"Don't make trouble, don't people want to watch comedies, watch happy twists!"

"Oh, yes, the recently released movie seems to be shot on the moon, it's very good!"

"I strongly recommend Brother Teng's new filming. I just finished watching it a few days ago. It's really good. Let's watch this!"

Lan Feng glanced at the active barrage.

Everyone seems to be watching Brother Teng's movie.

It's been very hot lately.

Lan Feng turned his head and suggested.

"Why don't you just watch this? Walking alone on the moon? It's played by Brother Teng."

"Okay, okay, I heard that word of mouth is also very good."

Li Ziyi still likes to watch it.

Liu Ke also nodded in agreement.

"However, it seems that this movie is very popular, and it is sold out every time. I don't know if I can buy tickets now. It won't be only tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, right?"

She still has some concerns.

The little assistant next to him ran back to 620 from the side panting at some point.

"Brother, it seems that you can't buy tickets here, the physical tickets are sold out, you have to buy them from your mobile phone or online.


Lan Feng said.

Opened the movie ticket service on WeChat.

Today's date is selected.

Oscar Studios was selected.

"There are two more, today."

Lan Feng took a look.

Because it is already night.

So there are only two games left today.

Next to Li Ziyi, Liu Ke and the assistant also came over.

Leaning against Lan Feng's side.

Immediately, I felt a fragrance coming to my face.

Lan Feng felt refreshed for a while.

"I'm buying tickets now."

Lan Feng clicked into the one that was closer to him.

There are still 20 minutes to start.

But Lan Feng just clicked in.

His eyes dimmed.

"Good guy, is there really no seat left?"

Lan Feng slid from the first row to the last row.

Swipe from the far left to the far right.

One vacancy is not available.

It's full.

The only vacancy showing no one bought.

It is still a location under construction, and it has been broken down, so no one can sit there.

"I'm super?"

"What should I do?"

Lan Feng was taken aback.

I had no choice but to withdraw from the game 20 minutes later.

Slide down again.

After clicking on this scene, another scene in another hall.

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