Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

168 Be Low-Key And Post Less On Moments!

Sun Fengyang turned around and smiled apologetically.

"Everyone, wait a minute, I'm sorry, there is something wrong with my mobile phone, and I can't recognize it all the time."

"Hurry up, if you can't do it, give it to someone else first."

"Yeah, it's okay, it's okay, hurry up, or it will be too late for everyone."

Sun Fengyang finished speaking.

Turn your head away.

After confirming that the brightness has been adjusted to the highest level.

Then put the phone in the place where the code is scanned and identified.

Sun Fengyang was very nervous.

Stare hard at the screen.

He bought the ticket well.

Why is there no response here?

Sun Fengyang watched without blinking.

This time, the machine finally responded.

After scanning Sun Fengyang's QR code.

A prompt was finally displayed on the machine.

【Sorry, this QR code has been canceled!】

Sun Fengyang couldn't believe it.

Watch the prompts on the screen.

"No, what's the write-off? Write-off. I just came to collect the ticket. What's the situation?"

"Hey, what about the staff, can someone come and show me, is this machine broken?"

Everyone in Sun Fengyang is stupid.

He had never encountered such a situation.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

Lan Feng watched from the side as the joy blossomed.

Seeing Sun Fengyang's confused face.

Lan Feng couldn't hold back his laughter.

All three looked at Lan Feng.

"Lan Feng big brother, does this have something to do with you?"

"Why do you smile so happily? Brother, why do I feel that you are smiling?"

Sun Fengyang looked at the prompt on the machine in bewilderment.

Shouting loudly to see if there is any staff.

Alas... what a ink blot. "

"Yeah, why did this person take so long.

"No, let someone else come first..."

Everyone in the queue behind had dissatisfied expressions on their faces.

Sun Fengyang was lucky.

There happened to be a staff member of the Oscar Theater hanging around here.

Passed by here.

Heard someone needs help.

The female staff member rushed over immediately.

Usually the machine has not encountered any problems.

This is the first time I have heard of someone having trouble collecting tickets.

"What's the matter, sir, have you encountered any problems?"

"This machine is broken, how can I be notified that my QR code movie coupon has been canceled?"

Sun Fengyang pointed to the ticket machine.

While talking, he opened the QR code on the phone.

Put the QR code under the camera recognized by the machine.


The prompt was displayed on the screen again.

【Sorry, this QR code has been canceled!】

Sun Fengyang immediately pointed to the prompt on the screen.

"Look, look, he reminded me just now, what does it mean? Can I still get the ticket?"

The staff glanced at the prompt on the screen.

"Sir, this means that this QR code has already been used, so the ticket cannot be collected.

"But I haven't used it at all?"

Sun Fengyang became anxious all of a sudden.

This has just opened the QR code.

I just came to collect the ticket, when did I use it?

"Sir, there is nothing wrong with our machine. This QR code coupon must have been used."

"Okay, sir, if you don't have any other questions, I'll go to work on other things first, and come to me if you need anything."

After the staff lady finished speaking, she left the place directly.

There is nothing wrong with the machine.

It's just that this QR code coupon has already been used.

As soon as the staff leave.

Sun Fengyang was helpless.

He really didn't use it.

He is going to withdraw WeChat.

This small program is also withdrawn.

All back to one side.

Cleared the background.

Try again one last time.

After all, the people behind are more anxious than her at the moment.

He has been standing here for several minutes.

Others are done in a few seconds,

He does keep hogging public resources.

"Friend, let me try one last time, if it doesn't work, I'll leave."

Sun Fengyang said with apology.

After retiring all program software.

Re-opened the WeChat movie ticket applet.

Click on my order.

Found an order for the four tickets I bought yesterday.

I clicked in.

Now, just clicking in, Sun Fengyang was dumbfounded.

He then saw a prompt on the system notification bar.

【Congratulations, the QR code verification is successful!】

Sun Fengyang was taken aback.


After clicking into the order.

Where is the QR code?

The invalid QR code just now is gone.

It directly shows that it has been consumed.



Sun Fengyang felt that he had seen a ghost.

Don't say try again.

QR code is gone, how to try.

"Okay, okay, if you can't use it, give up your seat quickly, buddy, everyone is waiting."

"Brother, it's my turn, can you please let me go?"

Then started urging again.

Sun Fengyang had no choice but to leave this position full of doubts and aggrieved.

The people behind are still waiting.

"Is it really strange? What kind of stupid machine, I will report it now."

Sun Fengyang was ready to go to the person in charge of the film aggressively.

Just took two steps.

Then I ran into Lan Feng and the others again.

He stood not far away and looked at himself with a smile.


How do you feel that this smile is quite meaningful.

It's a strange feeling.

Does it even feel a little scary?

This is how Sun Fengyang feels now.

When he passed by Lan Feng.

Lan Feng smiled and nodded to him again.

"Xiao Sun, have you got the ticket yet?"

"How do you know I didn't get the ticket?"

Lan Feng shook his head, Ri(Okay, Zhao Lian is innocent.

"I don't know, otherwise why would I ask you, do you think so?"

"Really? Then why are you laughing?"

Sun Fengyang didn't know what was going on.

Seeing Lan Feng's expression, I can already feel it in my heart.

This matter must have something to do with Lan Feng.

"What can I laugh at? I think of Brother Teng's comedy movie, and I will be happy when I see it soon.

"Also, Xiao Sun, why didn't you get your ticket?"

Lan Feng looked at Sun Fengyang meanly.

"I don't know, the machine is broken."

Finished spear.

Sun Fengyang no longer wants to continue talking to Lan Feng here.

Feeling very aggrieved.

He raised his leg and prepared to leave.

"Xiao Sun, big brother loves you so much, can I give you some advice? In the future, you should be more low-key, and you can't casually post on Moments."

Lan Feng saw that Sun Fengyang was about to leave.

The corners of his mouth curved, and he said calmly. .

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