Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

183 Lan Feng's Heart Seems To Be Filled With A Kind Of Warmth!

Ding dong!

The system will restart in five minutes!

Hearing these words, Lan Feng's expression finally froze completely, his eyes were wide open, and disbelief was written all over his face.


Another side story!

Lan Feng felt that in his life, he was like a lucky idiot, always able to encounter some weird things.

He even doubted whether he was really destined to live to old age.

Lan Feng, are you alright? Li Wanqing couldn't help asking when she saw Lan Feng's expression was different.

Lan Feng took a deep breath, tried to force a smile, and said: I'm fine, let's continue shopping!

Li Wanqing nodded, didn't say anything, but followed Lan Feng to continue shopping.

Along the way, Lan Feng and Li Wanqing were careful not to be recognized by others.

Huh! That's...... Isn't that Li Wanqing?

Suddenly, someone uttered an exclamation, which caused all the people around to stop.

Li Wanqing's name is a household name in Jiang Cheng City.

Her beauty, family background, academic performance...all of them are admirable!

Seeing that everyone around her was looking at her, Li Wanqing's pretty face turned red, and she hurriedly left.

There was a touch of bitterness at the corner of Lan Feng's mouth.

This was the first time Li Wanqing was so shy.

Miss Wanqing!

At this time, two men in school uniforms chased up and blocked Li Wanqing's way, staring at her, looking like a hooligan.

Li Wanqing frowned, and said coldly: Please step aside!

Humph! I want to see how long you can be so arrogant! A man snorted coldly.

Sister Wanqing, ignore them, go to the lounge to rest first, and leave this matter to me! Lan Feng quickly comforted her, and then pulled Li Wanqing forward.

Li Wanqing looked at Lan Feng, nodded slightly, and did not refuse.

Seeing Lan Feng and Li Wanqing being intimate, the two men's eyes turned red, and they gritted their teeth, wishing to tear Lan Feng to pieces.

Lan Feng dragged Li Wanqing into the rest area, then took out her mobile phone to call Sophie.

Hello, Lan Feng big brother, what's the matter?

After answering the phone, he said sweetly.

Feifei, check it out for me, if anyone wants to bully me recently, I will kill him!

Lan Feng said viciously.

it is good!

Remember, you must ensure my safety, you know?


After hanging up the phone, Lan Feng felt a little relieved, after all, this was his first time looking for help.

At this time, Li Wanqing was sitting on the side, her eyes flickering with worry.

Sister Wanqing, didn't I tell you, don't worry about me, I can handle it. Lan Feng turned his head to look at Li Wanqing, and smiled lightly.

Li Wanqing shook her head, and said softly: I'm just a little worried, what should I do if something happens to you (Hi Wang..

Although Li Wanqing didn't know why Lan Feng wanted to save those two scumbags, but from the change in Lan Feng's expression just now, she knew that the matter must not be simple.

A warm current welled up in Lan Feng's heart, he stretched out his right arm, and hugged Li Wanqing.

Feeling the delicate body in his arms, Lan Feng's heart seemed to be filled with a kind of warmth.

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