Pool Squirt Party? I Backhanded A Tube Of Makeup Remover

195 Lan Feng Big Brother, I'm So Tired!

He stuffed his phone back into his bag, turned and walked to the living room, ready to open his laptop.

At this moment, Lan Feng's ears suddenly heard footsteps coming from the stairs, and a slight panting.

Who? Lan Feng turned around sharply, looking towards the stairs with sharp eyes.

At the corner of the second floor, a beautiful girl in a white dress and sunglasses came out from the corner.

Lan Feng big brother, you came back so early and bought a lot of things? Wang Yuting took off her sunglasses and smiled authentically.

It's you!

Lan Feng saw Wang Yuting and immediately recognized her.

The moment Wang Yuting took off her sunglasses, he was stunned for a while.

Although he knew that Wang Yuting was beautiful, he never expected to be so stunning.

Why, are you dumbfounded? Wang Yuting smiled and said, do I have flowers on my face?

No way! Lan Feng touched his nose in embarrassment. During this time, where have you been, and there is no news at all.

Wang Yuting sighed softly: I was busy shooting the new album mv recently, so I left my phone at the company and didn't turn it on. Lan Feng big brother, during this time, I almost died of worry.

Lan Feng said apologetically: I'm sorry, I didn't consider your mood.

What nonsense, Lan Feng big brother was kind to me, I always remember, so needless to say sorry, it was my fault, I shouldn't have done this.

Wang Yuting said with a guilty face.

Lan Feng shook his head and smiled wryly.

Lan Feng big brother, you go ahead, I'll take a shower and change clothes. After Wang Yuting finished speaking, she turned and ran into the bedroom.

Lan Feng shook his head, then walked to the sofa and sat down.

Not long after, there was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom, accompanied by Wang Yuting's clear and melodious singing.

Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, three or four months passed.

These days, Lan Feng basically never leaves home except to go to school to report every day.

Lan Feng big brother, I'm so tired!

In Lan Feng's room, Wang Yuting's coquettish voice came out.

Lan Feng walked into the room, looked at Wang Yuting who was lying limp on the bed, and asked with concern: "Yuting, is there something wrong with you?"

Oops! You big villain, don't touch me, do you know that I'm sick and can't be hurt by you? Wang Yuting's delicate body trembled, her beautiful eyes were shy, and she gave Lan Feng a hard look.

Lan Feng shrugged helplessly, and said: Then you rest, I'll go and eat!

After speaking, he left the room and walked to the door.

Wait a moment!

Wang Yuting shouted quickly, I haven't given you my gift yet, don't rush away, help me choose a gift!

Oh, I'll go! Lan Feng nodded helplessly.

He walked into the cloakroom and rummaged through the wardrobe.

As a gift from Wang Yuting, there are three sets of dresses in total.

The first black and white professional suit, with black boots and red high ponytail, looks like an elite white-collar worker; the second (good money, good) black tight shirt, with white slim trousers, looks like a sexy OL ;The third set of lavender short sweater, matched with light pink knee-length shorts, looks like a lively and lovely young girl; the fourth set of red long-sleeved dress, matched with small black leather shoes, looks more youthful and beautiful overall.

Lan Feng big brother, have you chosen yet?

Wang Yuting came out and saw that Lan Feng was still looking for a dress in the closet, her pretty face was slightly red, and she said shyly. .

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