After roughly understanding the Dragon Elephant Body Tempering Technique,

Ye Fan began to practice according to the first level of practice.

The first step is to refine the skin!

Skin, that is, flesh and blood.

The Dragon Elephant Body Tempering Technique is a body-tempering technique, so it does not rely on spiritual roots at all.

After trying to comprehend it for a while, Ye Fan noticed that a stream of energy appeared under his flesh and blood.

This energy quickly spread throughout his body, making him feel warm and comfortable all over.

But this comfort did not last long.

The temperature was still rising.

The warmth gradually turned into a strong burning heat.

Ye Fan's body turned red and his expression became painful.

The strong burning pain was as if he was in a huge alchemy furnace at this moment, being scorched by a blazing flame, and his body was about to melt into a pool of blood.



I don't know how long it took.

Ye Fan's breathing began to become extremely tight.

Looking closely, you can see that from his pores, strands of blood flowed out, and the blood was mixed with a lot of black substances.

Those were the impurities that blocked Ye Fan's body.

The first step in refining the skin is to remove these impurities first...

The sun outside the hut quickly moved from east to west.

More and more things emerged from Ye Fan's pores, and his expression became more and more painful.

His whole body was covered with mud and blood, and his face was covered with a thick layer, making it impossible to see his true appearance.


A mysterious sound rang out.

Ye Fan gasped and opened his eyes.

"This Dragon Elephant Body Refining Technique is indeed worthy of its reputation."


Too painful!

Fortunately, he was determined and gritted his teeth to persevere.

Otherwise, he would definitely end in failure. He successfully entered the first level of skin refining.

He felt his body and felt that he was as light as a swallow.

That was the relief after the impurities that had been blocked under his skin and flesh for many years were removed.

In addition, he also felt that there was a powerful force contained in his body!

This force has nothing to do with cultivation.

It is pure power from the body!

This also symbolizes that

Ye Fan has officially and successfully embarked on the path of physical cultivation!

In addition to strength, his skin and flesh have also become much stronger. Of course, he is still far from being able to resist sharp weapons and magic skills with his body...

His whole body is covered in blood and stinks.

Ye Fan got up and came to He went to the stream on the back mountain, dived into the water, and washed himself and his clothes together.

The simulator did not simulate Ye Fan taking a bath in the stream.

Because the simulator only simulated something that would happen under normal circumstances.

But Ye Fan is a living person.

His ideas will change.

Everything he wants to do suddenly will cause the original trajectory to change...

After a while.

The sludge receded.

Soaking comfortably in the stream, looking at the full moon that has emerged on the water, Ye Fan turned on the system and prepared to start today's simulation.

But at this moment.

Not far from the stream.

A huge plop sounded.

It was as if something fell from the sky and hit the stream, splashing a large amount of water.

"What the hell?!"

Ye Fan frowned, feeling something was wrong, and quietly retreated, ready to run away.

He had no intention of going up to take a look.

He didn't think that the kind of opportunity that fell on his head as written in the novel was true. If this happened

, it would be more likely to be a life-threatening danger!

But just as he quietly retreated to the shore and was about to go ashore and escape, a powerful pressure spread out, enveloped him, and made his body unable to move at all...

As expected!

Ye Fan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

In the stream on the shore,

Ye Fan had only one head floating on the water.

He couldn't move. He could only watch the direction of the stream where something had just fallen... and after the waves and mist gradually dissipated,

Ye Fan, who had excellent eyesight with the blessing of Eagle Eyes, saw clearly.

In the stream, there was actually a woman's smooth back!

"Damn it……"

Ye Fan had a glimmer of hope. But after seeing this scene, he was in despair.

The waves that fell down were actually a woman who came to take a bath?!

From the pressure that made him unable to move, it was not difficult to judge that this woman must be a strong person...

You know, this is the world of immortal cultivation.

Generally, women regard their reputation as more important than their lives.

In other words, what Ye Fan saw now would definitely bring him a fatal disaster!

"Damn it, why did you come to take a shower at this time instead of earlier or later?……"

"This is over.……"

"This is an unprovoked disaster!"

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