Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 108 Revitalizing [Physics] (12 more)

"Ahem! Be careful what you say and do! Be careful what you say and do!" After Ren Tactics coughed, he glanced at the system.

Fortunately, at least in the system's judgment, he is still in the [Lawful Neutral] camp for the time being.

In this regard, Renn is quite satisfied.

Generally speaking, after players travel through time, most of them do whatever they want. Once you travel to the world of Kaos, it will be a typical [Chaos] camp.

You can do whatever you want, without restraint, and you can even yell "Mondo can go wherever he wants".

Sounds cool, right?

The problem lies here too.

In Renn's view, the [Chaos] camp has the least future.

Think about it, if you do whatever you want, the subordinates you recruit cannot be [Lawful], right?

This means that you and your little brother are all free-wheeling guys. To put it bluntly, you can just throw a bag of garbage downstairs and wander around without knowing it.

The entire organization is like this. Can such an organization have combat effectiveness?

[Absolute neutrality] is almost the same. Everything has nothing to do with you, and you just hang up when things happen.

In peacetime, you can act arrogant and pretentious. In really troubled times, [Chaos] and [Neutral] are the camps that will die the fastest.

It's like the eternal bloody battle between the devil of the abyss and the devil of hell.

The number and individual combat power of demons always have an overwhelming advantage, but they have never truly broken through the defense line of the demon army. In the final analysis, the demons are all in a chaotic camp. Often, in the middle of a charge, soldiers will be found running around, resulting in a significant reduction in combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Renn maintains a [lawful] character.

Lawfulness is hard to say, easy to say. The most classic way is to set the rules yourself and abide by them. It is not that rules cannot be changed, but rules that have been implemented must be changed according to standard procedures, or during a window period when there is no enforcer.

Save money: Whatever you make an appointment with, you have to finish it with tears in your eyes.

In view of this, Renne publicly broadcast to the sky: "I'm sorry, that sentence just now was said by a former friend of mine. This is not my attitude."


[The world’s suspicion of your camp has been temporarily eliminated, and the degree of chaos has been revised back to 0. 】


Ren's mind was in a trance. I wonder if he had come up with too many physical formulas and turned some of them into laws recognized by the world. He always felt that the will of the world seemed to be doing nothing all day long and just focused on him first?

"This... must be an illusion, right?"

The world calmed down, and it seemed that Renn's guess was really an illusion.

But lately, Ren is really bored.

Because the two brats were studying the laws of physics in junior high school over and over again, the teaching progress had stalled. The best that Ren could do was shamelessly give them the basic [five-year high school entrance exam and three-year simulation]. There is no need for him to do farm work in the valley, and Sanders is used as an errand boy for external liaison.

Ren suddenly realized that he had nothing to do, and now that he had a reputation for being evil, there really wasn't any unsighted guy to come and cause trouble.

This is like when a classmate of his was in college and rented an apartment. He asked the landlord, "Are there any guys nearby who look dishonest and look like they are gangsters?" The landlord replied, "You are not."

If you think about it, the most outrageous person around you seems to be Ren himself.

A bold idea came to mind.


Take a walk out of the valley?

After staying for so long, Renn felt like he was going crazy from holding back. Although he can know about La Manque City and the capital of Cervantes through peeking at the screen, except for those who are naturally suitable to be anchors and have strong home attributes, who would stay at home for half a year without leaving the house?

After using the magic of [Physical Network] to hang a clone of Ren in the valley made of [Real Illusion], on a dark and windy night, he secretly summoned a big eyeball and hung him out. .


Big eyeballs can fly, and you can easily take them away by hanging a hook on the remaining eyelid tissue.

The flying speed of the big eyeball is probably thirty kilometers per hour. After a science dog secretly installed a full set of safety belts and straw seats similar to those of a bungee jumper, a monster transport plane was born.

Before, Renn would never have dared to do this kind of thing.

Even the Fulong Mountains are a bit misnamed, but this is actually very safe.

Someone who is very careless can fly with his big eyes almost touching the ground, only 5 meters above the ground. Coupled with the magic, it is very difficult for Ren to fall to death now.

In this way, without any danger, without hiding the truth from the two disciples, Renn arrived at La Manche City in a short time.

Of course, the normal route is not that fast. Don't forget, Ren is flying and walking in a straight line.

Arriving at a remote corner on the outskirts of the city, Ren opened his eyes, found a place to crossdress, and transformed into a candidate heading to La Manche City to wait for the next magic exam.

Even though it is the end of December and the middle of winter, La Manche City is unexpectedly lively.

An economic model called [Alien Edition Examination Economy] is emerging in this remote mining city and has become the second largest industry supporting the urban economy.

Renn used illusions to slightly change his appearance, transforming himself into the Sumerian King Gilgamesh from the anime before his time travel.

Well, an arrogant golden retriever.

Originally, he wanted to experience the suffering of candidates, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

It didn't matter that he had been severely beaten by the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination. He was already tormenting the two gangsters in the valley, so he didn't pretend to be a candidate here.

It would be bad if something happens by then.

For example, 'Ren won second place in the Renn Tesla Archmage Cosplay Contest'?

Of course, he still wanted to check out the examination culture here, so he turned into an obviously newly opened bookstore.

"Yo! Brand new [Five-Year High School Entrance Exam Three-Year Simulation] Physics real question set, 50 pages of brand new simulation questions, only selling for 1 silver coin!"

Renne happened to come across a test question and bought a copy.

To be honest, this kind of question book made of jute paper is really not very well made. You get what you pay for, and the price is just the quality of the paper. Ren glanced at it, and he was surprised to find that it was not that no one in the world studied physics, but that there was no systematic summary of this knowledge.

According to the questions he originally left for Count La Mancha, someone actually came up with a new version of the test questions based on the questions, changing the numbers but not changing the meaning of the questions.

Maybe these people don't have the qualifications to be magicians, but they are undoubtedly studying physics seriously.

Especially when he saw that the author of one of the textbooks was signed by a certain lecturer at the Royal Cervantes School of Engineering, he really felt like he was single-handedly revitalizing [physics].

Does engineering require physics?

So needed!

Don’t say anything, just take the mainstream trebuchets from various countries. Who doesn’t need physics?

It’s just that no one has systematically summarized and taught physics knowledge before.

This discovery made Ren a little excited.

At this moment, Ren suddenly heard a weak voice.

"Excuse me, can Archmage Tesla create a golem?"


ps: The 12th update before the buzzer at 12 am. This is definitely a first-day update in the standard sense.

This time Yunfei really took the risk.

Starting tomorrow, the extra update will be released before 6:30 pm, and the two guaranteed updates will be released before 12:00 pm.

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