Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 114 A straight line can also be the closest (1 update)

Here, after Sanders heard Lane's request, his first reaction was to breathe a sigh of relief.

ah! It turns out that the all-powerful and powerful mage also has things he is not good at!

After witnessing Ren's method of slaying demons and monsters, Sanders was already in infinite awe of his master's master. He was a little afraid that this feeling of accompanying a king like a tiger would completely crush his soul.

Now that Renne is looking for him to work, Sanders feels that Renne is a bit human.

To avoid making useless efforts or conflicting with Ren, Sanders added another question: "Does the Archmage not use prophecy magic to deal with it?"

Regarding this problem, a certain super mage who can use game achievements to hide the detection of world laws thought: I know nothing about prophecy!

On the bright side, Ren's mysterious aura was directly full: "A breath of terrible misfortune has been completely entangled with this dwarf guy I am optimistic about. If I forcefully predict his fate, it will destroy the good things he may usher in." Luck. That’s not pretty.”

Ren made a calculating gesture: "His fate is a typical one of putting oneself to death and living later. I can't use excessive power. That's it, I will only use my master-level power to pursue him. "

Some of the demigod mage boasted by the outside world are actually only as powerful as masters.

Family members, who knows!

However, in Sanders's eyes, this scene felt like he was "being cared for by a boss".

Sanders is just a high-level shadow dancer. If the great mage shows his power, he will be killed if he touches him.

This mighty demi-god master has restrained himself to do this for a small follower of his apprentice. What else can Sanders say?

Let’s go all out for the School of Physics!

"Promise to complete the mission!"

The two of them hung under the big eyeball and moved quickly to the target cave.

Sanders originally lit a torch, but he immediately saw a certain 'legendary mage' behind him. With an idea, 36 light balls inspired by the level 0 magic [Dancing Lights] rose up on his left and right shoulders, distributed in the front, back, left, right, up and down. , 360 degrees without blind spots, illuminating the cave as bright as day.

Shadow Dancer smiled bitterly and put away the torch.

At this time, at least an hour had passed since the dwarf entered the cave, and Sanders quickly found the traces.

"Sir, look at this messy set of footprints on the snow."

The temperature in the cave is very low, and many places on the ground and mountain walls are covered with snow and frost.

There are no mineral deposits in this cave. Although it can lead to the other side of the mountain, for example, it can shorten the journey to the Principality of Marino by three days. However, due to the presence of low-level monsters in the cave, the low temperature, and the rugged terrain inside the cave, , usually this cave is forbidden to enter.

When a series of footprints appears, it will be obvious.

In fact, Sanders wanted to say, 'It was as if he was being chased by some terrifying entity.' But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

Are you kidding me? Is there anyone more terrifying in the world than the Archmage?

However, the sense of terror is always the opposite. When a lawful god of death is one of your own, there is nothing more reassuring than this.

After organizing his words, Sanders spoke: "He is obviously possessed by something. Dwarves are sons of the earth, and their steps have always been steady and powerful. Only those who have lost their minds will behave like this."

Ren nodded in approval. He glanced at the increasingly narrow cave and frowned. The narrowest place in front could only accommodate three people walking side by side, and there was absolutely no way for the big eyes to carry them on their way.

Everyone just walked away, but Renn didn't have the physical confidence.

Renn's physical fitness before time travel was considered to be excellent, but in this world he was at least 9 points. But no matter how confident he is, he will never be stupid enough to compete with a dead dwarf whose racial talent is [+2 constitution].

Among the dwarf adventurers who are most suitable to be [Fighters], there are many guys with a natural constitution of 16 points or above, and monsters with a full 18 points are not uncommon.

Renn would never consider the operation like an egg hitting a stone.

"Sanders, is there a shortcut to this cave? Something a bit more dangerous would do."

Shadow Dancer smiled bitterly: "Your Excellency, it really doesn't happen. I have walked through this cave once before, and its inner structure is like a winding mountain road."

After that, he casually carved the map in his memory on a smooth mountain wall with a machete.

Renn looked at the map, which looked like seven consecutive hairpin bends, with a thoughtful expression.

With a glance, the systems in Ren's vision were like various analyzers that analyze physical materials, quickly analyzing the structure of the cave.

Next, he spread his perception far away, following the flow direction of the wind element in the cave, and the wind flow diagram within a thousand meters in a straight line in front began to be injected into his mind, and then analyzed it to form a complete three-dimensional cave diagram. Show it in its entirety.

Ren gently pressed his hand on the cave wall and said in a rather surprised tone: "Oh, this mountain wall is actually just ice."

"Your Excellency, the ice here is at least a hundred years old. The outer layer is fine, but the inner layer is extremely hard and difficult to break with an ax..." Halfway through his words, Sanders suddenly shut up because he realized that his mortal The inertial thinking really cannot keep up with the rhythm of other people's great mage's thinking mode.

Sure enough, a miracle happened!

Right in front of Sanders, countless frost elements were attracted by the Archmage's right hand, forming a huge ice lump floating in mid-air.

At first Sanders thought Lane was going to smash it.

Who would have thought that the ice lump would get bigger and bigger, and in a few seconds it would become bigger than a carriage carriage.

When this cylindrical ice lump was laid flat on the ground, Sanders noticed that there were some blade-like structures on the top of the ice cylinder?

"Your Excellency, this is..."

"Secret Ice Magic [Pangolin]!"

Well, it's written as pangolin and pronounced as TBM.

One of the ways out for science students is the bridge and tunnel major in the civil engineering category!

Back then, after watching how a cousin of his could look like a chief without going to Africa, and gradually developed a strong man's hairstyle, Renn knew what it meant to reduce admissions.

Ren tried to use magic power to drive this frost version of the shield machine, which was 100% scaled down according to memory, and it really felt like he could do whatever he wanted.

The ice layer was thicker than Renn imagined. Fortunately, the so-called hundred-year ice wall was nothing more than that in Renn's opinion.

The characteristics of being covered in layers of ice and snow make it impossible for it to be a complete whole without gaps like the giant glass in the underwater aquarium.

In Sanders' eyes, the so-called hard-to-break problem becomes a relative concept here.

A mortal who works hard with an ice pick for a day might come back the next day and find that due to the severe cold and the presence of water vapor in the cave, many of the holes in the ice dug yesterday have been filled back in.

The destructive power produced by a master-level magician is often hundreds of times that of ordinary people.

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