Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 123 That irresistible charm! (5 updates)

Bankers are anxious.

After knowing that Archmage Tesla would not take the bait, they were eager to hook the Archmage's disciples.

However, the three of them really came to travel as they said.

This made the bankers anxious.

A real gambling city will never use gambling as a sign.

It is advertised as a tourist resort city.

"Here are the most beautiful beauties, the most exciting gladiatorial events, the most beautiful scenery, and the best services in the world!" This Kaos version of the slogan sounds very exciting, doesn't it?

Back at the hotel, Downs took the white linen advertising paper for shoe polishing and threw it away.

"Junior brothers, let me show you something."

On the snow-white walls, images transmitted from several mage eyes are projected.

If it were the prosperous age of magic a hundred years ago, Downs would definitely not be able to use [Mage Eyes] so wantonly. However, in this age of Dharma-ending, the only Dharma masters that the powerful can hire are warlocks.

These guys who are serious about science can only cast spells instinctively, and they can't build anti-monitoring magic circles or anything like that.

Even though there are five posts and one sentry every ten steps in the city, to Downs, this city is undefended.

A scene: Harry and the others saw behind a large house with a luxurious front yard, an old woman was letting thugs beat a young girl, forcing her to sell her beauty.

A picture: A man who cannot repay the loan shark is deceived by the moneylender and says, "You only need to go up and fight, and the debt will be paid off." Little did they know that the vampire who had drained a man of his money long ago would end up draining that man's life and even his soul.

There was even a mage's eye that caught sight of a lower-level devil.

The third brother felt the darkness behind this prosperity and trembled with anger.

This scene made Sanders feel dizzy.

"My Lord, I know that the Kingdom of Swetland has many dark sides. But this is not the reason for you to go to war with Swetland."

"Start a war? Who said I would lead my junior brothers to start a war against this legal kingdom recognized by the rest of mankind?" Downs' smile reminded Sanders of a fox.


Downs turned to Harry: "Harry, my good junior brother, are you ready to face the master-level test?"

Harry wiped his sweat and said weakly, "I think I should be ready."

After Downs' long-term use of magic, Harry's strength has risen to nearly the master level. In terms of the Adventurer's Guild's rating, it would be about level 9 or 10.

However, no matter how much you practice, it is still not as good as actual combat.

That kind of epiphany between life and death can never be experienced when beating little monsters and sparring with senior brothers.

Downs smiled: "Very good. Then you can use the hotel where we are staying as a defensive base."

Barend pointed to his round face: "What about me?"

"And you! My good junior brother, it's time to show your true charm to the dragon."

Mashana jumped out of the silver pendant on Barend's chest. The chubby female dwarf ghost put her hands on her hips: "Wait! You want to put my Barend under the threat of the dragon? This is not fair! "

"If I really miss, I will die before Barend." Downs said calmly, "And you, Barend, think carefully about whether you want to back down at this time."

When Barend heard about the plan, he said he had no fear it was false.

Thinking that it was his master who saved them both, and that his master was troubled by money because he wanted to fulfill his dream, Barend gained infinite courage.

"Mashana, stop talking, let's just follow the plan."

"Okay! This is my good junior brother!"

The moon was dark and the wind was high. Under the cover of the illusion, no one noticed that Downs took Barend on his beloved white rainbow horse and flew proudly to the other end of the Fulong Mountains, which is nearly 100 kilometers away.

The target location is a full 150 kilometers away from the valley of Rennes. On that steep mountain like a fork, there lives a nest of black dragons...

This is a warm swamp on the mountainside. Two fifteen-meter-long black dragons are tearing apart two cleft-hoof cattle weighing at least a ton. They twisted their long snake necks left and right, tearing their prey roughly left and right, letting the blood flow onto their skeleton-like dragon faces.

Two younger black dragons were crawling not far away. They had to wait for their parents to finish eating before they could enjoy the leftovers they didn't want.

At this moment, a strange light attracted the attention of four black dragons.

It was difficult not to notice the wind-controlling horse that emitted colorful lights.

The male black dragon gave up after one glance.

If it was a wind-riding horse, the black dragon might change his mind temporarily and attack this bastard horse that had intruded into his territory for no good reason. Forget about the higher-level wind-controlling horse, the black dragon knew that the opponent was flying very fast, slightly faster than him.

Who knew that at this moment, a strong throbbing coming from the depths of the soul caused the four black dragons to raise their ferocious skull-shaped heads at the same time.

There seems to be a very attractive dragon behind that wind-controlling horse.

This was already enough to tease the dragon.

It seemed that the other party finally discovered the existence of the four black dragons at this time, and actually screamed and began to run away at a faster speed.

It's so damn good that golden things fall from the air like fairies scattering flowers. As the wind-controlling horse flew at high speed, it suddenly dragged out a long rain of gold coins in the sky.

Black dragons especially like coins. Older black dragons sometimes capture humanoids and ask them where their gold, silver, and platinum coins are stored before killing them.

The irresistible temptation from the other party, plus hundreds of gold coins, made the four black dragons go crazy.

"Ho ho ho—"

The huge black wings flapped, and the small trees in the swamp were blown around. Even the water-filled mud flew everywhere because of the black dragon's rapid flight.

Four black dragons, two large and two small, let out a thundering roar and flapped their wings, chasing after them with great ferocity.

In the sky, Barend was so frightened that he almost fainted.

"Sir, do you know how much determination it takes for a dwarf who swears never to let his feet off the ground at the same time fly into the sky?"

Tang Si didn't know how to do it: "Junior brother! Think about your Gundam!"

"Uh, okay!"

Then, after truly feeling the astonishing momentum of the four black dragons behind him, [Bole] flapped his wings vigorously while his horse neighed.

"Elder brother, what is Bole talking about?"

"He said - we need to pay more!"


"No! I want to add carrots and introduce him to a beautiful female Pegasus."

Turning his head to look at the adult black dragon approaching within a hundred meters, Barend almost pissed himself with fright: "Add it! Add it to him!"

It must be admitted that the high-level wind-controlling horse is really powerful. [Bole] carried two people and flew the black dragon kite all the way. They flew 90 kilometers without catching up.

The black dragon is so angry!

However, after they chased for half a night, suddenly the wind-controlling horse in front of them and the unusually seductive aura of the dragon disappeared two hundred meters in front of them.

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