Pornstar System

Chapter 41 Am I Being Hit On?

"Come on, Wosh, can't you just try to at least 'help' Claire out, or maybe… I don't know," She said trailing off but then snapping her fingers in a quirky way, "Yeah, just make her work faster!" Jonah sarcastically yelled.

"I can't do that, make up's an art, and each make-up artist has their own pace and style. NO! one! should pressure 'art' out of an artist." Wosh said like he had just awoken something.

"Oh, come on, we both know you are only doing this because she's the boss's daughter and you fear her." Jonah said with a scornful look..

"Oh, yeah!? You think that's really the case? Aren't you scared of her, too? That's why you want me to 'help' her, don't you?" Wosh lashed back.

"That's not true! I just want her to work faster, last time she took two hours to get a guy dressed up and then called cut 4 times in the middle of the shoot because the guy's hair shifted a bit or something, she wasn't even the director!" Jonah screeched as if the cork of sanity finally flew off.

"I am really sorrry and even though I am sure she is the one who uses up half our hairspray stash, the matter's out of my hand unless you want to reschedule your shoot." Wosh replied pretty understandably.

"No, rescheduling is just out of the question, Jonah said, as she massaged her forehead. We have got no choice, we'll have to take the risk then I guess." Jonah said in a frustrated voice.

"Grreat, I call her up she'll, 'probably' be here in 15 or 30 maybe even an hour, who knows," Wosh said as he walked away while pulling out his phone from his pocket.

"Is that Claire person really that bad?" I asked after I had witnessed how just mentioning her name had brought a storm.

"No, her work is flawless, too flawless in fact and she's kinda a control freak who just can't relax until she has got things her way and we just can't do anything because-" Jonah was going to complete her sentence when out of the blue a cold voice cut her off.

"Because of my dad?" The voice said, devoid of any emotion except the subtle anger in her voice.

I looked at Jonah, who was turning around in slow motion as if some horror movie's protagonist, who's going to get a jump scare.

I turned my head faster than Jonah to look at the absolute beauty that stood beside Jonah.
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A ginger with long fluffy frizzy hair, her face seemed to have some slight freckles, but they only added to her beauty, she had sharp amber eye's and long eyelashes which were long enough to curl around themselves. Her eyebrows, although thick, were showing she was quite amused by the statement. Her thin lips had a faint smile on them, almost as if she was holding back a smirk.

Her face revealed all her intentions. Claire didn't seem angry. She seemed to be just teasing Jonah.

Clair was wearing a white tank top and a plaid shirt wrapped around her waist. She also had quite the high boots.

"So?" Claire said again as Jonah finally looked her in the eye.

"I am really sorry, but I said that your work was flawless too," Jonah said as she pulled out the one compliment she gave her with a nervous shrug.

"Oh really? It just sounded like an insult amongst other insults with just some glitter on them to me," Claire said, trying to hold back her smirk so hard that I was sure she was biting her tongue in her mouth.

"Please, let the bygones be bygones. You should meet Max, here he's gonna be your canvas today, get acquainted meanwhile i am gonna go give Wosh a piece of my mind, maybe a bit of my fist too." Jonah left while rolling up one of her sleeves.

I finally saw Claire giggling behind Jonah's back as she left. She really got a good laugh out of it.

When she finally composed herself, I offered her my hand for a handshake. Dunno why, but a handshake has almost become a ritual when greeting people. I still miss those days when people offered me a handshake and I would give them a brofist.

Claire shook my hand, her grip was surprisingly strong.

"I am Claire, your personal make-up artist for the shoot." She said with a pleasing smile.

"I am Maxx, your personal canvas for the shoot." I replied in a similar teasing way, while my inside screamed, 'You fuckin' idiot, she's the boss's daughter, (no idea who the boss is but…) why the heck are you teasing her' and for some reason, my internal voice had an accent similar to Gordon Kamsay.

Claire released a small chuckle. "Heh, I like your style."

"I like yours too," I replied instantaneously.
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'What the fuck are you doing? Flirting with the boss's daughter! Don't you already have Alexandra, you sicko?!' screamed my mind on the inside.

'Okay, first I Alexandra and I are barely friends, and second I don't know but certain type of women just attract me,' I calmly explained to my mind.

'That certain type is just, 'hot', nothing else!' replied my mind.

'Oh shut up, you don't know me-" I told my mind before I moved back to reality.

'I am quite literally you-' Sadly, dear mind, the chat has been ended.

"Oh, aren't you a dangerous boy?" Claire said in a flirty tone as she moved closer to me, but she almost instantly changed tone as Jonah came back, "Come on now, chop chop! Jonah, I need to see the script!" yelled out Claire in a bossy way, only after giving me a wink.

That was when I faced a great dilemma.

Was she hitting on me? Or was I hitting on her?



Special thanks to Ming_Chao for the spacecraft. My man is an absolute chad who has almost single-handedly pushed the novel to around rank 170 in trending.

and that made me realize something. We won't be able to hit the top 25.

So... Change of plans! TOP 100 and you still get a full week daily release and on top 75 I'll just mass release 7 chapters.

Come on guys, we have the full month! less go


Thanks for reading!

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