The moonlight is dancing and the light is dim. At 7:30 in the evening, the street lights in Luoshi turned on on on time.

In the meeting room on the third floor of the library, Xu Ling said that he was thirsty. He suddenly found that it was completely dark outside. However, the experts on the scene are not aware of this situation, and still look at Xu Ling thirsty for knowledge.

"Cough, everyone, it's getting late today. Let me just say that. Anyway, I've made the basic framework very clear. If you are interested, you might as well go to the chronicles of the Three Kingdoms. I won't repeat it here." Xu Ling picked an opportunity and said it to the experts present.

"Well?" Being reminded by Xu Lingyi, many talented people look out of the window suspiciously. It's true that night is coming quietly, and everyone has been listening to Xu Ling's "academic lecture" unconsciously for such a long time.

I've been sitting in the same posture for a long time. You're all over the age of 50. Now I feel sore all over.

"Ouch!" One of the old men suddenly screamed, obviously accidentally twisted his waist.

"Ha ha, Master Wu, be careful! I'm afraid I haven't had such a long time. " The old Xu looked at an old man not far away and couldn't help joking.

It turned out that the injured old man was Wu Kangming.

"Master Wu, are you ok?" When Xu Ling saw the situation over there, she was also in a cold sweat and asked immediately.

Don't ruin other people's bodies because you speak too well. That's a big sin.

"No problem, no problem! Ha ha, what Mr. Xu said is so good. I'm so forgetful to listen to it Wu Kangming couldn't hide his surprise, holding his waist while praising Xu Ling.

Obviously, he is very satisfied with this seminar!

"Ha ha, Lao Wu, I'm right! The younger generation is to be feared, the younger generation is to be feared Liu Jinchuan is not surprised by Xu Ling's performance. Xu Ling, a guy, can surprise him every time.

"Thank you for your praise, boy. I'm so honored!" In front of the experts, Xu Ling should maintain a humble attitude.

"Since ancient times, heroes are young! Mr. Xu, stop being modest. " Liu Jinchuan came forward and patted Xu Ling on the shoulder. He spoke with great appreciation.

Excessive modesty is conceit. Xu Ling also knows this truth. In the face of repeated praise from his predecessors, he is no longer polite. He smiles and nods in response.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Xu could make the boring talk about the Three Kingdoms so interesting. It's just so late that I'll be the host. Please have a meal. What do you think?" Suddenly an old man stood up and said.

Looking at the old man, Xu Ling felt a little strange. She thought that she was also a kind of elder who devoted herself to academic research.

"Oh, old man Lin, what's the matter today? It's so grand that I don't want to invite you to have a cup of tea." Old Xu seemed to have the best relationship with the old man surnamed Lin, so he immediately began to make fun of him.

"There's a strange person like Mr. Xu in Luoshi. I'm happy. Can't I? Or do you have a problem with Lao Xu and don't want to go? " All of you are very happy now, and you don't care about your identity. You make fun of each other.

Xu Ling, who was listening, could not help sweating. He didn't expect that there was such a side to this group of obstinacy. However, he didn't want to stay with these experts now. He could not resist Xia Xinyu's coercion when he came to the seminar.

What's more, I was originally asked to come and listen in. As a result, I just talked about it for an afternoon. It's the end of my duty.

If he is allowed to eat with these experts again, he may have to play some tricks. Not long ago, he secretly vowed that he would never eat with these experts again.

Instead of eating cold dishes and cold rice, it's better to eat instant noodles and code words at home!

"I know what the elders want, but I can't get together with you because I have something at home." Want to reach here, Xu Ling said with apology.

"Xu Ling, it's rare to be so happy. Do you have to spoil our fun?" Chen Yusheng was shocked by Xu Ling's scholarship before, so he didn't make any more sarcastic remarks. However, when he heard Xu Ling say so, he immediately picked up his character and scolded Xu Ling.

Chen Yusheng's words made all the experts present look at Xu Ling and seem to be wondering why the latter would refuse the invitation. It's a matter of brilliance to know who is not an important role in the literary world and can get the invitation.

"Yusheng, teacher Xu said that there must be something urgent. This is a voluntary thing. Why force others?" Liu Jinchuan gives Xu Ling a timely solution.

Xu Ling couldn't help but cast a grateful look at Liu Jinchuan.

"The river flows eastward, and the stars in the sky join the Big Dipper!..." As soon as Liu Jinchuan's voice fell, a rich song came from Xu Ling.


Xu Ling quickly took out his cell phone from his pocket, turned off the "little star" which made him ashamed, then looked around the crowd with apology and said, "I'm sorry." He walked out of the meeting room.

"Brother, come back quickly! My sister-in-law is back, looking for you! " As soon as the phone was connected, Yu Wenwen's anxious voice came from that end.

Chen Xiyun? Didn't she just leave the other day? Why are you back so soon? And what's she looking for? Xu Ling thought suspiciously in the heart, but facing the phone, he still said in a deep voice, "OK, I know, I'll go back."

With that, he hung up without waiting for Yu Wenwen to say anything more.

After the phone call, Xu Ling went into the conference room again and faced several experts, "sorry, seniors, it's really urgent at home. I'll treat you next time for dinner!"

"Ha ha, I've heard that Mr. Xu's family has a lovely wife. I'm afraid it's not a wife?" Xu is also an old urchin. He just teases him.

"Old Xu, how can you speak like this? It's really disrespectful for the old man!" Liu Jinchuan laughed and scolded Xu, then turned to look at Xu Ling, "since there is really something urgent, you should go back quickly. There is plenty of time after the party, so don't delay your family."

"Everyone, the boy will leave here." With that, he left the conference room without looking back.

Go out to take a taxi, finish the destination, the driver master will step on the accelerator, gallop away.

After a while, I came to my home.

From a distance, I saw a figure looking towards the road. When Xu Ling came closer, she found that Yu Wenwen was standing there. Xu Ling got out of the car and immediately caught it. She ran and jumped in front of Xu Ling.

"Come on, come on! My sister-in-law didn't find you in the house. You are losing your temper Yu Wenwen, like a little spy, informs Xu Ling.

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