"Why did you come out so soon?" Liu Xia was probably waiting outside the door all the time. As soon as Xu Ling came out, he immediately went forward to ask.

"He didn't say anything. Vice director Guo just asked me to do well and make the program a brand program for the whole station. Don't let him down." Xu Ling repeated what the deputy director expected him to say with a smile, and then changed into a very serious expression, "brother Liu, I heard about the things that I was transferred to before from deputy director Guo. Thank you very much for your hard work."

"Brother Xu, you and I should not talk about these things. Didn't you say the words" Duke of Zhou, tufu, return to the world "? You are a talent. I'll dig for you. Besides, I'd like to thank you for saving our column! " Hearing Xu Ling's words, Liu Xia immediately shook her head, patted each other on the shoulder and said kindly.

Liu Xia's words directly deepened the relationship between them. Xu Ling was also quite moved. He also knew how much trouble the original owner of the body had made before. Now Liu Xia is so tolerant, which is a real affirmation of his ability.

If you want to reach this point, Xu Ling is no longer polite and gives a sincere response, "brother Liu, no matter how you say it, I will never forget Xu Ling's kindness. If you are polite, I will not say more. Just like vice director Guo said, I use my achievements to prove that your decision is correct!"

"Good, good!" Liu Xia said three times in a row to express her inner joy, and then came forward to pat Xu Ling on the shoulder.

"And then," with these words, Xu Ling suddenly changed the subject and explained to Liu Xia with a smile, "that sentence" Duke Zhou, tufu, return to the world "is not what I said, but what Cao Cao said."

It's too much to make programs with other people's things on the earth in a different world. If you take the poems of the ancients as your own, I'm afraid that Cao Cao's coffin can't be pressed!

"By the way, it's almost time. Teacher Xia's live broadcast should be over." Talking with Liu Xia, Xu Ling goes back. Xu Ling suddenly pats her head and thinks of such an important thing.

If Xia Xinyu finds that I'm slipping away after the live broadcast, she may have any opinions! Xu Ling thought so, quickly with Liu Xia together, stepped up the pace, and soon came back to the studio, it is gratifying that Xia Xinyu is still in the live room of passion to carry out the program.

Xu Ling listen to the content, should also have said the end.

"Jia Xu didn't offer too many strategies in his life, but every strategy was to turn the tide. Under Cao Cao, although he was a counselor, he didn't offer any suggestions. He stayed in his residence all day. He came to visit and gave thanks to his guests behind closed doors. He also chose the marriage objects of his sons and daughters. He was not a dignitary, just such a person. He was in the turbulent period of the Three Kingdoms, I've spent seventy-seven years in peace, and I've come to an end... "

Xu lingzheng about time, Xia Xinyu really began to sum up, a few words later, she and the audience said "goodbye", and then took off the microphone out of the studio.

It was not until the moment when the door of the live broadcasting room was closed that Xia Xinyu took a long breath. Sure enough, it was a big challenge for her to prepare a program that she was not familiar with in just a few hours. Fortunately, she overcame this time.

"That's great!" As soon as Xia Xinyu came out, Xu Ling came running with a clap in his hand and said with admiration.

Xia Xinyu gave Xu Ling a bad look and said, "next time you don't want to fix these things for me. It's too hard for me to mend something temporarily."

At this time, Xu lingcai found that Xia Xinyu's forehead was still sweating. It seemed that she was quite nervous. Thanks to her being an old anchor, she had such a strong on-the-spot adaptability.

"Hard work, hard work!" Xu Ling quickly picked up the cup and handed it to Xia Xinyu, "come on, have a drink first."

"Miss Xia, what you said is very good, and your voice is very good. It's much more attractive than what I'm talking about!" When Xia Xinyu drinks water, Xu Ling flatters him.

"Come on, don't flatter me. It's not that diamond doesn't do porcelain work. I think it's better for you to do the Three Kingdoms." After two drinks of water, Xia Xinyu calms down a little, and immediately waves her hand. She doesn't dare to compliment her performance.

"Hey, I'm in danger. Miss Xia is Zhuge Liang. Don't say anything. I'll take the dinner tonight! Chief Editor Liu, together! Er Er ~ "Xu Ling is very grateful for helping him so much. In a happy mood, Xu Ling waved his hand and invited him with great wealth.

"Can you eat like this?" Every time Xu Ling finished a sentence, he burped Xia Xinyu to laugh. At this time, he couldn't help laughing.

Xu Ling could only smile two times.

"It was Comrade Xinyu who helped you to finish the work, but there was nothing for Lao Liu. If you want to invite Comrade Xinyu alone, I won't join in the fun." Liu Xia is on one side and laughingly refuses Xu Ling's invitation.

Xu Linggang wants to stay again, and Liu Xia's phone rings. The latter smiles apologetically at them, picks up the phone and goes out.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid Editor Liu can't answer your call at this time." Looking at the figure Liu Xia rushed out, Xia Xinyu said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Xu Ling looks strange.

"If you don't believe it, just have a look." Xia Xinyu is an enigmatic look, hands holding the chest, said with confidence.

As soon as the voice dropped, the door of the studio immediately opened. Liu Xia came in with an apologetic face. Before he hung up the phone, he said to Xu Ling, "I have some private affairs tonight, so I won't accompany you. Brother Xu, comrade Xinyu has helped you so much. You have to thank others well!"

With that, Liu Xia left without waiting for Xu Ling to speak again.

Vaguely, you can hear words like "I know", "I'm wrong".

Xu Ling looked at the direction Liu Xia left, and then at Xia Xinyu, who had seen through all this, and was speechless.

"I said it." Xia Xinyu didn't forget about it at this time.

"Er Er ~"


At night, Luoshi is brightly lit. Although it is inferior to the first tier cities, it is also quite prosperous.

Xu Ling and Xia Xinyu are walking along the road. They are discussing the work and land affairs.

"You are a good boy. Deputy director Guo can find you in person." Xia Xinyu at this time also heard from Xu Ling that the deputy director talked to him, and immediately praised him.

"That's thanks to you. I'll never forget what Miss Xia taught me." Xu Ling always maintained a modest attitude and responded.

"You can't put gold on my face, this column is completely brought by you," Xia Xinyu waved her hand, didn't accept Xu Ling's credit, and then the conversation changed, reminding Xu Ling, "well, since you come out, don't talk about work, what do you want to take me to eat?"

At noon, in order to prepare for the live broadcast, they didn't eat much. Now it's over, they can't help being hungry.

"Don't worry, it's definitely a good place!" Xu Ling will not be like her cousin. After helping others, she will have a Shaoxian snack.

Xu Ling with Xia Xinyu, along the snack street seven eight turn, finally stopped in front of a shop.

Looking up, the store is simple and elegant. There is a huge memorial archway on the outside. There is a plaque in the middle of the archway with three golden characters on it.

"Ju Sheng Hong" Xia Xinyu read the words on the plaque word by word, then returned her eyes to Xu Ling, "what a strange name! Is it a Chinese restaurant? " From the exterior decoration of the restaurant, Xia Xinyu came to such a conclusion.

"Ha ha, it's a special restaurant. The food in it is very delicious." Xu Ling explained, and called Xia Xinyu into the store.

"Welcome to jushenghong. How many of you As soon as I went in, the waiter, dressed in an antique Qipao, came over and asked kindly.

"Two of you!" Xu Ling pointed to Xia Xinyu and responded with a smile.

Not to mention, the waiters here are very eye-catching.

In fact, Xu Ling has never been here to eat. The reason why she brought Xia Xinyu here is that in the original world, there was a similar shop beside Xu Ling's home, called "juhongsheng". At that time, Xu Ling often went there to eat alone.

The reason is that Xu Ling has a crush on a beautiful waiter in the restaurant.

Now, even if the world has changed, I didn't expect to see such a similar shop, and the waiters are still very beautiful.

"You two are lovers. We strongly recommend the candlelight special set meal. It not only has private space, but also the dishes are selected by the chef himself, so that the lovers can always be sweet and affectionate." The waiter's words were astonishing, and a burst of recommendation directly stunned both of them.

Just at this meeting, without waiting for Xu Ling's response, the waiter took the lead, and Xu Ling and Xia Xinyu unconsciously followed.

Only when entering a room full of red light did Xu Ling react. He immediately wanted to call the waiter to deny the relationship between the couple, but the door of the private room had been closed.

Staring at the closed door, Xu linggan smiles twice and turns his eyes to the angry face of Xia Xinyu, explaining awkwardly, "that... I don't want to."

In response to Xu Ling's cold hum, the light is dim. Xu Ling doesn't know what the expression of Xia Xinyu is, but she can feel that the other party is sitting on the stool in anger.

Xu Ling had no choice but to sit down across the table.


Here Xu Linggang just sat down, suddenly, a loud noise came from the door of the private room!

Xu Ling was so scared that she almost jumped up. She was so bad at setting up her own set meal service. Xu Ling looked back at the door angrily to see which one didn't have eyes.

"Well, you Xu Ling, your sister-in-law is so kind to you, you are still fooling around outside!" When Xu Ling didn't find anyone, an angry, shrill voice came.

Then, Yu Wenwen's figure suddenly appeared at the door of the private room, with a look of killing people, rushed over.

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