Xu Kun was frightened by Xu Ling and sat back for a distance. However, he didn't mean to beg for mercy. "If you dare to touch me again today, you'll wait to be found by my lawyer."

It seems that he also understands that in the current situation, begging for mercy is no longer the right solution. Since he can't fight the other side, he has to seek the power of the government.

Xu Ling is still speechless and moves towards Xu Kun.

"Ha ha, you don't think there is nothing wrong with wearing a mask. As long as I transfer to the monitoring of this store, I don't believe it. You always come in wearing a mask!" Xu Kun saw that he didn't mean to be afraid at all, so he immediately thought of the problem and started shouting again.

Xu Kun said it out loud, and finally saw the mask man stop!

The so-called hard and soft, Xu Kun is very understand this truth, after seeing each other have a little hesitation, he immediately added, "of course, as long as you don't touch me today, I can also as nothing happened, you take that woman to leave, I will not stop."

Xu Kun now finally understood that this masked man is definitely not the one who can provoke at present. It's too strong!

So, he chose the strategy of delaying the war. As long as he had solved the problem in front of him, he could get the surveillance, find out the identity of the masked man, and then kill him. Let's see how these two goods can fight with him at that time!

Xu Ling looked up and down at Xu Kun. Of course, with his first experience, he could no longer believe the villain in front of him.

However, it's obviously not her purpose to hit someone, so after hearing Xu Kun's words, Xu Ling nodded and turned back to let Yu Wenwen come from the corner.

Yes! Looking at each other, Xu Kun seemed to agree with his words. He was immediately relieved. At the same time, an evil plan had been formed in his heart.

As long as you dare to get out of this door, three days! No, not for three days, I will make you regret living in this world! Xu Kun thought in his heart, but there was no expression on his face. He still looked at the masked man with a smile.

Xu Ling finally took another look at Xu Kun, then took Yu Wenwen to the door. Before she took a few steps, she suddenly stopped, looked back at Xu Kun and said, "yes, I remember one thing."

Xu Kun thought that the other party had changed his mind, but he quickly shrank back, only to find that there was already a wall behind him, so there was no possibility of retreating.

See this situation, he had to harden his head, forced to pretend calm and bump man look at each other, "what... What's the matter?"

There is no response. Xu Ling releases Yu Wenwen's hand directly and walks towards Xu Kun.

This practice has scared Xu Kun's soul. Like a frightened rabbit, he looks at the masked man who is approaching him step by step, his mouth is open and closed, but he can't say a word.

Fortunately, when the other party came to the edge of the table, he stopped. Otherwise, Xu Kun really felt that he would shout.

After Xu Ling stops, he takes out a mobile phone from his pocket and opens a video in Xu Kun's puzzled eyes.

"Yu Wenwen, if you didn't look good..."

"If you are willing to have more in-depth 'exchanges' with me this afternoon..."


As the video opens, a man and a woman are talking. Although the voice is small, it is clearly transmitted to Xu Kun's ears.

After hearing these sounds, Xu Kun's expression on his face immediately solidified, because that video was taken when he threatened Yu Wenwen!

"That's it. I have an interesting video to share with you. What do you think? Is this video OK?" Xu Ling asked Xu Kun in a mocking tone.

Where does Xu Kun still hear the other party's meaning?

Even though he did his best, he didn't expect that the other side had already taken the video in advance.

"What do you... What do you want?" The video is not long, but in Xu Kun's eyes, it's like watching a movie. When the video ends and the screen returns to the screen of the play list, Xu Kun asks nervously.

"Me? I didn't want to do anything? " With a smile, Xu Ling replied in a very peaceful tone, "how I am or how you are!"

Still in that sentence, the purpose of Xu Ling's visit is not to save Xu Kun, but to save Yu Wenwen, and there is no worry at all.

From the time Xu Kun said that he would let go of himself before, and then tried to repair himself, Xu Ling knew that this person would never let himself leave so easily.

So at this time, he had to come up with his own killing tactics.

The video taken secretly is always the biggest threat to the popular stars. Those media, we media, want to give these stars more materials to improve the popularity of their company.

As long as Xu Ling publishes a little bit of information, those companies will immediately smell it and come here to make a big report on this video.

When the scandal comes out, Xu Kun's acting career will come to an end. He may even become a street mouse, and his whole life may be over.

Of course, Xu Ling is not the kind of person who likes to ruin other people's lives, so now he shows things to Xu Kun, it's just a warning!

Xu Kun is staring at the screen of his mobile phone. The two videos in it are so eye-catching.

Both of them were silent for a moment. Xu Kun broke the silence first. "I know. I'll take it as if it didn't happen today. Let's go!"

Although Xu Kun has said this sentence, his tone is obviously different this time. He knows that he is now completely controlled by the masked man.

Hearing the voice of Xu Kun's compromise, Xu lingcai took the mobile phone back, then no longer looked at it, turned and pulled Yu Wenwen away from the store.

Watching the two people leave their sight, Xu Kun is on the table like a vented ball.

"Big brother! What makes us mobile phone and robbed him of evidence? How can we torture him? "Has the final say." As soon as Xu Linggang left, his younger brother, who had been thrown aside by his neck, climbed up to Xu Kun and asked.

It seems that he is also the opposite of a man hate!


Then he was met by Xu Kun's fierce kick, which kicked him out!

"You trash, if you can get your cell phone, you can still lie on the ground now? Besides, what's the use of optical cell phones? With the development of science and technology, maybe they have already made a backup! " Xu Kun angrily looked at the little brother, and his forehead was full of blue veins.

It seemed that he didn't get rid of his anger. Then he caught up with him and started kicking him. It seemed that he wanted to vent his anger on him!

"Ah! I'm wrong, big brother! I'm wrong

That little brother screamed and begged for mercy immediately rang through the coffee shop, so that those who gathered at the door of a few people who eat melon also listen to fear!

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