While drinking the drink from Yu Wenwen, listening to the melodious music played by Tony, I suddenly feel that my troubles seem to be much less.

The music lasted about half an hour and then stopped.

Looking at the piano, the waiter named Xinxin ran to Tony's side, whispered to him for a while, and then pointed to Xu Ling's direction.

Hearing what Xinxin said, Tony turns his head and looks at it. He smiles and walks towards Xu Ling's seat.

Naturally, Xu Ling, together with Yu Wenwen, welcomed Tony.

"Wenwen, Mr. Xu Ling, why did you come to my shop all of a sudden?" Tony said hello to them with a smile on his face and asked.

"Tony, I have something small to ask you for help here!" Xu Ling is thinking about how to politely ask Tony for this matter. Yu Wenwen opens her mouth and says it.

"Tell me what, as long as I can help you!" Tony immediately patted his chest and assured himself.

"It's about the game tonight." In this regard, Yu Wenwen still does not want to say too directly.

"The game? What, do you want to practice before you start? It's just right. My practice room is not used yet. If you have the key, I'll find it for you. " Hearing the word "competition", Tony immediately thought of the reason and said that he was going to the bar.

"No, Mr. Tony!" Seeing Tony turn to leave, Yu Wenwen quickly stops the latter.

"No?" Tony was stopped by Yu Wenwen, immediately turned back, looked at each other up and down, with a suspicious expression, "are you really Wenwen? Generally, you are not like this. What can I do for you? Finish it all at once

"That..." Yu Wenwen did not think of a good wording, hesitant not to stop, fingers turning the corner of her clothes, just do not know how to say.

"Tony, we just want to ask you, can you still find a singer who can be a guest singer of Wenwen group?" Yu Wenwen can't hold a word for a long time, so Xu Ling can't see it any more. She immediately asks Tony.

"Didn't you draw lots last night?" Tony had a puzzled look on his face.

"There was an accident. Xu Kun didn't want to help Wenwen sing." Xu Ling scratched his head. He thought it was too complicated to talk about it, so he explained it briefly.

Speaking of this, Yu Wenwen can't help blushing and bowing her head.

"An accident?" Tony looked at Xu Ling and Yu Wenwen, frowning slightly, and suddenly guessed, "that Xu Kun won't have any evil thoughts about Wen Wen, will he?"

It's true that he has been in the circle all the year round. Tony guessed the general situation only through the expression of the person concerned.

"Mr. Tony, how do you know?" Yu Wenwen listened to Tony's words and immediately looked at each other with a very surprised expression.

"Well! So it is Tony seemed to have known about it for a long time. He said angrily, "before, I thought Xu Kun was not a good man. I didn't expect that he would dare to do such a thing when he looked at Wenwen's beauty. It's really shameful!"

With that, Tony looked at Yu Wenwen with concern, "Wenwen, are you ok?"

"Mr. Tony, if something happened to me, I would not come to you to ask about the guests..." Yu Wenwen gave a wry smile, recalled what happened at that time, and explained it to Tony.

"What an asshole!" Tony, who knew that Xu Kun was not good at character, yelled after hearing Yu Wenwen's narration.

"Tony, it's not the time to scold Xu Kun. Time is running out. The problem of Wenwen's singing guests has not been solved yet." Xu Ling waved his hand and explained the most important thing at present.

"It's OK. I can't do that!" Tony smiles and comforts Yu Wenwen. Then he asks Xinxin to take her cell phone.

While waiting for the mobile phone to come, Tony said to Xu Ling, "Mr. Xu Ling, I didn't expect you to be very creative. You still have some skills in Kung Fu. You solved more than ten people by yourself!"

When Yu Wenwen recalled just now, Tony admired Xu Ling's skill very much, but he was so angry by Xu Kun that he forgot to mention it.

"Right, right, brother, I forgot to ask you all the time. Just now, why are you so powerful? You beat up a whole family." Yu Wenwen also asked at this time.

"I've learned some things from a master before. There's no problem in dealing with those shrimps and crabs." Of course, it's impossible for Xu Ling to say that it's the fighting potion, so she found it,

"By the way, I remember that Xu Kun seems to have a grudge. This time you repair him so miserably, he may get back at you!" Although the process sounds good, Tony thinks of something more serious.

"It's all right, Tony. I have the handle on the goods. He doesn't dare to do anything about me." With a relaxed expression, Xu Ling said to Tony.

"Good! In a word, Xu Kun's means are not very clean. Be careful. " Looking at the confident look on Xu Ling's face, Tony nodded and asked Xu Ling again.

At this time, Xinxin also came with a mobile phone.

Tony took the phone, looked it up in the address book and dialed it.

In order to reassure Yu Wenwen, he also ordered hands-free.

"Hello, Tony, what can I do for you?" As soon as the phone was put through, a voice came from there.

"Ha ha, Lao LAN, I have a small favor here. I want to ask you for help." Tony responded with a smile.

"What can I do for you? Let's hear it. " The other side was still a little surprised, so they immediately asked.

"This evening, I want to ask you to be a singing guest. Do you have time?" Tony did not hesitate to explain his request directly.

"Hello? Hello! Tony, why don't you have a voice? " As soon as Tony's voice fell, there was a sudden noise on the other side of the phone. Then Lao LAN asked a few questions aloud, and then there was a murmur in a low voice, "what's the matter? Why is the signal so bad..."

With that, the man hung up.

The remaining three people in the bar looked at each other, not knowing what the situation was.

"He may be performing in a remote place. The signal is not very good, but it's OK. I don't need people most." Stunned for a while, Tony embarrassed smile, to the same stunned two people to explain a, called the next phone.

"Lao Liu, I'd like to ask you a favor..." soon after the connection, Tony talked about this topic again.

"I'm sorry, Tony. I have plans for this evening. I can't leave!" The other party finished this and hung up again.

"Lao Liu is a workaholic. He has no time and is normal. He can understand." Tony was frustrated again and couldn't help smiling a little.

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