In less than half an hour's drive, Xu Ling and Yu Wenwen got off the bus in front of a villa area.

Yu Wenwen is more familiar than Xu Ling. She turns a few corners to a villa.

Without hesitation, Yu Wenwen went forward and rang the doorbell of the villa. After a long time, no one responded, which made the two people at the door feel strange.

"Wenwen, didn't you say that Chen Yunxi had no plans today?" Xu Ling did not understand asked a.

"Indeed, when I left in the morning, I asked specially." Yu Wenwen is also quite puzzled.

"After ringing the doorbell for such a long time, even if you fall asleep, you should be woken up. It seems that there is really no one in the room." Xu Ling shook his head and looked into the room at the cat's eye on the door, though he could see nothing.

But just after this, the door suddenly opened with a click.

The sudden sound startled both of them, and Xu Ling stepped back two steps.

"What are you doing?" As soon as the door opened, an aunt in an apron raised her eyebrows and pointed to Xu Ling at nine o'clock.

Xu Ling was denounced by his aunt for a while, but she didn't know how to answer. Yu Wenwen jumped out behind him, "aunt Ling, it's me! No one else. This man is my brother. "

When Aunt Ling saw Yu Wenwen who suddenly appeared from behind the man, she was slightly stunned and immediately relaxed her vigilance. "So it's Wen Wen? Are you here for the lady

Yu Wenwen nodded quickly.

"Miss is going out this morning. There are still some things for her to go over." Aunt Ling immediately explained to Yu Wenwen who looked forward to her.

"Ah? Out? " Yu Wenwen's expectant face immediately turned into disappointment, and then asked weakly, "that... Did she say when she would come back?"

"I don't know. I'm just sent by the master to serve the young lady. I don't ask much about this." Aunt Ling honestly explained to Yu Wenwen.

"Oh." Yu Wenwen's face was even more disappointed. She nodded and then added to Aunt Ling, "aunt Ling, if sister Chen comes back, you must help me tell her!"

"OK, this is no problem. If the lady comes back, I will tell her as soon as possible." Aunt Ling immediately nodded with a smile, and then patted her apron. "If there's nothing else, I'll keep busy."

"Well, aunt Ling, you can do it." Yu Wenwen did not do more to block.

"I give you Chen Yunxi's flying words, she didn't return me, and no one answered the phone call." Villa door was closed again, Xu Ling immediately came to Yu Wenwen's side, some doubts said.

This situation is very strange. Generally speaking to Chen Yunxi, although she doesn't reply a lot, it doesn't take long to receive a response. This time, the mobile phone has not responded.

"If my sister-in-law goes to the company, she won't be able to come back for a while and a half. It seems that today's matter of asking my sister-in-law for help is a failure." Yu Wenwen's lonely face, as if life lost hope.

"Look at you, how can you lose your fighting spirit? It's just a small ordeal. How can you block your dream?" Xu Ling embraces her chest with both hands, but also opens up the education mode.

"What do you want to do?" Yu Wenwen was also quite upset at this time. After being educated by Xu Ling, she immediately cried out, "now all the singers who can be contacted are not willing to help, and tonight's competition system must have a singing guest. Where can we find this singing guest?"

With these words, Yu Wenwen's tone was a little weeping.

It was only yesterday that Mingming achieved such a great success. In just one day, the situation changed dramatically, as if she had been sent from heaven to hell in an instant.

In this sudden moment,

"Alas ~" seeing Yu Wenwen like this, Xu Ling could not help sighing.

But now, as Yu Wenwen's elder brother, he can't be just as sad as his younger sister. The primary purpose now is to come up with a solution to the problem.

"Go! Let's go back to the joy bar and discuss with Tony. " Xu Ling immediately said hello to Yu Wenwen. They took the car and went back to Tony.

As soon as he got into the bar, Tony didn't leave his seat. The table and three bottles of drinks were still there. He didn't move.

The ringing of the door bell immediately caught Tony's eye.

Seeing the comer, Tony was immediately surprised and quickly came up, "are you back so soon? Has the singing guest been found? "

Of course, he was looking for the better.

However, in response to him, the brother and sister in front of him shook their heads bitterly at the same time.

"Chen Yunxi is no longer at home. Listening to the cleaning aunt, she went to the company and contacted with her mobile phone, but she didn't respond." Seeing Tony's puzzled face, Xu Ling explained again.

"Well, it seems that sounds of nature has something to do today, and I can't get in touch with Mike." Tony nodded, as if not surprised.

"Sounds of nature?" Xu Ling frowned and then looked at them again. "Do you mean Chen Yunxi is in the sound of nature now?"

Tony and Yu nodded at the same time.

"Last time, didn't Chen Yunxi say that the signing with sounds of nature was interrupted? Why is she still working for the sound of nature? " Xu Ling showed a very puzzled tone.

"Brother, why don't you know that? Now it's sister Chen's father who is in charge of the sound of nature instead of the dead chairman! Where do you think she'll go if she doesn't work there? " Yu Wenwen immediately explained to Xu Ling, and her face was full of surprise.

As if to ask Xu Ling how this matter do not know, that is your daughter-in-law and your father-in-law ah!

"Oh, yes! I see On the eyes of Yu Wenwen, Xu Ling reluctantly scratched his head, then responded.

"Mike is the chief tuner of sounds of nature again. I can't get in touch with him all day. It seems that something is really wrong." Tony analyzed it on one side.

But when it rains at night, at such a time when people are in urgent need of help, they are all entangled in heavy business.

For Yu Wenwen, who is about to start the competition, but has not found the singing guest, her anxiety can be imagined.

"Don't you belong to this circle, Tony? Why don't you go on! " Thinking hard for a while, Xu Ling suddenly thought of this stubble.

"Ha ha, if I can go on stage, I won't be the best creator for three consecutive years. Although I can write words and songs, I still lack singing. If I am the guest of singing, it's better to let Wenwen abstain directly!" Tony's face was bitter and explained to Xu Ling.

Don't want to be a singer's creator is not good behind the scenes, it seems that Tony really because of congenital factors, can't become a singer.

In this way, the three returned to thinking.

This atmosphere lasted about 20 minutes. Suddenly, Xu Ling slapped the table and stood up. Then, in the surprised eyes of the other two people, he announced out loud:

"Since there is no one, let me be Wenwen's singing guest."

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