Writing has never been easy. Even if Xu Ling had Xiaoya's help, it took a lot of effort.

An hour later, Xu Ling uploaded the three chapters to miracle works, waiting for the editor's approval.

With a comfortable stretch, Xu Ling stood up and moved her slightly stiff limbs.

Every senior Internet writer spends a lot of time on writing every day, so they all have the same occupational disease - spondylosis.

In his previous life, Xu Ling had seen many Internet writers suffering from spinal diseases, so now he pays great attention to the maintenance of this aspect.

After all, the body is the capital of revolution.

After the activity, Xu Ling is ready to go to bed.

I have to go to work tomorrow, and I don't know where to wait for him.

Without good spirit, how to face the pressure of Shanda?

"Buzz, buzz!"

However, as soon as Xu Ling got into bed, the news of flying words came.

Turn on your mobile phone and see that it's a message from Li Wenyu.

"Xu Ling, I finally advise you that you'd better divorce sister Chen as soon as possible, or you'll feel better!"

Xu Ling was angry and happy.

As a small agent, you are even in charge of the family affairs of the stars. Is that a bit of an overstepping?

Again, why should I listen to you.

I'm not your signed artist.

Who are you going to face with?


After Xu Lingfa scolded Li Wenyu, he was directly blacklisted.

On the one hand, they don't give each other the chance to fight back. On the other hand, they are really bored.

As for Li Wenyu's threat, Xu Ling naturally did not pay attention to it.

Who can't be cruel?

In a luxury house, Li Wenyu lies on his back on a leather sofa with his legs up and humming leisurely, while the sound of water in the bathroom is clattering.

As a man who always thinks with his lower body, Li Wenyu is infatuated with beauty.

In addition, he also has the status of a gold medal agent. He is just talking to a young model or a little star.

Sometimes, even if he doesn't need to speak in person, a woman with insight will take the initiative to post it.

What Li Wenyu has to do is to enjoy himself in silence.

"It's a comfortable life! No change for a fairy! "

Li Wenyu smokes a cigarette happily, and his face is filled with a pleasant smile.

"If that matter is solved smoothly, I will take ten days off and have a good time with some little stars! Hey, hey

Li Wenyu moaned happily. As he was thinking about it, his mobile phone vibrated and someone sent a message.

Feiyan, which is logged in on the mobile phone, is Li Wenyu's private account. It is usually used to deal with important things.

No matter how much Li Wenyu wants to close his eyes and enjoy it, he still has to turn on his mobile phone to deal with the sudden flying words.


From that little white face?

Li Wenyu looks happy. Does that guy agree to divorce sister Chen?

It must be.

He is an unemployed vagrant. Where can he match Chen Yunxi?

Sister Chen is a big star. She is going to win the top of the entertainment industry. How can she have a husband who has no background and no merit?

When it's spread, doesn't it make people laugh?

Therefore, Li Wenyu had to cut the mess and end the matter before the relationship between Xu and Chen was exposed!

However, when Li Wenyu opened Xu Ling's Feiyan, he was stunned. When he read the news one by one, his face became more and more ugly.

Xu Ling, I'll kill you!

Li Wenyu flew into a rage, his fingers flying, and quickly hit back at Xu Ling.

Can wait until the click to send, only to find that the original Xu Ling has pulled him black.

The news can't be sent out, so we have to be in a hurry.

Li Wenyu was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.


There is a kind to come out and scold openly!

How much do you mean by the operation of "pulling black"?



Mingqi radio station, deputy director's office.

Wang Hui, deputy director of Taiwan, leans on the chair of the boss and drinks the filial tea of his subordinates comfortably.

"Dutiful, dutiful!"

There is a knock at the door.

Wang Hui did not even lift his eyelids and said, "come in."

The door creaked and pushed open. Zhu Xu came in with a smile on his face.

"Uncle, what can I do for you?"

Wang Hui sipped a mouthful of new tea and hummed coldly: "how many times have you said that you have to call me the director in the stage, Uncle Zhang, uncle shut up, what kind of system is it for others to hear?"

"Yes, Uncle... Oh no, the deputy director taught me that."

"It's the director! Can you die if you take out the adverbs for a while? "

"OK, chief, I will pay attention to it later."

Zhu Xu bowed his head and quickly agreed.

I'm a little uncle. I don't have much ability, but I'm full of official airs. I'm more powerful than the director.

After a long time, Wang Hui said to Zhu Xu, "what, Wu Qinglian? That old woman has been sent to other cities by me. She can't come back for seven or eight days. For the time being, you are in charge of the affairs of the youth group. "


Zhu Xu suddenly raised his head and his eyes were full of bright little stars.

"What a big thing, as for such excitement?" Wang Hui curled his lips, "you and I are all people who do great things. We have to be calm!"

"Yes, the director said so." Zhu Xu nodded yes.

Wang Hui added: "I've solved the big trouble for you. The rest is up to you. However, you have to remember that if you can't seize the opportunity this time, I won't help you again in the future. "

Zhu Xu patted his chest and assured: "director, don't worry, I will firmly control the youth group in my hand, so that when the Wu comes back, he can only stand aside."

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