The host came off the stage for a few minutes. When he came back again, his expression was still very dignified. He came to Wang Zijian and bowed his head.

Wang Zijian turned his back to the audience, so we didn't notice his surprised expression and the words he asked the host again, "is there really nothing wrong?"

"No, the equipment personnel checked it again, and the equipment was running normally, and there was no hacker intrusion." The host explained helplessly.

"But... How to publish this result?" Wang Zijian rarely shows an embarrassed appearance.

"That's the only way. The director said that it would be better to announce the results." The host said to Wang Zijian, and then picked up the microphone to calm the audience's mood. "We've been waiting for a long time, and our problem has been solved. Now, let's invite our teacher Wang Zijian to announce the results for you."

Then he took the microphone and made a refueling gesture to Wang Zijian. He stood quietly and handed the microphone to the latter with a smile.

Even Wang Zijian didn't have the slightest way to change the schedule for such a big event, so he took the microphone and the result paper, cleared his throat and began to read it.

"In the two-day intense competition, our players showed their strength and created one visual and auditory feast after another for us. However, there are always winners and losers in the competition. Now, we finally usher in this time. Who can win the champion of the grass Music Festival in Shanyan city?" Wang Zijian first said the previous set of official statements with cadence.

Emotional reading, serious expression and background music create a tense atmosphere.

"Is it Xie Feng, a versatile girl, or Yu Wenwen, a sweet girl?" With this saying, the live music also began to become more urgent.

"Next, I'll announce the number of online votes they got after the canvassing session!" Wang Zijian kept talking.

"Xie Feng's number of votes is..." Wang Zijian's voice raised several decibels.

That's all for now. Both the audience under the stage and the audience in front of the TV set put their ears up for fear of missing a number.

"One million five thousand six hundred and forty-eight votes!" At the end of a sudden drum beating, Wang Zijian announced it out loud.

"Oh The screams spread all over the place, and the audience covered their mouths for fear of calling out.

A million tickets!

It broke through a million votes!

You know, one person can only vote for one vote in this voting. No matter how you change your mobile phone number, the system can be locked by hardware, unless you are really hopeless. There are several mobile phones for one person.

But this kind of situation is very few after all, so according to the normal situation, more than one million people voted for Xie Feng.

I'm afraid this data has refreshed the history of this program!

"My God, I've been to concerts for so many years, and I've heard such figures for the first time. This... The whole mountain rock city doesn't have such a large population, does it?"

"Come on, the result is clear. With this number of votes, what can Yu Wenwen do?"

"Oh, my goddess..."

"Wenwen, don't be sad. Even if you lose, we are still your fans!"


Exclamation for a moment, the audience directly fried the pot, whether it is like Xie Feng or Yu Wenwen, have this session of the champion, set in Xie Feng's body.

There are even a lot of Yu Wenwen's fans who have started to leave.

They couldn't bear to see the moment when the program team presented Xie Feng with a champion medal.

On the stage, after hearing his votes, Xie Feng could not help but smile and began to grin. Because the host was not around, he began to sneer at Yu Wenwen.

"Ha ha, do you know the gap? You think you can conquer the audience with just one or two songs? What an innocent little girl, want to be red? You are too early! "

Yu Wenwen glanced at each other and did not speak. Although she knew that the one million was a high number of votes, she still had a glimmer of hope in her heart, because Xu Ling told her that she would win the championship!

"Alas, Wenwen really lost this time. Sure enough, Xie Feng is still Xie Feng. Her popularity is too high." Backstage ah Jie, at this time also very decadent lowered his head, sighed and said.

"Well, Wenwen's result hasn't come out yet. How can you tell?" Xu Ling looks at ah Jie suspiciously and doesn't know why the other party has such an idea.

"Mr. Xu Ling, you don't know, this one million has never appeared since the beginning of this program, and the highest number of votes in the history is more than 300000. You say, why can I conclude?" Ah Jie lonely tone to explain to Xu Ling, it seems that he is still puzzled why he should give Yu Wenwen a casual decision in the end.

"Good! With Xie Feng finished, then let's announce the votes of Yu Wenwen's contestants... "Let the atmosphere on the field brew for a while, and then Wang Zijian began to announce it loudly.

This time, the audience did not have the appearance of listening attentively before. Those who like Xie Feng look like watching a good play, while those who like Yu Wenwen look sad.

"666666 votes!"

Like the previous process, Wang Zijian did not hesitate at all and said the result out loud!


Very quiet!

Just after Wang Zijian said the result, there was no movement in the whole audience. Everyone held his breath and digested the figures Wang Zijian said.

Although after Yu Wenwen's performance, this scene is not once or twice, but this quiet is not the same as before, it is a kind of petrified feeling.

Those who had already got up and left half way stopped, as if they were in the same place for a moment.

"Good! According to the number of votes, our champion has come out, that is -- Yu Wenwen When Wang Zijian got the result paper, he already knew that there would be such a result on the field.

He is also very skeptical about the number of votes, which is why he asked the host to confirm the news backstage.

At this point, no matter how the audience reaction, he had to continue to progress the program, shouting out the winner of the championship!

The music controller didn't hesitate. After Wang Zijian announced, he immediately turned on the music to welcome the champion, just like the fireworks of coronation!

Such a lively stage and the atmosphere in the auditorium formed a clear impression.

Even at this time, the audience still did not respond to the current situation.

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