Chen Yunxi is convinced that as long as Xu Ling sings, she will recognize whether he is the guest of that night's singing. You know, Xu Ling has the blessing of song god card. The voice of singing is generally the same as that of the singer. Compared with the original voice, it is not a voice at all.

But Xu Ling can make his God of songs better, but he didn't think that he could cancel the effect of the God of songs card when singing.

So after Chen Yunxi finished speaking, Xu Ling was stunned for a moment, and her face was constantly changing, considering whether she wanted to gamble.

"What's the matter? Sing to me Chen Yunxi holds her chest in both hands and looks at you quietly.

"That... They sang Cantonese songs that day, and I can't imitate them well!" Xu Ling was forced to ask again, and her mind turned quickly. Suddenly, she thought of such an excuse.

As a person in Luoshi, I can't sing in Cantonese, which should be a normal phenomenon.

"Ha ha, I'm good at finding reasons." Xia Xinyu looks at Xu Ling up and down and says it in a bad tone.

"Hey, how can I say that I'm looking for reasons? I really don't know anything about Cantonese songs. Besides, my singing is not flattering. I'd better not make a fool of myself." Xu Ling continues to act silly and prove her innocence.

However, no matter what Xu Ling said, Xia Xinyu had such a "I don't believe" expression.

Straight Xu Lingyu's speechless.

In the heart is also quietly thinking about who told her this thing.

Know that night to help sing guest is Xu Ling people, a hand can count over.

Except Tony, ah Jie and others, Xu Ling has never told anyone.

Does it mean that Xia Xinyu and some people here know each other and are told about it?

Thinking of this, Xu Ling's voice is a little small.

There is no way, because the other side said too straightforward, so that Xu Ling did not know whether he should sophistry.

"I see, you just can't sing. You're afraid I'll recognize you, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I already know that you were the one that night!" Xia Xinyu seems to have been waiting all night to talk about it, but she doesn't give the other party any chance to explain it.

And Xu Ling, also don't want to say anything more, he won't be silly to ask who told Xia Xinyu about it, that is to admit it in disguise.

Now it's over to keep silent. Xu Ling looks at Xia Xinyu with a smile. Anyway, it's just an appearance that you can't admit without evidence.

It's not a day or two to get along with Xu Ling. Xia Xinyu knows the goods well. Seeing him like this, he doesn't talk about this topic any more. With a smile of "I know your secret", he says, "let's go, I'll take you home."

Then he went out, and Xu Ling didn't hesitate to follow him.

On the way, Xia Xinyu suddenly talked about Xu lingpin's Three Kingdoms column. With the end of today's issue, this column has been successfully completed.

Although there have been twists and turns, this is also Xu Ling's first radio program from the beginning to the end.

Want to reach here, follow behind of Xu Ling all have some sigh.

"Thanks to the care of Mr. Xia and Chief Editor Liu, I can finish this program smoothly." Thinking about the twists and turns in the previous column group, Xu Ling sincerely sent out a burst of thanks.

"Well, don't say these official polite words when we are together. Listen, I have goose bumps." Xia Xinyu was driving in front of her. She couldn't help shivering. She couldn't stand what Xu Ling said.

The words from the bottom of my heart are regarded as official polite words. Xu Ling also wants to cry without tears, so she can only nod her head helplessly and replace it with a more elegant and vulgar words of thanks.

"Well, well, I've helped you once. Don't thank you very much. I ask you, do you know that the publishing house will come to talk about the contract as soon as your column is finished?" Xia Xinyu is not a person who likes to care about these little things. Driving, she suddenly talks about another problem.

"Well, I haven't really thought about this. I've been very busy recently. I haven't discussed this with Liu Xia any more." Xu Ling shakes his head. The copyright issue has always been a big problem for him. Even with Liu Xia's previous guarantee, he is still slightly worried.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, he does not think about this problem, adding trouble to himself for no reason, the gain is not worth the loss.

"Yes, it's all over, but Liu Xia doesn't discuss it. It's a bit strange." Xia Xinyu frowned and gave Xu Ling an analysis.

"When the boat comes to the bridge, it will be straight. I'm worried about it. How can I worry about Miss Xia? Let's solve the problem in front of me. I'm not sure about going to Qingbei University tomorrow." Xu Ling laughs and shows his optimistic attitude. Then he talks about the speech.

"Hey, you're not really nervous, are you? In this small situation, I thought you pretended to be nervous?" Xia Xinyu is quite surprised that Xu Ling attaches so much importance to the speech. In her opinion, it's just a lecture for a group of children. In fact, there is nothing to be nervous about.

Xu Ling helpless, just smile at each other.

Elder sister, I have nothing to pretend to be nervous? Xu Ling cried out in her heart.

And just as they chatted, Xia Xinyu's car stopped steadily beside the house under the instruction of Xu Ling.

"Here I am, too. Thank you." Xu Ling opens the car door, thanks Xia Xinyu and goes down.

"Relax, tomorrow will bring glory to our literature society!" Xia Xinyu pokes out her head and finally gives Xu Ling encouragement. Then she drives away.

Seeing each other's taillights out of his sight, Xu Ling suddenly realized that he had been riding a lot of luxury cars recently.

Xia Xinyu's Sihuan Audi, Chen Bo's Sancha Daben, and even Li Mengling are mini cars. When people see them, they think that Xu Ling is such a powerful person. The so-called "little hermit" is in the city. When they think about it, Xu Ling is still floating.

However, when it comes to hiding, Xu Ling can't help thinking about how Xia Xinyu knows that she is a singing guest.

She pressed Xu Ling step by step before, but she didn't think about it. She would sit down and think about it carefully. It was strange that Xia Xinyu appeared at the scene in the first round.

She doesn't pursue stars, and she always wears earphones to listen to herself when stars sing. Although she doesn't know what she is doing during the competition, Xia Xinyu reveals an unusual feeling from the beginning to the end.

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