Obviously, it's not easy to be watched by so many people on the phone, but his teacher is also looking at him, and he specially asked him to pick it up. Thinking about this, Lin Jie's heart is a little relaxed.

"Are you coming out tonight?" At this time, Li Jiaqi on the other end of the phone asked again.

Li Jiaqi for Lin Jie, that is simply the existence of a goddess, the goddess can take the initiative to ask himself out, this kind of thing is like five million in case, Lin Jie did not think about it, directly burst out, "good!"

But at the same time, he found the teacher Xu in front of him was looking at himself fiercely, and pointed to the blackboard, as if to remind him.

Lin Jie quickly coughed a few times and said, "well, no... no way!"

See Lin Jie can realize his hint, Xu Ling also a little relieved.

This guy, savvy is OK.

"Why?" There came the girl's puzzled voice.

Some of Lin Jie's spirits were at a loss. He had never expected such a situation, so he had never thought about the reason.

He turned his eyes to the teacher again. Xu Ling didn't say it, but pointed to the third item on the blackboard.

Learn to be ambiguous with others!

"Well, I'm going out to see a movie with Li Rong tonight, so I don't have time." Grasping the essence, Lin Jie blurted out the girl who was taken as an example by the teacher.

Time is running out. He really can't think of a name temporarily.

When the girl named Li Rong heard someone suddenly say that, her little face turned red. It was obvious that she had never experienced this.

And Li Rong was equally surprised by Li Jiaqi, the girl on the other side of the phone.

"That... Do you like Li Rong?" Li Jiaqi's tone became a little strange, obviously did not expect that Lin Jie, who had always been so infatuated with himself, had changed his mind.

This problem is not difficult. If you like it, this person is obviously making it up by himself. But if you don't like it, it's just beating your own face.

At this time, Xu Ling tapped on the blackboard again and told Lin Jie to make up his mind.

"Yes One does not do two endlessly, Lin Jie looked at the crowd, a bite, incomparably affirmative said.

"Then why didn't you tell me about it before?" Li Jiaqi's tone gradually became a little flustered.

I'm kidding. The man who had been so devoted to himself suddenly changed. This sense of crisis is the psychology that every girl is born with.

Anyone can hear the change of Li Jiaqi's tone, which of course can't escape Xu Ling's ears, while Lin Jie is in a dilemma again.

Keep it secret!

Xu Ling knocked the blackboard for Lin Jie again and pointed out the key points.

"I... why should I tell you?" Lin Jie is now completely following the rhythm of Xu Ling, even the voice has increased a few decibels, "you don't know many things!"

"But I'm your good friend. Why don't you tell me about it?" Li Jiaqi's voice also increased, some angrily complained.

good friend!

These three words deeply hurt Lin Jie's heart, but for a moment, he didn't know how to respond.

However, Xu Ling shook his head at him in time and pointed to the last one on the blackboard - learn to let go!

Lin Jie looked at those four words in despair. He knew that if he really did that, there would be no room to retreat.

However, after the whole class of teacher Xu's teaching, he gradually began to see, and now, he really does not want to let his relationship with Li Jiaqi hang in this place.

Either together, or directly separate!

Lin Jie finally used his last strength to ensure his calm tone, slowly said to the phone.

"Li Jiaqi, I never regard you as a good friend!" Although this sentence sounds very heartless, but also fully expressed his heart.

"You're kidding!" Li Jiaqi was really surprised. He never thought that Lin Jie would say that. At the same time, she was more angry, "don't call me again!"

With these words, Li Jiaqi directly hung up the phone, showing her full of anger.

Lin Jie took the mobile phone down from his ear in a daze, as if he hadn't figured out what's going on now.

However, Xu Ling's forceful words brought him back to reality, "Congratulations! You've got rid of the title of spare wheel! "

With the end of Xu Ling's speech, the whole class burst into thunderous applause. After all, the reputation of spare tire is really not good. It's certainly a happy thing to get rid of this reputation after Mr. Xu's course.

However, Lin Jie was not happy at all. He listened to Li Jiaqi's last sentence clearly, as if it had been echoing in his ears.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Jie yelled at teacher Xu, who turned around to collect his things, "are you serious? Is that what you mean by getting rid of the spare wheel? "

His tone was full of questioning.

Then he said, "the way is to break up with others? You lunatic

Because of the loss of his goddess, Lin Jie's mood is out of control. He slams his notebook on the table and glares at Xu Ling, "what class are you taking? You made me lose my favorite girl

Then, Lin Jie even choked up, "I had a chance to wait, but now, nothing! You're a teacher who's wrong for children! "

For Lin Jie's questioning, Xu Ling is not angry. He silently takes out his mobile phone and looks at the time above.

His angry attitude did not get the teacher's response. Of course, Lin Jie was even more upset. He directly interrupted Xu Ling's action, "what are you waiting for?"

"Wait for her to call you!" Xu Ling said it in a low voice, and without waiting for Lin Jie to say anything more, she went straight to the platform and picked up the only teaching plan she had brought.

At this time, the bell rang at the end of class, and Lin Jie's mobile phone rang at the same time.

He didn't respond to what Xu Ling said. The vibration of his mobile phone directly startled him. He took it out in a hurry to have a look. As he said with Mr. Xu, it was Li Jiaqi's phone.

Without any hesitation, the light of hope flashed in his eyes and answered the phone.

"Lin Jie, if you want to go to the cinema, you can come to me. I always have time." Li Jiaqi's tone became gentle, like asking, like flattering.

"Good... Good. Is seven in the evening OK?" Lin Jie didn't respond to the series of changes. Hearing the goddess's invitation, he immediately took up the conversation.

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