I forgot to charge my mobile phone last night. It will be too heavy to turn off automatically.

Xu Ling, who doesn't know the current time, suddenly panics. The party is in the afternoon. During this time, I don't know whether Shen Wenzhi has found himself.

Want to and this matter, Xu Ling quickly picked up the power cord to the mobile phone connected.

With the boot animation coming, the standby interface shows that the current time is 10 am.

What Xu Ling doesn't want to see is that on the status bar at the top, the red icon is very conspicuous, um, the missed call icon.

See the icon of the moment, Xu Ling heart on a violent tremor, will not really have something to find yourself.

With a wry smile, Xu Ling opened a missed call, but saw the number he was slightly stunned.

A total of five missed calls were made between 8:30 and 9:00, and the signature of the call was Yu Wenwen!

This little girl was attracted by Chen Yunxi's company after she won the first prize in the talent show, and because the trend of her champion has not passed yet, she has been invited to commercial performances constantly these days, and seems to be getting closer to her goal. Just because she is so busy, she has not contacted Xu Ling for a long time.

Now suddenly so anxious to make five calls in a row, it must be something wrong.

Shaking his head, Xu Ling dials back according to the number.

After a while, it was connected, but the ring rang like this, but no one answered until the customer service over there said that the user was busy and automatically hung up.

In Yu Wenwen's day, no one answered, and Xu Ling was not surprised. Now it's not too early, and maybe she's performing.

Continue to put the mobile phone on the table charging, Xu Ling first went to the bathroom to take good care of himself.

Just as he finished washing, there was a soft knock on the door.

Xu Ling thought that Shen Wenzhi had come to find himself, so he quickly opened the door.

But it was a waiter who was holding a bag of clothes. He looked at Xu Ling with a smile and said, "Hello, Mr. Xu. This is a suit for you. Please change it when you go out."

Say words, the other side handed over the thing in the hand.

Xu Ling didn't understand what was going on, so she took the clothes in a daze.

The waiter didn't explain much. He bowed politely, indicating that he had brought his things, then he turned and left.

Xu Ling is left with the clothes in his hand and doesn't know what to do.

But the other party all said it was Mr. Xu, and with that expression, it's not as good to say it was sent to the wrong place.

Xu Ling is full of strange, but at this time, the mobile phone on the desk rings.

Take a look, this is Shen Wenzhi's number.

"Hello, Miss Xu, have you received the clothes?" As soon as he got through, Shen Wenzhi's inquiry came over the phone.

Such a question, Xu Ling's doubts are also solved, together with this dress is old master Shen specially sent to ah.

Knowing the news, Xu Ling quickly responded, "well, I just received it."

Then he opened the outer package without any psychological burden.

"Ha ha, you can wear that one later. I don't know your size, so I chose it for you according to Jianting's size. Last time I saw that you were similar, so it should be suitable." Shen Wenzhi continued to talk to Xu Ling.

And Xu Ling is being awed by the clothes in front of her at this time.


This brand of Xuling is also heard in the world, its value is probably similar to Gucci in the original world.

It's also a very influential luxury brand, and the inside of this bag is complete with shirts, shoes and even bow ties.

I'm afraid I can't make such a bag without a hundred thousand.

Shen Wenzhi was so thoughtful about the party that he helped Xu Ling.

"Very suitable. Thank you, Mr. Shen!" Surprised, Xu Ling quickly expressed his gratitude to Shen Wenzhi on the other side of the phone.

"Ha ha, what's the matter? If you agree with my request, I should say thank you." Shen Wenzhi suddenly revealed a kind of not very good mood, thanks to Xu Ling in turn.

These two days are thanks, must be no head, Xu Ling quickly stopped, changed the topic and asked, "that old master Shen, where can I find you later? Or to your office? "

"Don't bother. I'll send someone to pick you up at the hotel later and have lunch together. This time, you'll have a rest. You won't refuse me." Shen Wenzhi gave orders there, and then joked, as if complaining about Xu Ling's refusal last night.

Xu Ling could only smile awkwardly about it. Yesterday, she suddenly received a notice from Shen Wenzhi, but she didn't know anything. At that time, she was thinking about searching for information.

Moreover, at that time, it was impossible to directly tell Shen Wenzhi that it was because he didn't know anything about that period of history that he had to hurry back to prepare. He only lied that it was because he was a little nervous in his first class and was too tired to have an early rest.

After talking with Shen Wenzhi, he hangs up. Xu Ling vaguely hears what seems to be preparing there.

Xu Ling put on her clothes, left her room and went to the restaurant floor of the hotel. She ordered something to eat.

I can't help it. He didn't eat last night. He was really hungry. If he was waiting to have lunch with Shen Wenzhi, he might be embarrassed.

After dinner, he was not idle. He took out the notes he had prepared yesterday and reviewed them.

That kind of feeling, very much like school to prepare for the examination of students in the final review in general.

No way, although Xiaoya can tell you the search content, there is no way to help you write down the knowledge directly.

The memory of this thing still depends on Xu Ling himself.

Remembering that she still has some reputation value, Xu Ling thinks whether she can take a chance to see if she can get some medicine to help her quickly remember.

This kind of idea may be a bit fanciful in the eyes of ordinary people, but here in Xuling, because of the existence of Xiaoya, it is completely possible.

Just after the snack, Xu Ling's phone rings again. Shen Wenzhi informs him that there is already a car waiting for him outside.

After taking notes and dressing, Xu Ling walked out of the hotel.

The car was the one that brought him here yesterday. Xu Ling didn't hesitate. He waved to the driver, opened the door and went in.

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